Gryphon 1962 - Adm.monash.edu.au

Gryphon 1962 - Adm.monash.edu.au

Gryphon 1962 - Adm.monash.edu.au


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ATHLETICSHack row: Barry M un roe, John Bush, Graeme Addi son (Ca p tai n) Rob in And rewMiddle I"OW : Robin Brett, Leonie Go d ridge , John Jvlurra y. · .Front row : Da vid Ritterman , Graeme Car nJn . Ru ssel N icholsou, Murrav Adam s. Daryl Ad ams, Ga ry Moffa t. Alan Wa ugh .ATHLETICSThis year we were host school fo r th e In ter­Technical School Athletic Sports at Olympic Parkduring Ap ril. After a di scouraging Inter-FacultyAthletic meeting, C<strong>au</strong>lfield entered what wasthough t to be a very med iocre team fo r t hc laterTechnical School Sports. This sta te men t was soonto be disproved before th e conclusion of theAthletic meeting.C<strong>au</strong>lfield cre a ted five o f th e nine new recordsmade a t th e Sports, th is being a great effort On I hepart of tho ~e co ncern ed . We had remarkable per­Iormances in th e field events; records go ing toAlan W<strong>au</strong>gh with a 144 ft. 3 in . th row in theopen di scu s (senior d iscus) beating the previousrecord b y nearly 40 ft. H e was ably assiste d byJohn Murray, who threw a record 142 ft. 7 in . inthe Unde r 19 di scu s throw, together with RobinAndrew in the U nd er 17 shot putt with a recordth row o f .~ O ft. I in. (8 lb.). Other winners in thefield even ts were John Murray in th e Under 19weight putt (12 lb .) (40 fL 8 in s.), G rac me WatsonUnde r 17 high jump (5 ft. 4 in s.).Om Under 19 team was brtlliant. being headedby Daryl Adams, who broke the existing 220 yd .Under 19 record with a r u n of 23.6 seconds, and.together with John Bush, Ga ry Moffatt and Ba rryMunroe, formed the rccord-breaking 4 x 110 yds.rel a y team. their time bei ng 46.2 seconds . Da rylAdams al so won th e Und er 19 100 yds . (11.0 secs.),and the Under 19 long jump (22 fl. 6 ins.).The outstanding individual performance wasturned in by Daryl Adams who, after winningthree even ts, was also a member of the winnin...relay team. He was closely followed by John Mur~ray , who won two events.Despite those brilliant performances, and theable assistance given by all other competitors,Geelong managed to sn a tch the lead in the secondlastevent. a nd hold it after it had see -saw ed allday between Geelong and C<strong>au</strong>lfield.The Women's events were not so keenly contested,and tltey also resulted in a win for Ceelong,our girls tying w.ith Footscray for second place.T he final scores: Men-Geelong 85 . C<strong>au</strong>lfield71, Melbourne .65, Rallarat 36, Footscrav 35, Swinhurne26, Bendigo 24, Preston 18.Wom en -Geel on g 17, C<strong>au</strong>lfield 9, foot scray Y.Melbourne G.On behalf of t h e Athleti c team I wish to con ­gra tu la te both o f the G celong teams on th eirsp len did p erforman ces which ena b led them to winth e shi eld.I wish to ex te nd our si ncere thanks to ourrecorder , M rs. Newcombe; an nOUIKP r, Mr. Halpin:sta r ter , Mr. Chris tia nse n . and all o the r member,of sta ff from C<strong>au</strong>lfield and associa ted technicalschools wh o act ed as officia ls. etc., throughout thespo rts. Witham their help a nd th at o f the st uden tspreselll th ese sp orts would not h ave been th eoutstanding success th ey were.A specia l m ention sho u ld be made of th e vasta~ount of time a nd effort contributed by Mr.Gowty to make the su ccess o f our own athleticsp orts togeth er with the Inter-Technical Sch oolSports.G. CARROLL.SWIMMINGIs it bec <strong>au</strong>se the thrill of representing ourcollege in swimming has gonc that we a llo w oursclv ~s ~o ?e su bjt;ctc d to r idicule by our opponents.or IS 11 Ju st Iazincss on the part of us students?When we come to think it ou t, hav e we the rightto undo all ~he good . t h ~ t has be en done by ourpredecesso rs 111 establishing a C<strong>au</strong>tec SwimmingSq uad? In 1957, C<strong>au</strong>tec were runners-up La the"S hield "; the following year, through shee r deter.ruination and great "esp rit d e corp s" C<strong>au</strong>lfieldra n o ut victoriously. From th en on .. . Weill Whathappen ed. Ca u lfiel d?.This may soun~ d istressing to those patriots whodid represent their college and did do their levelbest to uph.old th.e School's Name in our swimmingworld. I t IS ObVIOUS, I hope, that th e criticism isnot directed toward them. but to the big majorityof the uninterested.. I feel su re that the abs ence of spectators at a veryimportant event such as this has a detrimentaleffect on the morale of the swimmers, and I wouldlike to see the " ban" lifted. How about it , Mr.Lambert?

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