Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online


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The head is cold, and sensitive to cold air. Congestion; fullness of the head felt on coughing.Heat in head evening, flushes of heat in the fore head. The head inclines to fall forward. Tension ofscalp. Heaviness of the head, morning on rising, in forehead and occiput. This has been a usefulremedy in hydrocephalus and many brain affections, when associated with putrid diarrhea. Itching ofthe scalp morning on waking, in the night in bed, aggravated 3 to 5 A.M. Movements felt in the head.It has much pain in the head. Pain morning in bed, on rising, on waking, and passes off onmoving about. Pain afternoon, evening and night. Worse in very cold air, but ameliorated in open freshair. She must let the hair hang down. The headache comes with coryza; comes from taking cold. Thepain is worse on coughing, and ameliorated by eating; aggravated from becoming overheated, fromdisordering the stomach, from excitement, and from physical exertion. Weight in occiput withexhaustion. Must lie down and shun the light, lying on back ameliorates; aggravated from jarring andstepping, aggravated before and during menses. The headaches from mental work, in students, brainfagfrom overwork are cured by this remedy---when the symptoms agree: Nervous headache duringmenses. Paroxysmal headaches. The pains in head are ameliorated by gentle motion; aggravated fromnoise, riding in a carriage, after sleep, sneezing, stepping, stooping, touch, pressure, walking andwriting. Headache comes from eye-strain, and is ameliorated by wrapping up the head. Violentpulsating pains. Pain in forehead before menses, above the eyes extending to occiput; across foreheadinto both temples. Pain in occiput lasting all night; frequent waking, with pain on rising; wakens withpain in occiput and loins ameliorated lying on back, passes off after rising. Pain in occiput as if hairwere pulled; must let hair hang down. Violent headache in sides of head. Neuralgia of left mastoidprocess, aggravated by motion and in open air.Pain in temples. The pains are aching, boring; burning. Burning in forehead during stool.Bursting in forehead. Drawing in forehead, sides of head and vertex. Jerking pain, pressing pain.Forehead as though bored, ameliorated by eating. Pressing outward in forehead, over eyes as ifbrain would expand. Pressing in occiput, ameliorated by eating. Pressing in temples and vertex.Soreness in occiput. Stitching in the head, forehead, over eyes, in occiput, sides of head, rightfrontal eminence and in temples.Stunning pains. Tearing pains in the head, in forehead before menses, ameliorated lying and onappearance of the flow. Tearing in occiput, sides of head, temples, and vertex. Perspiration on mentalexertion, of the forehead; cold sweat. Pulsation, forehead and temples. The brain is very sensitive to jar,and to sounds.Shocks felt in the head. Softening of the brain. Complaints come on from uncovering the head.Anaemia of the optic nerve. Lids agglutinated in the morning and a discharge of mucus,aggravated in the evening. Dryness and dullness of the eyes. Falling of the lids. Inflammation of theconjunctiva, injected blood vessels and lachrymation. Paralysis of the optic nerve. Photophobia.Redness of the eyes. Staring, restless, excited look. Strabismus following brain diseases.Sunken eyes. Swollen oedematous lids. Twitching of eyes and lids.Weak eyes. Pain in eyes on motion of eyes, on reading, on waking; aggravated in sunlight.Aching. Smarting of eyes and margins of lids. Drawing, pressing. The balls are sore to touch. Sharppains from eyes to temples in the morning. Stitching. Sticks. Sensation of sand. Tearing pains. Blurredvision. Colors before the eyes, floating black spots, dark colors; halo around the light. Dim vision aftercoition. Vision is foggy. Exertion of vision brings on eye troubles and headaches. Vision weak.Discharge from the car, bloody, offensive, putrid, purulent.Eruptions on the ears. Pimples in the canal. Fullness in ears.The ears are hot. Itching in the ears, aggravated lying. Noises from nervous exhaustion andcerebral anemia, with vertigo.Buzzing, fluttering, humming, ringing, roaring, rushing, singing, whizzing. Pain deep in ear.Cramping, drawing, pressing.Stitching in left ear down to cheek, and behind the ear. Stinging in ear, aggravated lying.Tearing in ear. Pulsation in ear.Stopped sensation. Singing in ear. Ears swollen. Twitching.Hearing acute to noises and voices, but impaired as to the articulation of the human voice.Deafness.Coryza, fluent or dry, with cough, with headache. Hay-fever with great nervous weakness.Obstinate catarrh. Discharge bloody, excoriating, greenish offensive, purulent, stringy, thick, watery,white, yellow, worse in the morning. Yellow crusts, worse in right nostril. He suffers much fromdryness in the nose.Epistaxis in the morning, on blowing the nose, in low fevers. The nose is obstructed. Itchingand burning in the nose. Pressing pain at the root of the nose. Much soreness inside of the nose, with

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