© Biospeologica Bibliographia - Publications 2010-2

© Biospeologica Bibliographia - Publications 2010-2

© Biospeologica Bibliographia - Publications 2010-2


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<strong>©</strong> <strong>Biospeologica</strong> <strong>Bibliographia</strong><br />

<strong>Publications</strong> <strong>2010</strong>-1<br />

Page 41 sur 116<br />

Ovigerous females were recorded year-round at the main spring and in<br />

the upper course, but were more numerous during spring (March, April,<br />

May) and autumn (October) months. The sex-ratio (males vs. females)<br />

was in favour of males almost throughout the all study year. Mean<br />

number of eggs was 30 for 100 analysed females, but one female carried<br />

a maximum of 111 eggs. There was no correlation between fecundity and<br />

female body size (total body length). A better insight into the life history<br />

strategy of N. dalmatinus will help to interpret the distribution patterns,<br />

population structures, and the coexistence with other crustacean species.<br />

http://www.icsb<strong>2010</strong>.net/<br />

GOURMAND (A.-L.), <strong>2010</strong>. Les Chiroptères. Plan régional<br />

d'actions 2009-2013. Région Centre. Sologne Nature<br />

Environnement, Juin 2009, document validé par le Conseil<br />

Scientifique Régional du Patrimoine Naturel de Région<br />

Centre, réuni en séance plénière du 30 Mars <strong>2010</strong>, à<br />

Orléans La Source, 67 p.<br />

GRÀCIA (F.), CLAMOR (B.), GAMUNDÍ (P.) &<br />

FORNÓS (J. J.), <strong>2010</strong>. El sistema de cavitats Gleda -<br />

Camp des Pou (Manacor, Mallorca). Endins 34:35-68. RES:<br />

La connexió entre la cova de sa Gleda i l'avenc des Camp de Pou ha<br />

permés afegir un nou sistema al llevant de Mallorca, el sistema Gleda-<br />

Camp des Pou, de 13500 m de recorregut, que situa aquesta cavitat litoral<br />

com la de major recorregut subaquàtic d’Europa dins d'aquesta situació i<br />

espeleogènesi. Es comenten les principals fites de l'exploració del sistema<br />

i els aspectes tècnics per poder realitzar les tasques exploratòries a la<br />

cavitat. Es fa la descripció tant dels nous sectors descoberts com de les<br />

contribucions novedoses dels sectors ja coneguts. L'estudi de l'estructura<br />

de la cavitat, amb la superposició de la topografia a la superfície del<br />

terreny, les sales d'esfondrament i els condicionants litològics ajuden a<br />

comprendre millor la gènesi i evolució de la cavitat. Un aspecte a<br />

destacar és el contrast entre els sectors més occidentals, profusament<br />

decorats per espeleotemes, amb els sectors orientals a on són gairebé<br />

absents. Se citen un total de 12 espècies de crustacis a les aigües<br />

subterrànies de la cavitat, capturades especialment a les proximitats de la<br />

boca, ja que bona part del sistema presenta densitats poblacionals molt<br />

baixes per tractar-se d'un hàbitat molt oligotròfic. ABS: The connection<br />

established between Cova de sa Gleda and Avenc des Camp des Pou has<br />

allowed to add a new extensive cave system to the great speleological<br />

potential of eastern Mallorca coastal karst area: with a development of<br />

13500 m, this system is the longest underwater littoral cave known up to<br />

now in Europe. The main benchmarks in its exploration are exposed, as<br />

well as the technical aspects of the diving tasks developed in the cave.<br />

The description of the recently discovered extensions is presented in this<br />

paper together with new observations on the previously known sectors of<br />

the system. The study of the cave pattern -using the superimposition of<br />

the survey on the map of the area- and the disposition of collapse<br />

chambers linked to clear lithological conditionings, contribute to a better<br />

understanding of its genesis and evolution. An aspect that must be<br />

highlighted is the sharp contrast existing between the western sectors,<br />

very well-decorated with speleothems, and the eastern ones where the<br />

speleothems are almost practically absent. A total of 12 crustacean<br />

species have been cited in the cave waters, collected especially near the<br />

cave entrance because the population densities are very low due to the<br />

oligotrophic character of this habitat.<br />


(M.), FORNÓS (J. J.), FEBRER (M.) & POCOVÍ (J.),<br />

<strong>2010</strong>. Noves aportacions a l'estudi de les cavitats de Cala<br />

