Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online


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Apthae covering the mucus membrane of the whole mouth; the gums bleed and the tongue iscoated white. Dryness of the mouth; when a chill or lacerating pain in head comes on the lips sticktogether. Mucus collects in the mouth, and the odor from the mouth is offensive; pain in gums and teethfrom cold air, on biting, and after eating. Sore gums, palate and tongue; stitching and tearing pains inthe teeth; salivation, swollen gums; the taste is bloody, metallic, sour or wanting. Food is tasteless.Ulceration of gums. Teeth very sensitive. Pain from roots of upper teeth to head, when bitingteeth together.Mild form of inflammation in the throat and tonsils. Hawks up much mucus; dryness of thethroat on waking; sensation of a lump in the throat, tough, tenacious mucus in the throat; pain in thethroat on swallowing; burning rawness and soreness in the throat.Splinter sensation in the throat; stitching pain in swallowing; swallowing is slow and difficult;ulceration of the throat and the tonsils are swollen. Swollen cervical glands.The appetite is increased, later ravenous, but the first mouthful causes nausea. The appetite isstrong, but food is not properly relished; appetite for things not obtainable. Aversion to food, to meat,to coffee; thinks she cannot digest food; an empty feeling, which is not helped by eating. Eructationsbitter, empty, sour, of food. after eating tasting like spoiled meat, waterbrash, eructations give relief.fullness after eating, often only a mouthful. Weight in the stomach after eating; hiccough, heartburnand loathing of food. Nausea morning, evening and night, after eating, during headache. The sight andthought of food causes nausea. Pain in stomach, evening and night, aggravated by eating. Burningextending upwards, cramping, pressing, gnawing, cutting, stitching; pressing pain after eating, better byeructations. Soreness on pressure. Retchings.Sinking sensation. Sensation of a stone in the stomach. Water tastes as if spoiled. Some thirst,but no thirst during fever.Vomiting or coughing after eating and during headache; vomiting of bile, black blood, of food,mucus and water.Obstructed flatulence in the abdomen, fullness, distension, hardness, heaviness, constriction;distension worse after eating.Pain in abdomen, worse after eating, before menses, during menses, worse walking and betterby warm applications. Pain in region of the liver; burning in the abdomen. Cramping, colicky painsbegin in the stomach and pass down into bowels, with urging to stool. Cramping all over abdomen, andthen must run and pass a watery, fetid, yellow stool. Cutting and pressing stitching pains in lefthypochondrium and in the liver; tearing pains in abdomen.Rumbling and tensions.Constipation, very difficult stool; unsatisfactory, scanty stool; much straining, even soft stool isdifficult. Constriction of the anus during stool. diarrhea driving out of bed at 5 a.m., first undigested,then watery, clear, with much flatus, from fruit. Passes much flatus with stool, flatus offensive withoutstool. Crawling at the anus. Hemorrhage from external piles.Inactivity of the rectum; itching of the anus---worse by scratching; moisture around the anus;pain in anus during stool; burning during stool. Cutting, pressing, soreness and stitching.Tenesmus of the rectum; paralysis of the rectum. ineffectual urging to stool. The stool isbloody, copious, dark, dry, hard, knotty, large, offensive, scanty, soft, thin, watery, undigested.Paralytic weakness of the bladder. Retention of urine.Tenesmus while passing urine. Ineffectual urging to urinate.Frequent urging to pass urine, worse at night; urination in feeble stream, frequent during thenight; must wait long for urine to flow; unsatisfactory feeling in the bladder after urinating, involuntaryurination.Emission of prostatic fluid during stool, the gland is enlarged, sore and painful; prostate glandinflamed.Discharge of mucus and pus from the urethra; burning when passing urine; cutting during theflow of urine.Urine copious, later scanty, burning, cloudy and red. Red sediment, specific gravity normal, nosugar, no albumen.Troublesome erections of the male during the night, which are very strong and painful; thetestes are swollen and hard; the glans penis is red and excoriated; the scrotum itches and perspires.Frequent seminal emissions, sexual excitement is strong during the evening and night.The woman has tormenting itching and crawling; worse after urination, worse after scratching,better by cold applications.Leucorrhoea acrid, bloody, copious, purulent, thin, white or yellow; worse before and aftermenses. Menses in one prover too frequent, in several provers, too late, intermittent, offensive, painful,

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