Thesis - Instituto de Telecomunicações

Thesis - Instituto de Telecomunicações

Thesis - Instituto de Telecomunicações


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5.4. UNCERTAINTY BASED CLASSIFICATION AND CLASSIFIER FUSION 107p(w i |x) = p(x|w i)p(w i )∑j p(x|w j)p(w j ) . (5.16)We will assume p(x|w i ) as being normal with the parameters µ, σ: X ∼ N(µ, σ 2 ). Now,parameters µ and σ are estimated from a training population of size n, producing theestimates ˆµ and ˆσ. We would like to study the effect of the training vector size on p(ˆx|w i )in a particular point x for some class w i . The maximum likelihood estimators for µ and σare given by:ˆσ 2 = 1 nˆµ = 1 n∑x i , (5.17)ni=1n∑(x i − ˆµ) 2 . (5.18)i=1The estimate of µ is a normally distributed random variable: ˆµ ∼ N(µ, σ2n ). ˆσ2 followsa chi-square distribution: ˆσ 2 ∼σ2(n−1) χ2 n−1The distribution ˆp(x|w i )=p(x|w i , ˆµ, ˆσ) = 1(x−ˆµ)2e− 2ˆσ 2 , for a constant x is a combinationof three components (where (x − ˆµ) 2 ∼ χˆσ √ 2π2n.c. 1chi-square distribution with one <strong>de</strong>gree of freedom).(λ = N µ σ), with χ being the non-centraln.c.1This will form a complex operation over distributions that we cannot use to obtain adirect closed form.The uncertainty of the error probability will then be assessed empirically. Figure 5.8presents a normal mo<strong>de</strong>l with zero mean and unitary standard <strong>de</strong>viation. When estimatingthe parameters (both µ and σ unknown) from a data set with 100 samples we can see theempirical distribution of ˆp(x|w i ) for each x. The three lines at the points [−3, −2, −1, 0]represent cuts where we observe the distribution at fixed x points. The histograms of ˆp(x|w i )for each of these points are <strong>de</strong>picted in figure 5.9. We can verify that for distinct values ofx the distribution has different mo<strong>de</strong>ls. We obtained the empirical distribution repeatingthe estimation procedure 100 times, using random selection of the training patterns. Thevariance of ˆp(x|w i ) is <strong>de</strong>picted in figure 5.10 presenting a function that we could only observeempirically.

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