Action P1ain Dhubri 2010-11 - RRC-NE

Action P1ain Dhubri 2010-11 - RRC-NE

Action P1ain Dhubri 2010-11 - RRC-NE


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E5. For effective implementation of NTCP at grass root levelfrequent monitoring is required, hence monitoring plan willbe developed.6. For enforcement of anti-tobacco law awareness regardingthe following specification provision will be increased:a. Ban on Smoking in public in public placesb. Ban on sale of tobacco products to children bellow 18yearsc. Ban on direct/indirect advertisement promotion andsponsorship of tobacco productsd. Ban on sale of tobacco products within 100 yards of theeducational institutionse. Mandatory depicition of Specified health warning on alltobacco productsf. Testing of tobacco products for tar and nicotine.7. Under the supervision of the Psychologist and SocialWorker a Tobacco Cessation Centres will be established at<strong>Dhubri</strong> Civil Hospital, <strong>Dhubri</strong>.8. For find out the actual status of the district Global l Adulttobacco survey will be conducted.Intersectoral ConvergenceProposed Activities:• A district level convergence Meeting with PHE departmentwill be organized to streamline the TSC (Total SanitationCamping).• After the district level meeting similar Block level meetingwith block officials will be organized at Block level.• Under VHSC fund an amount of Rs. 3000/- is meant forconstruction of sanitary toilet. The fund will be handed overto PHE department by respective VHSC for further course ofaction.• Flex Hoarding Board BPHC wise 10 nos will be developedand installed• IEC materials like Poster, leaflets etc will be developed anddistributed .Inter Sectoral Convergence with Education Department:Proposed Activity:• In the next financial year another 100 nos of School will beselected for School Health Programme.• School Teacher of the Selected School will be trained inphase wise.• Health Awareness video will be screen in all the selectedschools.• IEC materials life Picture Chart will be developed forSchool students.• Quiz, Essay writing & Art computations etc will on Healthrelated subject will be organized.JDHS/In-/DPM/DME237

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