Thesis - Instituto de Telecomunicações

Thesis - Instituto de Telecomunicações

Thesis - Instituto de Telecomunicações


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102 CHAPTER 5. FEATURE SELECTION AND CLASSIFICATIONwhere p(w i |x) is obtained from the conditional probabilities and the a priori probabilitiesp(x|waccording to the Bayes rule: p(w i |x) = P i )p(w i )ncj=1 (p(x|w j)p(w j. Assuming i<strong>de</strong>ntical a priori))probability for all classes, p(w i )= 1 n c, we get p(w i |x) =kp(x|w i ) ) where k is a normalizationconstant.We call g i (x) the i-th discriminant function <strong>de</strong>fined as g i (x) =p(w i |x), knowing that∑ nci=1 g i(x) = 15.3.1 Sequential ClassifierThe i<strong>de</strong>a to use the sequence of data arriving from a source is that we can improve theclassification if we have more information. This type of classification, where we have asequence of data arriving from the same source, is called sequential classification [39, 229].We will present a simple example to provi<strong>de</strong> insight into the improvements obtainedby using a sequence of samples from the same population to enhance the classification.We present a two class problem of two univariate normal distributed populations that, forsimplicity, have equal standard <strong>de</strong>viation, σ, and distinct means, µ 1 = −1 and µ 2 = 1 ata distance d = |µ 1 − µ 2 |, and equal a priori probability. We <strong>de</strong>pict the PDF of the twodistributions in figure 5.5. The point b <strong>de</strong>fines the <strong>de</strong>cision boundary of a two class classifier.Figure 5.5: Probability <strong>de</strong>nsity functions of two random variables with means µ 1 = −1and µ 2 = 1 both with standard <strong>de</strong>viation σ = 1. The intersection point forms the <strong>de</strong>cisionboundary, b, between classes w 1 and w 2 . The two gray areas correspond to the classificationerror probability.If we have a vector x =[x 1 ,x 2 ··· ,x ns ] of samples belonging to the same class (the

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