Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online


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Irresolution. Extreme irritability; alternating with cheerfulness; during chill; when spoken to.Lamenting, loquacity and laughter. Loathing of life. Malicious. Mania. Memory active; weak.Obstinate and easily offended. Mental prostration.Quarrelsome. Remorse. Reproaches himself for having done wrong.Reproaches others for imaginary injury. Insane reserve.Restlessness, night; anxious. Sadness in the evening; from suppressed menses; duringperspiration. Oversensitive; to noise; to voices. Mental symptoms from sexual excesses and from secretvice. Shrieking; prolonged periods of silence. Wandering speech.Aversion to being spoken to. Suicidal disposition, during perspiration; wants to jump out ofwindow. Indisposed to talk.The symptoms are worse when he thinks of them. Timid. One moment he is tranquil, the nexthe is violent. Weary of life. Weeping; during chill, in hysteria, in sleep. Vertigo during headache; whilewalking in open air.Hyperaemia, fullness and heat of head from mental exertion.Eruptions on the scalp; crusts; pimples. The hair falls out.Heaviness in the head in the morning on rising. Hydrocephalus.Itching of the scalp. Pain in the head; morning; afternoon; evening; in cold air; in cold weather;rheumatic; from binding up the hair; on coughing; hammering; hysterical; lying; from mental exertion;from motion; nervous; periodical; pulsating; on rising from lying; after sleep; in windy weather; heatameliorates. Pain in forehead. Pain in one side, either side or in both sides. Pain in temples; in templeand forehead; Bruised pain in head. Burning pain in head; in forehead. in vertex. Drawing pain in head.Pressing pain in head; in forehead; in occiput; in temples.Stitching pain in head. Tearing pain in head; in forehead; in occiput. Pulsation in head; inforehead; on sides of head.Uncovering head brings on complaints.Discharge of mucus and pus from eyes and the lids are stuck together in the morning withyellow pus. Granular lids. The lashes fall out. The eyes feel hot. Inflammation of eyes; catarrhal;scrofulous; of the cornea; of the iris; from syphilis.Lachrymation. Unable to open the eyes. Pain in the eyes; morning; night; from light; whenreading; warmth ameliorates; aching; burning; pressing: core; as from sand; stitching; tearing.Paralysis of the optic nerve. Photophobia. Protrusion.Pulsation.. Pupils contracted. Redness of the eyes; of lids; staring. A stye near the inner canthus.Swollen lids. Ulceration of the cornea. Vision blurred; bright colors before the eyes; dim; foggy;hemiopia, upper half lost; sparks; vision lost.Mastoid caries. Discharge from the ear; fetid; offensive; purulent; thick; yellow. Sensation offlapping in ears. Itching in ears. Noises in ears; buzzing; crackling; humming; ringing; roaring; rushing.Pain in ear; behind ear; inside ear; burning, stitching. Hearing acute at first: for noise; later impaired;finally lost.Caries of the bones of nose in old cases of syphilis. It is a most useful remedy in old stubborncatarrhs. The nose is red. He has frequent attacks of coryza, fluent or dry. Discharge from nose; bloody;crusts; offensive; fetid; greenish; purulent; suppressed; thick; watery: yellow. The nose is obstructedand there is itching and bleeding. It is a useful remedy in ozaena.Pain in the nose; in the bones; boring; burning; sore inside; ulcerative pain. Smell at first acute,later lost. Frequent sneezing. The nose is swollen. Ulceration in nose.Epithelioma of face and lips. Lupus. Cracked lips; discoloration; bluish; bluish like; earthy;pale; red spots; eruptions: nose; acne rosacea face and forehead; comedones; coppery eruptions;pimples on face and forehead; pustules; scurfy eruptions. Suffering expression. Erysipelas. The face ishot.Inflammation of the parotid gland. Pain in face; in parotid gland; Pain in face; in parotid gland;in submaxillary gland; burning lips; drawing pain in face; stitching; tearing.Perspiration of face; cold. Swelling of the face; lips; parotid; submaxillary; ulcer on lip.Apthae in the mouth. The gums bleed easily. Cracked tongue.Brown tongue, red tongue, dry tongue. Heat in the tongue, mucus in the mouth. Odor from themouth offensive; putrid. Burning tongue, soreness of gums. Speech difficult. Swollen gums; tongue.Taste: bitter; insipid; metallic; putrid; sour; sweetish; wanting. Ulcers in mouth syphilis; ongum; tongue; vesicles in mouth. Caries, sensation of elongation and loosening of teeth.Grinding of teeth in the night. Pain in teeth; night; when masticating; on touch; tearing.Inflammation in throat. Lump in throat, mucus in throat. Pain in throat on swallowing; burning;stitching; scraping and swelling. Swallowing difficult.

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