Action P1ain Dhubri 2010-11 - RRC-NE

Action P1ain Dhubri 2010-11 - RRC-NE

Action P1ain Dhubri 2010-11 - RRC-NE


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. Regular supply of IFA tablet, TT injection and Hb Kitwil be ensured in all 246 Sc & 41 Health Inst(SD/MPHC/SHC/CHC/FRU/BPHC/UHC/SDCH/DH)c. In all the SC it will mandatory that ANM will performregular checkup of BP, weight and Hb test of all theregistrated pregnant women and will keep a upto daterecord in the MCH register and tickler chart for followup with the help of ASHAd. Re Orientation Training of 456 nos. of ANM BlockPHCwise in a batch of 30 on physical examination ofpregnant women, Hb estimation and record keeping.e. Out of 246 SC functioning in rented building & Govt.dilapidated building, 58 nos SCs already taken up forconstruction during 2007-08, another 20 new SCs hasbeen approved during 09-10 @ Rs. 7.5 lakhs and 70nos. new SC will be proposed for construction forincrease provision of quality antenatal care. (Annexure-A)f. The sanctioned vacant posts of ANM will be filled upthrough regular appointment by the State Govt. Totalsanctioned post vacant under Addl CM & HO(FW)establishment =87 and JDHS establish=<strong>11</strong>g. As per the report there are total 376 nos.of ANM inthe district in the SC. The total requirement for thedistrict @ 2 ANMs per SC (excluding outreach area) is<strong>11</strong>6. Therefore the total contractual ANMs for the year<strong>2010</strong>-<strong>11</strong> will be <strong>11</strong>6S.3. To provide quality antenatal care to all pregnantwoman in inaccessible and uncovered areas.Proposed Activities:a. The uncovered and inaccessible areas under SouthSalmara, Birsing Jurwa, Fekamri, Jamadarhat andMankachar Development block (Total No of CharVillage=325, & Char Population=4,35,063) has beenidentified to provide ANC coverage regularly. A total 50nos. of out reach post will be constructed @ Rs. 0.75lakhs in Char areas to increase provision of qualityantenatal care. The Out reaches post are deigned forthe flood prone and reverine areas as these can berelocated and dismantled as per the requirement of theenvironment.210

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