Action P1ain Dhubri 2010-11 - RRC-NE

Action P1ain Dhubri 2010-11 - RRC-NE

Action P1ain Dhubri 2010-11 - RRC-NE


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Vehicle operation & hiring:2 (two) vehicles are operatingOffice expenditure & consumable:Stationeries & other Misc. Expenditure which does not fall in any other Head ofAcctt.Format for submitting budget Proposal:Sl. Activity ProposalAmount ProposedNo.1. Contractual Services 54,000 /-District one Driver @ 4,500/-PM x 12 months2. Services through ASHA/USHA 25,000 /-Sensitization of ASHA/incentive to ASHA3. Office expenses & consumables 40,000 /-4. Capacity Building (Training)4 days training of newly appointed MO (rural & urban)53,000 /-3 days training of newly appointed Health worker &69,525 /-Health Supervisor2 days refresher training og MO 27,700 /-5 days training of newly appointed Lab. Technician 18,375 /-5. Behaviours change communication (IEC) 1,25,000 /-Mass media, outdoor media, Rural media & Advocacy6. POL/Vehicle operation & hiring 80,000 /-& vehicle at state level & vehicle at district level7. DPMR 30,000 /-MCR footwear, Aids and appliances, welfareallowances to BPL patients for RCS support to Govt.Institution for RCS12,500 /-2,50,000 /-8. Materials & supplies 52, 000 /-Supportive drugs, Lab reagent & equipment & printingforms.9. Urban leprosy control Do not arisesTownship, Medium cities-I, Medium cities-II & Megacities10. NGO-SET scheme 50,000 /-<strong>11</strong>. Supervision, Monitoring & Review 50,000 /-Review Meeting & Travel expensesCash Assistance 6,000 /-Total = 9,43,100 /-185

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