Action P1ain Dhubri 2010-11 - RRC-NE

Action P1ain Dhubri 2010-11 - RRC-NE

Action P1ain Dhubri 2010-11 - RRC-NE


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During 2009-10, 176 nos. of ASHA Supervisor has beenselected for 7 BPHC of <strong>Dhubri</strong> District ie. 1 supervisor for 10ASHAs to handhold and monitor the ASHA activities.During <strong>2010</strong>-<strong>11</strong>, these facilitators has to be trained on ASHAprogramme under NRHM and also on field level monitoringto be done so that they have an overview of various ongoing programmes under NRHM. The proposed training willbe conducted through District ToT ASHA Facilitator.Honorarium including TA/DA of ASHA facilitator will beprovided as per normsS-4: Incentive to ASHAs for Full ImmunizationProposed Activities:The District will continue for providing incetive of Rs. 250/-to ASHAs for each fully immunized child as this increases thefull immunization coverage rate of the District as the ASHAsafter BCG will keep a track of the infants in her village as sheis from the same village and will accompany the mother tothe sub-centre to vaccinate the infant.This will also help theANM in tracking/vaccinate the infants as there are instanceswhere the ANM fails to vaccinate the infant as mothers arenot willing or forgotten about the date of Immunization oftheir child but with the help of ASHAsi it will be easier forthe ANM to conveience the mothers and also kepeping atrack of the Infants.S-1. Providing Untited and Annual Maintenance fund to SC,PHC, CHC, SDCHProposed Activities:a. As part of the National Rural Health Mission, it isproposed to provide each Health Institutions ie. SC, PHC,CHC, SDCH will be provided with Unitied and AnnualMaintenance Fund. Th Untited funds will be utlize for thefollowing purposes-During <strong>2010</strong>-<strong>11</strong>, it will be ensured that each healthInstitutions will have the clear action plan for utilizing theUnitied and Annual Maintenance FundS-2. Strengthening Rogi Kalyan Fund/HospitalMamangement CommitteeProposed Activities:225

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