Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online


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Otalgia, with sharp, darting, piercing pains; when the mental state, the chilliness and othergenerals are present.The discharges are commonly offensive.Coryzas trouble much; always has a cold in the head; the watery discharge is of short durationand is soon followed by a thick copious flow of yellow mucus. Ulceration, thick crusts; sleeps at nightwith the mouth open; dry, yellow crusts are blown out with pain and bleeding. The catarrh increaseswith each fresh cold, until it becomes fetid; the bones of the nose are affected; almost a constantheadache over the eyes, in the forehead, at the root of the nose; congestive headaches, worse fromchange of weather, cold room, damp weather; increased by every storm. Most fetid ozaena, mucousmembranes ulcerated and destroyed.Pale face with blue ring around the eyes, yellow blotches on the forehead, puffiness. There ispuffiness in general; the hands, feet, face pit on pressure; infiltration of the cellular tissue; those statesof the heart and kidneys that favor dropsies; old malarial cases, flesh doughy; urine albuminous.Enlargement of the gland with induration, axillary, inguinal, abdominal, salivary. Especiallysuitable for enlargement of the prostate in old men. Chronic enlargement of the parotid, slow and oflong duration; of the tonsils.Ulcerations of the mouth; nursing sore mouth in women; thrush in infants; little white aphthouspatches, especially in nervous, withered infants who cannot stand any kind of milk, who have diarrheafrom milk; they thrive better on cereals; when asleep the child jumps, cries, springs up and grasps themother; a nervous, cold baby, easily startled like the baby. So are the babies ingeneral.Accumulation of mucus in the throat and posterior nares, generally yellow in color, while with it is white; the latter spits up copious, thick, white mouthfuls.Natr-carb. is ameliorated by eating; when chilly, he eats and is able to keep warm; the pains areameliorated after eating; he has an all-gone feeling and pain in the stomach which drives him to eat; hegets hungry at 5 and 11 is the favorite time for the Natr. carb. aggravation; hebecomes so hungry at this time that he is forced out of bed to eat something, which also ameliorates thepain. Headache, chilliness, and palpitation better from eating .Nervous hunger in pregnant women, who cannot sleep unless they get up at night and eatcrackers, calls for .Locomotor ataxia with its fulgurating pains, amel. by eating; gnawing, all-gone, hungry feelingin the stomach. Soles numb, in males erections and priapism, sensitive thighs, hypersensitive spine; theresults of too much excitement. Emissions; ejaculation of semen premature.Thirst in the afternoon, incessant; thirst between chill and heat; great desire for cold water a fewhours after dinner.Extreme aversion to milk.Flatulency and accumulation of wind in the bowels; diarrhea; stool yellow, soft with violenttenesmus and urging; a yellow substance like the pulp of an orange in the stool; .The most trouble some constipation; stool hard, dark, smooth and crumbling. All the takeaway the desire to go to stool; no ability to bear down; stool large and hard, great effort to pass it.Prostatorrhoea after urinating and a difficult stool.Sterility, a constitutional state in a woman where she is unable to conceive; she is nervous, coldto the knees and elbows; cold body in winter, hot head in summer; always tired; relaxation of thesphincter vaginae causing the seminal fluid to gush out as soon as ejaculated by the male, thus causingsterility. There may be a spasm of the sphincter, producing the same effect, or a clot of blood or mucusshoots from the vagina with noisy flatus.Nervous, fidgety, excitable, lean, dyspeptic women, not hysterical. Menses too soon or too late;neuralgias, oversensitive to drafts and dampness, sensitive spine, legs numb; leucorrhoea yellowishgreen,copious.Paralytic states; ptosis or spasms of the lids; difficult swallowing, must drink much water towash the food down on account of paralysis of the pharynx; paralysis of the bowel, cannot bear downat stool; stool like sheep's dung; paralysis of the left lower extremity with tingling.Palpitation at night when ascending and while lying on left side. Many spinal symptoms. Goiter.Stiffness of the neck, violent backache after walking. Rheumatic pains in the extremities. Jerking in allthe limbs. Stumbling while walking.Weak ankles in children. Heaviness of the legs. Pains in the hollow of the knees on motion.Tension in the bend of the knee.Easy dislocation of the ankle. The soles burn while walking.

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