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ZATLOUKALOVÁ, A. – LOŠÁK, T. – HLUŠEK, J. – PAVLOUŠEK, P. – SEDLÁČEK, M. – FILIPČÍK, R. The effect of soiland foliar applications of magnesium fertilisers on yields and quality of vine (Vitis vinifera, L.) grapes. ActaUniversitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis. 2011. sv. LIX, č. 3, s. 221–226. ISSN1211-8516.A one-year field trial was established with the vine variety Ryzlink vlašský (Riesling italico) to evaluate the effect ofspring soil applications and 5x repeated foliar application of magnesium fertilisers on yields and quality of grapes.On light soil of the experimental locality Žabčice (ca 25 km south of Brno) visual symptoms of Mg deficiencyon vine leaves had been monitored in the past. The experiment involved 4 treatments: 1) unfertilised control; 2)spring soil application of Kieserite – 20 kg Mg.ha-1; 3) 5x foliar application of a 5% solution of Epso Combitop –Mg, S, Mn, Zn; 4) 5x foliar applications of a 5% solution of Epso Top – Mg, S. No significant differences amongthe treatments were detected in the contents of K (1.40-1.67 %) and Ca (1.63-1.91 %) in leaves sampled after theapplications. After foliar application the contents of Mg and S significantly increased in treatments 3-4 to 0.42-0.49% and 0.34-0.40 %, respectively compared to treatments 1-2 (0.29-0.30 % and 0.22 %, respectively). The contentof Zn (173-380 mg.kg-1) and Mn (90-551 mg.kg-1) increased significantly in treatment 3 compared to the othertreatments. The chlorophyll index did not differ among the treatments. Grape yields (t.ha-1) in treatments 1-4 werethe following: 7.04-8.16-7.51-7.26 t.ha-1, respectively. Only the soil-applied treatment 2 differed significantly fromthe other treatments. The content of sugar (16.5-17.9 °NM), titratable acids (12.78-13.25 g.l-1) and the pH of must(3.02-3.11) did not differ among the treatments.WINKLER, J. – ZIMOLKA, J. Ovlivní sněhová pokrývka a mráz zaplevelení?. Úroda. 2011. sv. LIX, č. 2, s. 64–65.ISSN 0139-6013.VyTeplejší zima patrně podporuje v jarním ječmenu především výskyt druhů Galium aparine a Viola arvensis. Vyššípočet dní s mrazem zvyšuje výskyt Stellaria media a Amaranthus sp. Vyšší srážky přispívají k podpoře výskytuChenopodium album a Cirsium arvense. U jednoletých druhů se pravděpodobně jedná o zkrácení doby dormance,uplatnění specifických podmínek počasí a tím jejich následné vyklíčení v jarním období. U vytrvalého druhu Cirsiumarvense dostatek srážek umožňuje lepší přezimování a jeho rychlou regeneraci v jarním období.HOUŠŤ, M. – PROCHÁZKOVÁ, B. – HLEDÍK, P. Effect of different tillage intensity on yields of winter wheat. [CD-ROM]. In Proceedings of 6th Iternational Conference of ISTRO Branch – Czech Republic ”Crop ManagementPractices Adaptable to Soil Conditions and Climate Change”. s. 146–149. ISBN 978-80-86908-27-4.Effect of different tillage intensity on yields of winter wheatEffect of different tillage intensity on yields of winterwheatEffect of different tillage intensity on yields of winter wheatLOŠÁK, T. – ZATLOUKALOVÁ, A. – SZOSTKOVÁ, M. – HLUŠEK, J. – FRYČ, J. – VÍTĚZ, T. Comparison of theeffectiveness of digestate and mineral fertilisers on yields and quality of kohlrabi (Brassica oleracea, L.).Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis. 2011. sv. LIX, č. 3, s. 117–122.ISSN 1211-8516.In a one-year vegetation pot experiment we compared the effect of the digestate from a biogas station and mineralfertilisers on yield and quality parameters of kohlrabi, variety Seguza. Four treatments were used in the trial: 1)untreated control, 2) urea, 3) digestate, 4) urea, triple super phosphate, KCl, MgSO4. The rate of N was the same intreatments 2–4, 1.5 g N/pot. In treatment 4 the rate of P, K and Mg corresponded with the rate of these nutrientsin the digestate treatment (3). The weight of single bulbs of the control unfertilised treatment were significantlythe lowest (22.9%), as well as the nitrate (6.0%) and ascorbic acid content (66.2%) compared to the urea treatment(100%) and the other fertilised treatments. After the application of the digestate (treatment 3) and mineral fertilisers(treatment 4) the weight of single bulbs significantly increased by 27.9 and 29.2%, respectively, compared to theurea treatment (2). The content of ascorbic acid in the fertilised treatments did not differ (772–789 mg/kg) but itincreased significantly compared to the unfertilised treatment (511 mg/kg). There were no significant differencesbetween the two treatments fertilised with mineral fertilisers in the bulb nitrate content (678 and 641 mg NO3-/kgfresh matter, respectively). After digestate application their contents decreased significantly to 228 mg NO3-/kgfresh matter. Digestate treatment resulted in comparable or better yield and qualitative parameters compared totreatment with mineral fertilisers.LANG, Š. – KOPP, R. – MAREŠ, J. Vliv použité technologie chovu a hydrochemických parametrů vody na obsahiontů v krvi pstruha duhového (Oncorhynchus mykiss). [CD-ROM]. In MendelNet 2011 – Proceedings ofInternational Ph.D. Students Conference. s. 744–782. ISBN 978-80-7375-563-8.56

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