Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online


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A dull pain in the right side in the region of the kidney extending up the back to the occiput.Cramps in the abdomen during stool with rumbling and the passing of much offensive flatus;these colicky pairs come on about ten A.M. and last from one to three hours. The usual desire formorning stool is absent; the stool is scanty, lumpy, and expelled with effort; the first part of the stool ishard and scratches the anus; it is followed by a soft stool; after stool he has the sensation that he has notfinished so he sits and strains until blood comes (Merc.).Itching and burning of the anus; it is scalding hot and raw as from a bite; burning of the glanspenis and there is a strong smelling discharge from the glans; the itching of the scrotum comes fromspots like bee stings; these spots are of the usual circumscribed character that swell and burn and itch;rubbing only aggravates the itching, stinging, burning.The majora has the same itching, burning that runs all through the remedy. The itching of thevulva is so intense that she feels as if she could tear it to pieces; this symptom returned at intervals foryears and was cured by Culex.Menses come too soon with a profuse dark clotted flow; violent pains in the uterus compellingher to go to bed.Hoarseness so that he could scarcely speak a word; usually there is great hoarseness in themorning.Deep sighing breathing with constant desire for a deep breath; the breath is foul and it seemedas if he could smell it himself.A distressing cough caused by burning in the chest; a whistling strangling choking cough withred face and water running from the eyes or it may be a dry hacking cough, present day and night; thecough is mostly in the morning with the feeling as if he would vomit; with the cough there is pain lowdown in the back; there is coughed up a small amount of yellowish white expectoration; sometimesthere is one constant racking cough lasting fifteen minutes ending in a long loud inspiration with blueface and protruding eyes followed by great languor and sweat. There is constant desire to sneeze andcough alternately with a discharge of quantities of mucus from the throat which does not relieve theinclination to cough.In the apex of the right lung there is soreness which is aggravated by deep breathing or raisingthe right arm, and occasional dull pain in the lower part of the right lung; a painful condition when youconsider the desire for deep breathing which is present with oppression and anxiety in the chest; othersymptoms give him much trouble; a sensation of fulness in the right lung, soreness on stooping, leaningforward, raising the right shoulder, and with it all the pains are dull, there are sudden cutting painsrunning up and down lasting a minute; there is rawness, a bruised feeling in the right chest;drawing,clawing pains in the right lung going to the left lung and staying there; these pains lasting several hourseach day; with these conditions you would expect soreness on stooping, leaning forward or raising theright shoulder.Culex Musca has very few heart symptoms which is fortunate considering the many lungsymptoms; there are occasional cutting pains that are neither severe nor long lasting; there are pains inthe right pectoral muscles and the right side of the neck is swollen.The hands and fingers are hot and burning, as if frozen, with severe pain; the burning of thepalms and on the thumb is as if the hand had been rubbed against nettles; itching, burning, as if he musttear the flesh for relief while the back of the hands felt cold and benumbed.Rose red, colored, burning eruption on the arm aggravated by heat; and the arms and hands arenumb and prickling; there is the everlasting itching that is present through this remedy; the eruptionwith its colourful fluid, burning after scratching and with it the desire to tear the skin off. There iscoldness of the right hand while the left hand is warm.The lower limbs feel heavy with an uneasy restlessness that is made better by the open air; hisfeet are tired all day long yet he must drag himself into the open air for relief; he wishes that he knewsome place where he could put his poor, tired, heavy limbs that would give him rest. On the thigh thereis the blotch the size of a twenty-five cent piece, with the legs from the knee down; there is no positionthat will make the pain less so he must get up out of his chair and take a walk in the open air; there islittle comfort to his feet while walking as the soles are tender and there is intense itching on the tops ofthe feet.Of course his sleep is restless with much tossing about in sleep; the heat of the bed causes himto waken frequently, he must rise early in the morning to move around for relief; he is unrefreshed bysleep which has been restless, and full of dreams of quarrels, fights, and of the dead.There are hot flushes as if a chill would follow, followed by warm perspiration which is strongsmelling and sticky, this stickiness is also noticed in the saliva.

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