Falcó - Cala Varques (Manacor, Mallorca). Endins 34:141-<br />

154.<br />

GRETIA, <strong>2010</strong>. Inventaire des invertébrés continentaux des<br />

estrans rocheux et sableux de Basse-Normandie. Rapport<br />

pour la Région Basse-Normandie, l'Agence de l'eau Seine-<br />

Normandie, la DREAL de Basse-Normandie, le Conseil<br />

général de la Manche et le Syndicat mixte Calvados<br />

Littoral Espaces Naturels. 136 p.<br />



(S. I.), SELESI (D.), STEUBE (C.), FUCHS (A.) &<br />

HAHN (H. J.), <strong>2010</strong>. Ecological assessment of<br />

groundwater ecosystems - Vision or illusion? Ecological<br />

Engineering 36(9, September):1174-1190, Special issue on<br />

Bernard LEBRETON & Jean-Pierre BESSON<br />

Créé le : 01.01.<strong>2010</strong><br />

Modifié le : 30.06.<strong>2010</strong><br />

interaction among groundwater, surface water and<br />

ecosystems: A key issue for integrated water management.<br />

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.<strong>2010</strong>.01.010.<br />

ABS: Environmental policy and in particular the European water<br />

legislation, in the framework of the EU Groundwater Directive, has<br />

started to consider groundwater not only as a resource but as a living<br />

ecosystem. A precondition for comprehensive groundwater protection is<br />

thus the assessment of the biological and ecological state. The assessment<br />

of ecosystems requires consideration of ecological criteria, which so far<br />

are not available for groundwater systems. In the framework of a national<br />

project, the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) supports a<br />

consortium of scientists and stakeholders from water boards and regional<br />

environmental authorities to develop a first concept for an ecological<br />

assessment scheme for groundwater ecosystems. The attempts towards an<br />

integrative concept include the following steps: (i) selection of<br />

appropriate biological and ecological parameters, (ii) typology of<br />

groundwater ecosystems, (iii) derivation of a reference status (Leitbild)<br />

and natural background values for biological variables, (iv) identification<br />

of potential bioindicators and definition of threshold values, and (v)<br />

development of an assessment model. These proposed steps are discussed<br />

on the basis of a data set from two groundwater landscapes in Southern<br />

Germany. Investigations considered three different spatial units, i. e. the<br />

habitat unit at the local scale, and the aquifer type unit as well as the<br />

landscape unit at the regional scale. Fauna as well as bacterial<br />

communities could provide valuable ecological information on the<br />

ecosystems status. The paper reviews "state of the art" knowledge and<br />

evaluates the near future perspectives for the development and<br />

implementation of groundwater ecosystems assessment programmes.<br />

KW: Aquifers, Bioindicators, Ecological assessment, Groundwater<br />

ecosystems, Biomonitoring, Stygofauna.<br />


PETROSKY (T.), NORTHUP (D. E.) & LYLES (M.),<br />

<strong>2010</strong>. Observations on the use of membrane filtration and<br />

liquid impingement to collect airborne microorganisms in<br />

various atmospheric environments. Aerobiologia ? DOI:<br />

http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10453-010-9173-z. ABS: The<br />

influence of sample-collection-time on the recovery of culturable airborne<br />

microorganisms using a low-flow-rate membrane-filtration unit and a<br />

high-flow-rate liquid impinger were investigated. Differences in<br />

recoveries were investigated in four different atmospheric environments,<br />

one mid-oceanic at an altitude of ~10.0 m, one on a mountain top at an<br />

altitude of ~3,000.0 m, one at ~1.0 m altitude in Tallahassee, Florida, and<br />

one at ~1.0 m above ground in a subterranean-cave. Regarding use of<br />

membrane filtration, a common trend was observed: the shorter the<br />

collection period, the higher the recovery of culturable bacteria and fungi.<br />

These data also demonstrated that lower culturable counts were common<br />

in the more remote mid-oceanic and mountain-top atmospheric<br />

environments with bacteria, fungi, and total numbers averaging (by<br />

sample time or method categories)

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