Student Handbook - Sweet Briar College

Student Handbook - Sweet Briar College

Student Handbook - Sweet Briar College


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appropriate, the <strong>Student</strong> Investigator, the Advocate and the Facultymember or student accuser(s) involved.The Mediation is not a Trial. No witnesses are called and the process isnot adversarial. Rather, it is an opportunity for the situation to bediscussed and an understanding reached. The student in question has theright to be supported at the Mediation by an Advocate. A record of theMediation will be kept, and will be admissible if the matter is referred toa Trial.The student can admit to a violation and accept the sanction determinedin a Mediation. The student also has the right to reject the determination,or forgo altogether a Mediation and request a Trial. The Judicial Chairand the Dean also have the right to proceed directly to a Trial if in thediscretion of either person the issue warrants it, or to call anotherMediation if it would potentially resolve the issue. If the violation isserious and there exists the potential for suspension, expulsion, ordismissal from the <strong>College</strong>, a Trial is required, unless the student waivesthat right and accepts the sanction. Please note that sanctioning andappeal information for Academic Mediations may be found in ArticlesII.C.3.e. and II.C.4 of the Academic Judicial Process.C. Trial of the Judicial CommitteeThe student in question is notified of the Trial of the Judicial Committeeof the <strong>Student</strong> Government Association. The written notification must benot less than 48 hours in advance, indicating the time and place of theTrial, the violation(s), a list of potential witnesses who may be called, theTrial procedure, and may include possible sanctions. Also the accusedstudent has access to all copies of any written statements available aftersubmission of a written statement from the respective Chair or Secretary.If the violation occurs during the exam period, the notification can be notless than 24 hours in advance. It will be at the discretion of the chair todetermine when the Trial will take place. The student may select or beassigned an Advocate to aid in the preparation for the Trial.1. The Jury for an Academic Conduct violation Trial will be fourstudents and four faculty members. Faculty jurors are the twomembers annually elected to the Judicial Committee by the Faculty;the other two for Academic Conduct trials are to be selected by theDean of the Faculty. The faculty juror(s) may be excused by theChair or Dean to avoid a conflict of interest. Replacements will beappointed by the Dean.2. The student in question can choose one of two methods for selectingstudent jurors for her trial: jurors can be drawn randomly from a)the student body, or b) the Judicial and Executive Committees of the________________________________________________________________53

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