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TŮMA, I. – FIALA, K. – ZÁHORA, J. – HOLUB, P. The role of Athyrium distentifolium in reduction of soil acidificationand base cation losses due to acid deposition in a deforested mountain area. Plant and Soil. 2011.sv. 350, č. 11, s. 1–14. ISSN 0032-079X.The reduced losses of base cations were due to the ability of Athyrium to absorb and accumulate nutrients in largeamounts in living biomass and in dead undecomposed plant matter and particularly in below-ground biomass.KNOTOVÁ, D. – LOŠÁK, M. – STRAKOVÁ, M. – PELIKÁN, J. – RAAB, S. – LOŠÁK, T. Vliv pomocných půdních látekna produkci jetelotravních směsí. Úroda. 2011. sv. LIX, č. 10, s. 262–267. ISSN 0139-6013.Při řešení projektu „Modelový projekt biologické degradace půd v podmínkách aridního klimatu“ byly na jaře v roce2008 na vytipovanou pokusnou plochu u Hodonína do půdy zapraveny pomocné půdní látky pro zlepšení biologických,chemických a fyzikálních vlastností půdy. Pro účel projektu byly sestaveny a poté vysety tři typy jetelotravníchsměsí: regionální, krajinná, jednoletá a jako kontrolní varianta zůstala obsetá plocha bez aplikovaných pomocnýchpůdních látek. V roce založení a v následujících třech letech byly z přesně vymezené plochy o velikosti 0,05 m2 vetřech opakováních odebrány vzorky biomasy ze všech variant pokusu ke zjištění výnosů zelené hmoty a sena. Vlivpomocných půdních látek se na zvýšení výnosů prakticky neprojevil.BENNEWITZ, E. V. – FREDES, C. – LOŠÁK, T. – MARTÍNEZ, C. – HLUŠEK, J. Effects on fruit production and qualityof different dormant pruning intensities in ’Bing’/’Gisela6’ sweet cherries (Prunus avium) in Central Chile.Ciencia e Investigacion Agraria. 2011. sv. 38, č. 3, s. 339–344. ISSN 0304-5609.Fruit size is a very important quality in cherry trees. Appropriate canopy and crop load management are, therefore,required to obtain an adequate balance between the yield and fruit size. A study was carried out during the 2007-2008 season in the Maule Region of Chile to evaluate the effect of increasing levels of dormant pruning (Control,no removal; Soft pruning, 15% removal; Moderate pruning, 30% removal and Intense pruning, removal of 50% ofthe fruiting wood) on the fruit yield, quality (size, fruit weight, soluble solids and fruit firmness) and crop valueof sweet cherries (Prunus avium L.) cv. ‘Bing’ on the dwarfing rootstock, ‘Gisela 6’. Treatments at the 30 and 50%removal intensities had a strong effect on yield reduction (36.7% and 67% decreases, respectively). The fruit sizedistribution, firmness and soluble solids were positively affected by the removal treatments. The amount of fruitwith no fresh market quality (< 22 mm) was reduced by the pruning (15% of the fruit of the control representedthis category). Treatment at the 15% removal intensity had a strong effect in reducing the amount of small fruit tovery low levels (2% of the total fruit) and promoting the yield of premium fruit (diameter > 28 mm) (52% of the totalfruit) without affecting the total yield (kg fruit per tree). The crop value was improved in the cases of soft (212.7%)and moderate (140.4%) dormant pruning. Soft dormant pruning emerges as a practical approach for improvingthe yield, quality, fruit size distribution and crop value in this rootstock-variety combination, but long-term studiesshould be carried out to assess any carryover effects on the yield and, especially, the crop load balance.VRZALOVÁ, J. – KNOT, P. The effect of seed age and treatment by Proradix method on germinability and initialgrowth of selected meadow grass (Poa pratensis) varieties. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et SilviculturaeMendelianae Brunensis. 2011. sv. LIX, č. 5, s. 309–314. ISSN 1211-8516.The goal of the study conducted in 2008 and 2010 at the Research Forage Production Station in Vatín was toinvestigate the influence of seed age and seed treatment by Proradix method on the germination dynamics, totalgerminating capacity and initial growth rate of selected meadow grass varieties. The testing was carried out incontrolled conditions on the germinator. Our results indicate that the age of seed significantly affects both thegermination dynamics and the total germinating capacity. On day 7 after the establishment of the trial, a significantlyhigher germinating capacity was observed in the 4-year old seed (33.3%) as compared with the 2-year oldseed (17.4%). Nevertheless, from day 13, higher germination values were recorded in the younger seed and its totalachieved germinating capacity was significantly higher too (+7.2%). Interesting was a finding that the older seed ofmost varieties showed a more readily oncoming germination, which may play a quite important role in some casesnamely in meadow grass, which is known by slow initial growth. The older seed exhibited significantly lower valuesof both above-ground biomass and the biomass of roots. The Proradix method appeared as efficient in boostingthe total germinating capacity. It significantly increased germination rate as well as total germinating capacity. Atthe same time, a positive effect was observed of treatment by this method on the length of both shoot and rootparts; the difference was statistically insignificant though.ZEJDOVÁ, P. – FALTA, D. – VEČEŘA, M. – POLÁK, O. – STUDENÝ, S. – CHLÁDEK, G. Vliv rychlosti prouděnívzduchu na odpočinkové chování dojnic. [CD-ROM]. In MendelNet 2011 – Proceedings of InternationalPh.D. Students Conference. s. 318–322. ISBN 978-80-7375-563-8.64

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