Action P1ain Dhubri 2010-11 - RRC-NE

Action P1ain Dhubri 2010-11 - RRC-NE

Action P1ain Dhubri 2010-11 - RRC-NE


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Areas for supply of ACTA. Planning for distribution of ACT in the District <strong>2010</strong>-<strong>11</strong>S.No.Name of PHCNosTotalPopulationPf casesreported inprevious year1 Dharmasala 3,39,070 65ACTBlistersASTabsSPTabs2 Halakura 1,47,552 123 Golokganj4 Raniganj5 Chapar6 South Salmara7 Gazarikandi2,61,312 203,18,221 921,30,560 352,47,233 1242,85,746 965TOTAL 17,29,694 1313 1298 6943 1735Requirement of ACT for distribution 20<strong>11</strong>-2012Pf cases reportedS.TotalName of PHCin previous yearNo.PopulationAdults Children1 Dharmasala 3,39,070 39 262 Halakura 1,47,552 7 53 Golokganj 2,61,312 12 84 Raniganj 3,18,221 56 365 Chapar 1,30,560 21 146 South Salmara 2,47,233 75 497 Gazarikandi 2,85,746 579 386Bed netsACT Blistersfor adultsAS TabsforchildrenSP TabsforchildrenTOTAL 17,29,694 789 524 1298 6943 1735Planning for distribution of BednetsS.No.PHCName1 Dharmasala2 HalakuraEligibleSubcentre(nos.)Eligiblevillages (no)EligiblePopulationTribalpopulationTotalHouseholds(no)No ofHouseholdswith atleast 2effectivebednets (no)A B CNo ofHouseHold tobeimpregnatedTotalBednetrequired (no)DD=C X 2Totaldistributedduring(2009-10)(no)ETotal Planned tobe distributed in<strong>2010</strong>-<strong>11</strong> (noITNsITN LLIN F GLLINsTotalplannedto betreatedH3 Golokganj4 RaniganjDHUBRI/DHAP/<strong>2010</strong>-<strong>11</strong> 160

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