Labour's Wrongs and Labour's Remedy

Labour's Wrongs and Labour's Remedy

Labour's Wrongs and Labour's Remedy


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PREFACE,Whenever :my crisis in tl~c affiri1.s of lnen is about totdte place, there is ever to be found a nl~nlber of peopleready to preach up things as they arc. Tltese championsfight sto~~tly <strong>and</strong> cu~~ilingly against the innorntion ofexisting institutions anrl 111odrs of acting; <strong>and</strong> theyendeavour to reason the sensible <strong>and</strong> aI;tr~n the timidinto remaining qniet, <strong>and</strong> enduring ~neeklp mhntever evilsthey may be atilicted ~ritl~. Relonging to one class, anrlhaving in view a common ol~ject, these alarmists attemptto convince tl~e people that everything is almost as well asit call be-that few evils are endured by them which arenot necessary consequences of existence-that theirgovernmental burthens may be alleriated by gradual <strong>and</strong>imperceptible reforms-th~t the present gradations ofsociety, which cause so nlucll discontcntn~eut among thepoor <strong>and</strong> the oppressed, have always existed, <strong>and</strong> tl~ereforeever must exist-<strong>and</strong> that any attenlpts of the productiveclasses to better tliemselves by interfering with this"natural arrangement of society," mill be attended \viththe most disastrous ~.esults to tl~un~selves.Notwithst<strong>and</strong>ing the sage aclvice <strong>and</strong> the gloomy forebodingsof tl~ese friends of the people, the latter areperpetually endesvouring to the ut~nost of tl~eir power, bymeans of political <strong>and</strong> trades' unions, to alter the presentstate of things, <strong>and</strong> keep to the~nsclves that vast amountof wealth which is annually taken from tl~c~n by esistillgusages. But, conscious of ]laving justice on their side, theproductive classes have hitl~erto regarded the end more

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