Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online


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don't have a fear like other people do, because I have it in my stomach". She said when she wasfrightened, it always struck to her stomach. "If a door slams, I feel it right here" (epigastric region).Well, that is striking, that is peculiar. It was not long before I developed another feature of Kali carb.By a little awkwardness on my part my knee happened to hit the patient's foot as it projected a littleover the edge of the bed, and the patient said, "Oh!" Sure enough that was Kali carb. again, for you willfind in Kali carb. a patient that is afraid and everything goes to the stomach and when touched upon theskin there is an anxiety or fear or apprehension felt in the region of the stomach. You might imaginethat it is connected with the solar plexus, but the symptom is the all in all to the physician. A Kali carb.patient is so sensitive in the soles of the feet that the mere touch of the sheet brings a sensation of thrillthroughout the body. Hard pressure is all right, it does not disturb, but something that comes unawaresexcites. The Kali carb. patient is oversensitive to all the surrounding things, oversensitive to touch;shivering from the simplest and lightest touch, even when hard pressure is agreeable. Violently ticklishin the soles of the feet. I have often examined the feet when a patient would shiver and draw up the feetand scream out, "Don't tickle my feet". I had probably touched it so lightly that I did not know that Ihad touched it at all. In Lach. also gentle touch is painful, while hard pressure is agreeable, but here it isnot so much the ticklishness. In Lach. the abdomen is so sensitive that the touch of the sheet is painful.I have seen Lach. patients using a hoop to keep a light sheet from touching the abdomen. You mayknow then that you are in the realm of Lachesis, and that it is like those persons who are unable to bearthe slightest touch upon the neck and suffer from uneasiness on wearing a collar. All that, however, isdifferent from this state of ticklishness. I have seen patients who are really so sensitive in the skin that Iwould not dare touch it, unless they new just where I was going to touch. "Now I am going to feel yourpulse, hold still". If I were to touch the hand, or reach out to feel the pulse without warning there wouldbe a thrill. Such a state is in keeping with Kali carb. These things often have to be dug out byobservation in studying the nature of provings, and associating things. These things that run into theoversensitiveness of patients are of great value clinically. The capabilities of our Materia Medica aresomething wonderful, but they could be developed much more rapidly if a number of homeopathicphysicians would make application of the Materia Medica with accuracy and intelligence, observingwhat they see and relating it literally. At the present day there is only a very small number ofhomeopathic physicians that can come together in a body and say things that are worth listening to, ashamefully small number when we consider the length of time Hahnemann's books have been beforethe world.There are many old chronic liver subjects who talk about nothing else but the liver. Every timethey go to the doctor's office they talk about the liver, and about a condition of fullness in the region ofthe liver and pain through the right shoulder blade and up through the right side of the chest, with agood deal of oppression and distension; vomiting of bile and a good deal of stomach disorder, fullnessafter eating; attacks of diarrhea, alternating with constipation lasting for many days with great strainingat stool. Periodical bilious attacks, when a constipated state is present; cannot lie down at night;difficult breathing at night or at 3 o'clock in the morning, especially when it is in a patient oversensitiveto cold, damp weather, one who wants to sit by the fire all the time. These liver subjects are oftenthoroughly cured by Kali carb. Sometimes they have been resorting to all sorts of liver tappings, takingsuch medicines as purge or cause vomiting, drugs that really aggravate the trouble. Kali carb. goes tothe bottom of these cases, and roots out the evil.In the abdomen we have many Kali carb. symptoms. Persons subjected to repeated attacks ofcolic, cutting pains, with distension, with pain after eating, constipation or diarrhea.Colic, with cutting, tearing pains, doubling him up, coming on every little while. Tremendousflatulence. When the attack of colic is on it might remind you of Colocynth or of some other of theacute remedies that cure colic in two or three minutes, but you will find that these acute remedies thatrelieve colic so speedily when given the second or third time do not produce so marked an effect. Youwill find it necessary to hunt for an antipsoric, a remedy that will control the whole case. In the study ofthe colic alone during its attacks you only get a one- sided view of the case, and after the colic is over(say he has been cured by Colocynth) you now study the patient and go over the case, and behold allthe symptoms are covered by Kali carb.After giving that remedy you may expect that the patient will not have another attack. Such isthe nature of Kali carb. It is deep- acting, long-acting, goes deep into the life. It cures conditions due topsora, or to the suppression of eruptions in childhood, or to the closing up of old ulcers and fistulousopenings with a history of troubles ever since. All these wandering pains and the chilliness are againrelieved by eruptions, by the outbreak of discharges, by haemorrhages, by ulcers that eat in deep andflow freely and fistulous openings.

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