Action P1ain Dhubri 2010-11 - RRC-NE

Action P1ain Dhubri 2010-11 - RRC-NE

Action P1ain Dhubri 2010-11 - RRC-NE


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a) One partition wall withone door & one window.b) Tiles fitting in DTO’sroom, Laboratory &Computer room.At DTC Rs. 100000Total Rs. 2170000Laboratory MaterialsActivityAmountpermissibleas per thenorms inthe districtAmountactuallyspent inthe last4quartersProcurementplannedduring thecurrentfinancial year(in Rupees)EstimatedExpenditure for thenext financial year forwhich plan is beingsubmitted(Rs.)Justification/ Remarks for(d)(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)Purchase of LabMaterials396825207090 180000 400000 As per normsHonorariumActivityAmountpermissibleas per thenorms inthe districtAmountactuallyspent inthe last 4quartersExpenditure(in Rs)planned forcurrentfinancialyearEstimated Expenditure forthe next financial year forwhich plan is beingsubmitted(Rs.)Justification/ Remarksfor (d)Honorarium forDOT providers(both tribal andnon tribal districts)Honorarium forDOT providers ofCat IV patients(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)226000103250 200000- - -300000-More expenditureplanned for currentfinancial year due tooutstandingexpenditures.-Honorarium under NRHM Additionalties• As seen in the column (c) above there is a need of Rs. 200000 for currentfinancial year, but at present we have only Rs.50000. So it is requestedthat a sum of Rs. 150000 may be granted for this head from NRHM flexipool for disposal of outstanding bills.Total requirement Rs. 150000.169

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