Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online


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The skin looks waxy, dropsical. There is great emaciation, the skin looking dry, withered,shrunken. An infant looks like a little old man. There is a down on the face that passes away whenimprovement sets in. Emaciation takes place from above downward.The collar-bones become prominent and the neck looks scrawny, but the hips and lower limbsremain plump and round. also has emaciation from above downward. The directions ofremedies will often enable us to distinguish one from another.The characteristic discharge from the mucous membranes is watery or thick whitish, like thewhite of an egg. There is a marked coryza with a watery discharge, but the constitutional state hasthick, white discharges. He hawks out a thick, white discharge in the morning. There are gluey oozingsfrom the eyes.From the ears flows a thick, white, gluey discharge. The leucorrhoea is white and thick. Withthe gonorrhea the discharge has existed a long time and become gleety. There is smarting in the urethraonly after urination.The headaches are awful; dreadful pains; bursting, compressing, as if in a vise; the head feels asif the skull would be crushed in. The pains are attended with hammering and throbbing. Pain like littlehammers in the head on beginning to move. Hammering pains in the head on waking in the morning.The pain comes on in the latter part of sleep. There is great nervousness during the first part of thenight; she falls asleep late and awakes with hammering in the head. There are also headaches beginningat 10 to 11 , lasting until 3 or evening. The headaches are periodical, every day, orthird day, or fourth day. Headaches of those living in malarial districts, > from sleep; the patient mustgo to bed and be perfectly quiet, > from sweating, headaches associated with intermittent fever.During the chill it seemed as though the head would burst; he is delirious and drinks largequantities of cold water. There is no relief to the head until after the sweat. Sometimes all thesymptoms are relieved by the sweat except the headache.In another form of headache; the greater the pain the more the sweat; sweating does not relieve;the forehead is cold, covered with a cold sweat. When the head is covered warmly he is > movingabout in the open air.Headache due to disturbance of vision where there is inability to focus rapidly enough.Headache < from noise.Headache involving the whole back of the head and even going down the spine in troublesfollowing the brain diseases, hydrocephalus.In spinal troubles, when there is great sensitiveness to pressure---an irritable spine. Thevertebrae are sensitive and there is a great deal of aching along the spine. Coughing aggravates the painin the spine, also walking makes it worse, but it is > from lying on something hard, or pressing the backup against something hard; they may sit with a pillow or the hand pressed against the back. Inmenstrual troubles you find the woman lying with some hard object under the spine.A general nervous trembling pervades the body. There is jerking of the muscles, trembling ofthe limbs, inability to keep the limbs still, as in .The stomach and liver are closely related. The stomach is distended with flatus. After eatingthere is a lump in the stomach. It seems to take a long time for food to digest. < from eating. Whitish,slimy mucus is vomited attended with relief.There is great thirst for cold water, sometimes there is relief from drinking, sometimes the thirstis unquenchable. We find fulness in the region of the liver with stitching, tearing pains.The bowels are distended with gas. There is slowing down of the action of the bowels, the stoolbeing very difficult, in hard, agglomerated lumps. There is slowing down of the action of the bladder.Must wait before the urine will start, and then it comes slowly---dribbles; there is not much force in theflow. After urination there is a sensation as if more urine remained in the bladder. , cannot pass it in a public place. There is also continued urging, he must pass theurine often.This remedy and were used by the homoeopaths to clear up chronic diarrhea, theold army diarrhea.Natr-mur. is useful in the complaints of women, in troublesome menstruation. There is a greatvariety of menstrual complaints: menses too scanty or too free, too late or too soon.We cannot individualize from the menstrual symptoms, we must do it from the constitutionalstate. Examine every possible function to be sure you have all the symptoms. Examine every organ, notby examining it physically, for results of diseases do not lead to the remedy, but examine thesymptoms.Observe the rapidity with which remedies affect the human system; there are some that are longacting, deep acting. Natr- mur. is one of these. It operates very slowly, bringing about its results after a

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