Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online


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Hysterical headaches, with copious colorless urine. Constriction as with cord. Pain as if a nail inocciput, aggravated in room, ameliorated in fresh air.Eyes staring. Sudden blindness or dim vision, coming and going. Eyes turned up, fixed andglistening.Rushing sounds in ears as from wind, or fluttering as the wing of a bird. Detonation in ears asfrom the report of a cannon, with a few drops of blood. Nervous deafness in paroxysms, or after a madfit.Epistaxis and illusions of smell.One cheek is red and cool, the other is pale and hot. Heat in the pale face and dim vision.Tension in face. Pale face with sweat. Earthy pale face. Moving of lower jaw as if chewing.Mouth and throat dry and hot; bitter, putrid taste; great thirst; especially in hysterical conditions.Craves beer or brandy. Aversion to food. The sight of it makes her sick. Vomiting. Pressive,burning pain and distension of stomach. Fainting during meas. Water-brash. Hysterical hiccoughing.Nausea when thinking of food. Drawing in at the umbilicus . Prolonged vomiting of food.Fullness in stomach after eating. Vomiting blood. Stomach easily disordered.Tympanitic distension of abdomen with sharp pains. No flatus up or down, yet greatlydistended. Cramping pains.Involuntary stools during sleep. Copious watery stools during night. Stitching in anus tobladder.Copious colorless watery urine. Urine passed during the night is offensive and full of mucus.In the male, violent sexual excitement. Emissions without erections.In the female, violent sexual desire. Menses too early and profuse, with drawing pains; tinglingin genitalia and fainting.Bearing down sensation.Erratic nervous phenomena during pregnancy.Laryngismus stridulus in self-willed girls when they fail to have their own way. Constriction oflarynx as from vapor of sulfur. Spasms of larynx when becoming cold. Spasmodic croup in nervouschildren after punishment.Dyspnoea and oppression of chest and heart. Spasmodic asthma in extremely nervous womenand children.Constriction of chest. Spasms of chest and diaphragm, turns blue in face and foams at mouth onbecoming cold. Paralysis of chest, rattling, cannot expectorate; fainting.Palpitation in hysterical girl. Palpitation, oppression of chest, fainting, excitement, with copiouscolorless urine. The heart seems to quiver when the pulse is normal.Aching in limbs. Restlessness in legs, and tibia cold. One hand hot and pale, the other cold andred.Heat in evening in bed, on right side only; wants to uncover.Perspiration smelling like musk in the morning.Cold skin, trembling, fainting and palpitation.MURIATICUM ACIDUM [mur-ac] [Kent’s]When treating a low form of continued fever with extreme prostration , Muriaticacid and force themselves upon the mind. With there has been the anxiousrestlessness; with there has been the mental prostration, and then the muscular weakness;with Muriatic acid the muscular weakness comes first, and there has been history of restlessness andthe mind has been stronger than could be expected. With this great muscular exhaustion with jawhanging down and the patient sliding down in bed and soon the involuntary stool and urine, this remedyis forced upon the mind. Paralytic weakness is what it must be called. Soon the tongue is paralyzed, aswell as the sphincters of the bladder and rectum. It seems to be eminently fitted for the lowest form ofzymotic fever when the above symptoms are present. He finally becomes unconscious. There has beensome restlessness, but nothing like and . He refuses to talk because it fretshim to do so. is slow answering questions because of exhaustion of mind which makes himunable to think.The vertigo comes on moving eyes, and on lying on the . This vertigo is sometimesassociated with liver disease. A stout, full-blooded jaundiced man about forty had suffered much frompain in the liver, with great soreness, was comfortable only when lying on left side; when he turned onhis back or right side an anxious vertigo would come at once and he would break out in copious sweat,

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