SDR Single Duct VAV Terminals (FORM 130.13-EG1) - Enviro-Tec

SDR Single Duct VAV Terminals (FORM 130.13-EG1) - Enviro-Tec

SDR Single Duct VAV Terminals (FORM 130.13-EG1) - Enviro-Tec


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<strong>Single</strong>-<strong>Duct</strong>, <strong>VAV</strong> <strong>Terminals</strong> CATALOG: ET<strong>130.13</strong>-<strong>EG1</strong> (1212)MODEL <strong>SDR</strong>-WC - SIZE 14AIRFLOWWATER FLOWLAT (°F) LWT (°F) CAPACITY (MBH)Water PD (FT.W.G.)Rate (CFM) Air PD (IN.W.G.) Rate (GPM)1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row0.5 0.5 0.1 80.2 87.0 102.4 81.8 19.1 24.27001 Row 0.03 1.0 1.7 0.5 88.6 102.1 128.1 107.4 25.5 35.72 Row 0.06 2.0 6.0 1.7 94.9 114.8 149.0 133.7 30.3 45.44.0 21.0 6.0 99.1 123.3 162.9 153.5 33.4 51.80.5 0.5 0.1 75.9 81.0 97.3 77.5 20.4 25.39001 Row 0.04 1.0 1.7 0.5 83.7 94.7 123.1 101.4 27.9 38.72 Row 0.09 2.0 6.0 1.7 89.9 107.2 145.2 128.1 34.0 50.94.0 21.1 6.0 94.0 116.1 160.5 149.5 38.0 59.60.5 0.5 0.1 72.9 76.9 93.5 74.6 21.3 26.011001 Row 0.06 1.0 1.7 0.5 80.1 89.3 119.1 97.0 29.9 40.92 Row 0.13 2.0 6.1 1.7 86.1 101.4 142.1 123.6 37.0 55.34.0 21.1 6.0 90.2 110.5 158.5 146.2 41.9 66.10.5 0.5 0.1 70.6 73.9 90.6 72.5 22.0 26.613001 Row 0.08 1.0 1.8 0.5 77.4 85.3 115.8 93.6 31.5 42.62 Row 0.17 2.0 6.1 1.7 83.1 96.9 139.5 120.0 39.6 58.94.0 21.1 6.0 87.2 105.9 156.8 143.4 45.3 71.70.5 0.5 0.1 68.9 71.6 88.3 70.9 22.6 27.015001 Row 0.11 1.0 1.8 0.5 75.2 82.1 113.1 90.8 32.9 44.02 Row 0.22 2.0 6.1 1.8 80.8 93.2 137.2 116.9 41.9 62.04.0 21.2 6.1 84.7 102.1 155.2 140.9 48.3 76.50.5 0.5 0.1 67.5 69.8 86.3 69.6 23.1 27.317001 Row 0.14 1.0 1.8 0.5 73.5 79.5 110.8 88.6 34.0 45.12 Row 0.27 2.0 6.1 1.8 78.8 90.1 135.2 114.3 43.9 64.64.0 21.2 6.1 82.7 98.9 153.9 138.7 51.0 80.80.5 0.5 0.1 66.4 68.4 84.7 68.6 23.5 27.519001 Row 0.17 1.0 1.8 0.5 72.0 77.4 108.8 86.7 35.0 46.02 Row 0.33 2.0 6.1 1.8 77.2 87.5 133.4 112.0 45.6 66.94.0 21.2 6.1 81.0 96.1 152.6 136.8 53.5 84.70.5 0.5 0.1 65.5 67.2 83.3 67.8 23.9 27.821001 Row 0.20 1.0 1.8 0.5 70.8 75.6 107.0 85.1 35.9 46.82 Row 0.40 2.0 6.1 1.8 75.8 85.3 131.8 110.0 47.2 68.84.0 21.2 6.1 79.5 93.7 151.5 135.0 55.7 88.1Rate (CFM)16001800200022002400260028003000MODEL <strong>SDR</strong>-WC - SIZE 16AIRFLOWWATER FLOWLAT (°F) LWT (°F) CAPACITY (MBH)Rate (GPM) Water PD (FT.W.G.)Air PD (IN.W.G.)1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row0.5 0.6 0.1 68.9 71.2 82.5 66.6 24.1 28.11 Row 0.09 1.0 1.9 0.6 75.6 82.1 107.4 85.0 35.7 46.92 Row 0.18 2.0 6.6 1.9 81.7 94.0 132.8 111.3 46.3 67.54.0 22.9 6.6 86.1 103.7 152.4 136.9 53.9 84.40.5 0.6 0.1 67.6 69.5 80.7 65.5 24.5 28.31 Row 0.11 1.0 1.9 0.6 73.9 79.6 105.1 82.9 36.9 47.92 Row 0.22 2.0 6.6 1.9 79.8 91.0 130.7 108.7 48.3 70.14.0 22.9 6.6 84.1 100.6 150.9 134.6 56.8 88.90.5 0.6 0.1 66.5 68.2 79.2 64.7 24.9 28.51 Row 0.13 1.0 1.9 0.6 72.5 77.5 103.1 81.2 37.9 48.82 Row 0.26 2.0 6.6 1.9 78.1 88.4 128.8 106.4 50.1 72.44.0 23.0 6.6 82.4 97.9 149.6 132.6 59.4 92.90.5 0.6 0.1 65.6 67.0 78.0 64.0 25.2 28.71 Row 0.16 1.0 1.9 0.6 71.3 75.8 101.3 79.7 38.7 49.52 Row 0.31 2.0 6.6 1.9 76.7 86.2 127.2 104.4 51.8 74.44.0 23.0 6.6 80.9 95.5 148.4 130.7 61.8 96.60.5 0.6 0.1 64.8 66.1 76.8 63.4 25.5 28.81 Row 0.18 1.0 1.9 0.6 70.2 74.3 99.7 78.4 39.5 50.22 Row 0.37 2.0 6.6 1.9 75.5 84.3 125.6 102.6 53.3 76.24.0 23.0 6.6 79.6 93.4 147.3 129.1 64.0 99.90.5 0.6 0.1 64.1 65.3 75.9 62.9 25.7 29.01 Row 0.21 1.0 1.9 0.6 69.3 73.0 98.3 77.3 40.2 50.72 Row 0.42 2.0 6.6 1.9 74.4 82.6 124.2 101.0 54.7 77.84.0 23.0 6.6 78.4 91.5 146.2 127.5 66.0 102.90.5 0.6 0.1 63.6 64.6 75.0 62.5 25.9 29.11 Row 0.24 1.0 1.9 0.6 68.5 71.9 97.0 76.3 40.9 51.22 Row 0.48 2.0 6.7 1.9 73.5 81.1 123.0 99.6 56.0 79.24.0 23.0 6.6 77.4 89.9 145.2 126.1 67.9 105.70.5 0.6 0.1 63.0 64.0 74.2 62.1 26.1 29.21 Row 0.27 1.0 1.9 0.6 67.8 70.9 95.9 75.4 41.4 51.72 Row 0.55 2.0 6.7 1.9 72.6 79.8 121.8 98.3 57.1 80.54.0 23.1 6.6 76.5 88.3 144.3 124.8 69.7 108.3Data is based on 180°F entering water and 55°F entering air at sea level. See selection procedure for other conditions.ENVIRO-TEC 23

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