Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online


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Restlessness in the lower limbs with aching pain during the chill in intermittent fever. Hard painin the hips during the night.Pain in the hips and coccyx in the evening while sitting; strong desire to jump. Pains in the natesbeginning at 6 and lasting until evening. Pain in the thighs as if bandaged when walking;shooting pains in the thighs. He is moving the legs constantly; heaviness in the legs; bruised pains inthe legs; shooting pains in the right tendo-Achilles; he must walk the floor in the evening, like It is much like , going from chair to chair and from bed 10 bed, walking the floor.Sleeplessness before midnight is very marked.Itching, biting and creeping all over the body, marked in the limbs. Itching and burning. It hascured a dry itching eczema of the extremities and other parts of the skin after and Sulfur havefailed. It is a very deep acting, long acting remedy and a most useful remedy in skin affections.THERIDION CURASSAVICUM [ther] [Kent’s]Hysterical sensitivity with extreme aggravation from noise, motion and exertion marks thisremedy as unique. The pains are aggravated from noise, and motion, and the nerves are in such a stateof sensitivity that a painful thrill passes over the body in waves and nausea follows. Nausea from noiseis strikingly strange. It cures the most stubborn cases of spinal irritation, when the symptoms agree.Chronic catarrh of the nose. Necrosis of bone. Quick consumption. Emaciation. Enlargement of glands.Constant hunger and thirst. It was a remedy with the old masters for scrofulous conditions.Great lassitude. Complaints are ameliorated by warmth, and during rest. Fainting from least exertion.Chilliness, trembling and anxiety. So restless that she must keep busy, though she accomplishesnothing. The bones are sore.Sadness and mental depression. Hysterical conduct, hilarity.Aversion to work, and to his business. Joyousness and singing with headache.Vertigo on , from motion, from stooping, on board a vessel, , with nausea, vomiting, and cold sweat. Awakens at 11 with vertigo and slow pulse.Vertigo with dim vision and pain eyes. Vertigo and nausea from closing the eyes when kneelingin church. Vertigo like sea- sickness.The headache is most violent, aggravated on motion, aggravated talking, aggravated from warmdrinks, with nausea and vomiting.Sensitive to light and noise. Pain in forehead extending to occiput, aggravated from noise,motion, and cold air. Headache on beginning to move. Sensation as if vertex did not belong to her, asthough she could lift it off. Pain deep in eyes. Complaints from sunstroke. Pressing pain in temples.Pulsating pain over left eye and across forehead. Cannot lie down with the headache.Itching of scalp, and nape in evening.This remedy cures many nervous eye symptoms. Flickering, even when eyes are closed. Like aveil before the eyes. Double vision.Sensitive to light. Diplopia. Fluttering. Nausea, and cold hands.Pressing pain behind eyes. On closing eyes, nausea and vomiting.The hearing is very acute. Every least noise penetrates the whole body, especially the teeth,aggravates vertigo and causes nausea. Rushing noises in ears like a waterfall. Pressure about the ears.Fulness behind the ears.It has cured most obstinate catarrh of nose with offensive thick yellow or greenish yellowdischarges. Pressing pain at root of nose. Dryness in nose. Paroxysms of violent sneezing.The face is pale and sickly. Lockjaw in morning on waking.Foam at mouth with chill. Teeth sensitive to cold water and shrill sounds. Toothache causesweeping. Burning in teeth. Salty taste in mouth. The tongue feels as if burnt. Mouth feels numb.Taste impaired.Desires wine and sour drinks. Much thirst. Desires food, but does not know what.Nausea with many complaints and from many causes. Nausea in the morning on rising, fromnoise, on closing the eyes, when looking too long at one object, on motion, from talking, from fastriding in a carriage, from riding on the cars or on a ship.Nausea with headache, with vertigo; nausea aggravated from warm drinks. In seasickness ofnervous women, when they close the eyes to get rid of the motion of the vessel they become deathlysick.Tenderness of stomach.This is a useful remedy in many liver conditions, with burning pain, aggravated from touch,motion and noise, and bilious vomiting.

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