Thesis - Instituto de Telecomunicações

Thesis - Instituto de Telecomunicações

Thesis - Instituto de Telecomunicações


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4.1. HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION 674.1.2 Feature ExtractionEach stroke is characterized by a feature vector, f, which contains relevant information forthe recognition system.Feature extraction is based on the spatial and temporal vectors <strong>de</strong>scribed previously.The vectors px ∗ , py ∗ , θ, c, c ′ , v x , v y , v, a, a ′ , and w are statistically analyzed and 5 values arecomputed per stroke: the minimum, maximum, mean, standard <strong>de</strong>viation, and (maximum- minimum). This analysis produces the first 55 features, f 1 ...f 55 . Features f 56 = t n andf 57 = s n−1 correspond, respectively, to the duration and the length of the stroke.Two other features regarding the stroke path are the following. Straightness, (f 58 ), is<strong>de</strong>fined as the ratio of the Eucli<strong>de</strong>an distance between the starting and ending points of thestroke, and the total path distance:straightness =√(px1 − px n ) 2 +(py 1 − py n ) 2s n−1. (4.8)Jitter (f 59 ) is related to the tremor in the user movements, and it is calculated by analyzingthe ratio between the original path length and the smoothed path length:jitter = s′ n ′s n−1. (4.9)The curvature vector is processed searching for high curvature points, that we call criticalpoints. The process of finding the number of critical points (f 60 ) is the following:⎧⎨ 1 if ∆c i =0∧|c i | >αz i =(4.10)⎩ 0 otherwisen∑n critical points = z i . (4.11)We search for zeros in c ′ , and select the points that have absolute curvature higher thanrada constant α = π 10.pixel 2We compute the time to click (f 61 ) as:i=1time to click = t n − t n−1 ; (4.12)

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