Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online


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and be forced back to the left side. Muriatic acid made a complete cure of this liver trouble, which hadbeen pronounced serious.The headache is aggravated moving the eyes and rising up in bed, ameliorated by walking aboutslowly. Occipital headache with dim vision, aggravated by effort to see. Heaviness in occiput.Numbness in forehead. Soreness in occiput. Feeling as if hair were standing on end. Heat in topof head.Perpendicular half sight. The eye symptoms ameliorated in the dark. Stitching pain. Burning,extending left to right eye, ameliorated washing. Itching in the eyes.Hardness of hearing; loud cracking sounds during the night.The sound of voices unbearable. Buzzing in the ears.The nose is stopped. in whooping cough, in zymotic fevers, in diphtheria andscarlet fever. Dark putrid blood from nose. . Margin of lips dry, sore and cracked. Burninglips.Mouth and tongue coated white.Sordes on the teeth. Gums swollen and bleeding. Teeth become Loose. Tongue dry, heavy,. Mouth dry.Ulceration of mouth and tongue. Red tongue. Blueness of the tongue. Mucous membrane of lipsdenuded. Sore mouth of nursing infants. Mouth studded with ulcers. Deep ulcers with black base.Violent inflammation of the throat. Dryness of the throat.Dark red throat with ulcers. Grayish white exudations. White exudations resembling diphtheria.Gangrenous sore throat. Hawks out foetid mucus. Diphtheria with extreme prostration.Great thirst. Thirst during chill and thirstless during the fever. Aversion to meat. Cravesstimulants. Eructation bitter and putrid. Spasmodic action of Esophagus. Vomiting sour. Involuntaryswallowing. Emptiness in stomach, not ameliorated by eating.Empty sensation in stomach and abdomen without desire for food.Emptiness in stomach from 10 till evening. Emptiness in abdomen in the morning afterthe usual normal stool. Indigestion; faintness; constipation, confusion; sleepiness after eating.Pressing in the liver. Soreness, and enlarged liver. Fullness and rumbling in abdomen.Watery stools, involuntary while urinating. Stools pass unnoticed. Dark brown stools, . Much flatus with stools. Urging aggravated by motion. Dysentery, putrid blood and slime.Hemorrhage from intestines of dark liquid blood. Prolapsus ani while urinating. Urging to stool whileurinating. Marked relaxation and itching of anus.Large, dark, purple hemorrhoids, extremely . Inflammation of the piletumors, hot and pulsating; must lie with limbs wide apart. . Burning and cuttingduring stool. Burning after stool, ameliorated by warm applications, aggravated from bathing with coolwater.Excoriation of anus. Fissures.The urine flows in a feeble stream. Must wait a long time for urine to start; must press so thatanus protrudes. This is in keeping with the general paralytic muscular weakness in the body.Involuntary flow of urine and stool in low fevers. Burning and cutting in the urethra whileurinating, tenesmus follows.Impotency; desire weak. Bloody, watery discharge from the urethra. Scrotum bluish. Itching ofthe scrotum not ameliorated by scratching. Margin of prepuce sore.Pressing in genitals as if menses would appear. Menses too early and profuse. Ulcers ongenitalia with putrid discharges.Cannot bear least touch, not even of sheet on genitals. with backache. Puerperal fever with extreme prostration, dropped jaw, slidingdown in bed, suppressed lochia.Stool and urine putrid and involuntary.Short breath with rattling after drinking. Breathing seems to come from stomach. Oppression ofchest.Pulse slow and weak, intermits every third beat.Pressing pain in back. Pressing, drawing, tired feeling in small of back. Burning in spine.Heaviness of arms. Numbness and coldness of fingers at night.Lower limbs dusky. Putrid ulcers on legs, with burning margins.Swelling of right tendo Achillis. Feet cold and blue. Burning of palms and soles. Swelling andburning of tips of toes. Tearing in limbs, ameliorated by motion. Pain in the limbs, during intermittentfever.

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