Thesis - Instituto de Telecomunicações

Thesis - Instituto de Telecomunicações

Thesis - Instituto de Telecomunicações


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Chapter 5Feature Selection andClassificationThe present chapter introduces the set of classification tools to be used for biometric authenticationpurposes.We have <strong>de</strong>veloped statistical mo<strong>de</strong>ls for the features proposed in chapter 4. In or<strong>de</strong>rto avoid dimensionality problems, we also apply feature selection techniques, which i<strong>de</strong>ntifythe relevant features in terms of discriminative potential among the users. We <strong>de</strong>fine aclassification scheme that has the advantage of taking several samples from the same class,creating a sequential classifier. We also address the use of uncertainty information appliedto the classification process and to use it in classification fusion.5.0.1 NotationWe consi<strong>de</strong>r that the i th user is <strong>de</strong>noted by the class w i , i =1, . . . , n c , and n c is the numberof users. Given a sequence of n s consecutive patterns associated with a user, w i , we createthe matrix X =[x 1 , ··· , x ns ] , resulting from the feature vectors concatenation associatedwith each sample: x j =[x 1,j , ··· ,x nfi ,j] T ; the feature vector representing the jth sample,has n fj elements, n fj being the number of features i<strong>de</strong>ntified for user w i during the featureselection phase.93

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