Action P1ain Dhubri 2010-11 - RRC-NE

Action P1ain Dhubri 2010-11 - RRC-NE

Action P1ain Dhubri 2010-11 - RRC-NE


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Comments, if any:-i) Due to constant low ACDR-NSP-CDR and Low Case Referrals stress has been given forincrease of this crtteria.ii) It is presume that ACMS Activities for the above will also boost the other criteria’s likelowering of default rates etc.Prepared by:-i. Dr. J.B. Roy, DTO, <strong>Dhubri</strong>Sign. of DTO, <strong>Dhubri</strong>ii. Sri Patal Ch. Paul, Accountant, RNTCP, <strong>Dhubri</strong> .iii. Sri Biswajit Mazumder, DEO <strong>Dhubri</strong>.Equipment Maintenance:ItemNo. actuallypresent inthe districtAmountactuallyspent inthe last 4quartersAmountProposedforMaintenanceduringcurrentfinancial yr.EstimatedExpenditure for thenext financial yearfor which plan isbeing submitted(Rs.)Justification/Remarks for (d)(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)Office Equipment(Maintenance includes computersoftware and hardware upgrades,repairs of photocopier, fax, OHP etc)One eachofComputer,Photocopierand OHP5900 25000 50000 Ageing of theequipments needfrequentmaintenance.Binocular Microscopes ( RNTCP) 21 State TBCell- 90000 Accurate cost can beascertain from StateTB Cell.140000Training:ActivityNo. inthedistrictNo.alreadytrained inRNTCPNo. planned to be trainedin RNTCP during eachquarter of next FY(c)Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4Expenditure(in Rs)planned forcurrentfinancialyearEstimatedExpenditurefor the nextfinancialyear forwhich planis beingsubmittedJustification/remarks(Rs.)(a) (b) (d) (e) (f)Training of MOs 150 100 25 - 25 - 90000 90000 As ACDR,25NSP-CDR andTraining of LTs of DMCs-17 8 - - - 14000 14000case referralis low soGovt + Non Govtintensivetraining, retrainingTraining of MPWs - - - - - - - - hasbeen planned172

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