Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online


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Pain in the eyes, right most affected, better by warmth; the pains are tearing; pain as if sand in eyes. It has cured paralysis of the optic nerve: Photophobiamarked in daylight; redness of the eyes; spots on the cornea; staring, swollen lids; ulceration of thecornea; weak eyes. In the field of vision there are many colors, and black flies; darkcolors, yellow. Dim vision. Complaints from flickering before the eyes; thinks he isgoing blind; sparks before the eyes and weak vision. Discharge from ear, bloody, offensive, purulent, Scurfy eruption behind the ear; flapping sensation in the ears; the ears are hot;inflammation in the middle ear; intense itching deep in the ears; noises in ears with dizziness; flappingsounds, ringing, Pain in ear, mostly right, better by warmth; pain behind the ear and deep inthe ear; aching, boring, cramping pain; drawing, drawing and tearing behind theear. Pulsating pain deep in the ear; the ear feels stopped; ulceration in the ear. Hearing is acute fornoise, later impaired. It has cured deafness from catarrh of the eustachian tubes and the middle ear.Catarrh of the nose and posterior nares in chilly people who are weak and want to keep still andrest; very offensive discharge, offensive breath in syphilitic subjects; the discharge is bloody, crusty,acrid, purulent, thick, yellow. He is subject to frequent coryzas as he is taking coldconstantly.Dryness in the nose; bleeding of the nose on blowing it; itching deep in the nose where manycrusts form; the nose is constantly obstructed; pain in the nose, and in the bones of the nose; greatsoreness in nose; burning pain in nose. Smell acute, later diminished, finally lost. Frequent violentsneezing; the nose is greatly swollen; much swelling inside of nose; ulceration in the nose.Discoloration of the face; bluish, red, pale; circumscribed red cheeks; the face is jaundiced; thelips are cracked and dry; face looks sickly and drawn with expression. The face, chin, lips,upper lip, around the mouth, nose, extending down on the neck, covered with moist eczema. She was asight to look upon and her friends all shunned her; she was comfortable only when in a very hot room.Herpes and pimples on the face.Indurated parotid gland; inflammation of the parotid gland.Itching of the face; drawing, stitching, tearing pain in the face; much sweat on the face; smellingof the cheeks, lips, parotid and submaxillary glands; ulceration of the lips; hard crust continues to formon the under lip.Dry mouth without thirst; bleeding gums and white tongue; apthae in,the mouth; copious mucusforms in the mouth; odor from mouth offensive. The tongue is very sore, copious saliva flows into themouth; swollen gums and tongue; taste is bad, bitter in the morning, bloody, sour.Sensation of dryness in the throat with copious mucus; sensation of a "lump in the throat; painin the throat on swallowing; stitching pain in throat on swallowing; burning, rawness and soreness inthe throat; much swelling in the throat and tonsils and swallowing is difficult. Swelling of cervicalglands.Sensation of anxiety in the stomach with aversion to food and especially to meat; ravenousappetite; appetite entirely lost; sensation of coldness in stomach; most troublesome eructations, worseafter eating; bitter, empty, sour, waterbrash; eructations ameliorate the stomach symptoms; heartburnand fullness of the stomach; hiccough and weight in the stomach. Loathing of food.Nausea after eating and during headache; nausea with dizziness.Pain in the stomach at night, after eating; the pains in stomach are cutting, burning, cramping,gnawing, and stitching; sore, bruised feeling in stomach; pressing in stomach after eating;pulsating in stomach after eating; retching when coughing. Sensation of tightness in stomach fromflatulence.Thirst during chilliness and during fever; extreme thirst.Vomiting night and morning; of bile, of food, mucus and watery fluid; vomiting on coughing,after drinking and during headache.The abdomen is distended after eating with obstructed flatulence; fullness, hardness andheaviness in abdomen; great heat in abdomen; pain in abdomen at night, during cough, after eating,before and during menses, after stool; warmth ameliorates. Pain in right hypochondrium, in thehypogastrium, in the inguinal region and in the liver; the pains in the abdomen are burning, cramping, and pressing and stitching pains in the liver. Rumbling andtightness in the abdomen. difficult soft stool; insufficientstool. Constipation during menses. Stool dry, light colored.Diarrhea in the morning and at night; painful diarrhea during menses, with stool bloody,frequent, offensive, purulent, watery; dysentery with scanty mucus, purulent and bloody stool;constriction of the anus. It has cured fistula in ano. Passing flatus ameliorates; formication of the anus.

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