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Industrial sounds or if Nysrok demonstrateshis musical skills with his breathtakingguitar-solos: The sound cosmos ofthese Italian guys is always in a crossfireof different influences. Even Black`n Rollis cited ("The Alienation of a BlackenedSoul”). The music is mostly connected tothe old spirit of Black <strong>Metal</strong>, which wasinvented on Norwegian classics like thementioned "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas”and "Antichrist”.Talking about the production, which tookplace in Temple of Noise Studio in Rome, Imust say that I first had problems gettingused to it. Especially the drum<strong>com</strong>putermight discourage the blimpish Black <strong>Metal</strong>fan. But in the end the sound fits invery well the overall inhuman feeling ofthe music. I must add, that "With No HumanIntervention” although features somenice and emotional moving parts. But everytime these excursions to the brighterside of life appear, they get undermined byone of Csihar’s choleric scream attacks.The lyrics are also quite opaque. It isnearly impossible to find a clear structure,an overall message. Of course you will findthe typical antichristian propaganda. With"Faustian Spirit Of The Earth” (which waswritten by Bård "Faust" Eithun) the bandtries to offer a more religious and philosophicalapproach towards life and humanity."Me(n)tal Striken Terror Action 2”deals with the 9.11 terror attacks, whichis quite unusual <strong>for</strong> this type of music.After all praise I have to state that "WithNo Human Intervention” has also two defects:First, the booklet doesn’t fit the highstandard of the music. The obligatorynumber of the beast in the logo as well asthe pictures of naked nuns going nudewith the crucifix between their legs reallydoesn’t impress anyone anymore. It seemslike Aborym, by now grown-up men, stillhave a hard time to get rid of the oldfashionedand boring clichés.The second defect <strong>for</strong> me is the obviousneed of Aborym to adorn with "bignames”. Several times we can read in thebooklet about the co-operation with Faust,Nattefrost (Capathian Forest) and Irrumator(Anaal Nathrakh). Sure this underlinesthe integrity and credibility of this bandwithin the extreme metal scene, but Aborymreally don’t need this type of selfadulation.To <strong>com</strong>e to a conclusion: Aborym havefound their own interpretation to celebratea style of music which was important andinspiring <strong>for</strong> a whole generation of angrymusicians. Most of them failed to offersomething new, refreshing. However, <strong>for</strong>me Aborym is the only band which successfullymanaged to <strong>com</strong>bine styles likeTechno, Electronic Body Music and Industrialwith Extreme Black <strong>Metal</strong>. A vanguardapproach which can’t be honouredenough. At least I tried it.PolygonABSTRUSETransgressionRelease: 2007Label: Self-releasedAvantgenre: Cerebral Death ExperimentsDuration: 32:25Origin: GreeceOfficial site: http://www.abstruseweb.<strong>com</strong>/.........................................................................................................................................................Transgression is the first release from thisambitious Greek duo, <strong>for</strong>med back in2002. Veiled and Substant, sharing thevocal, visual and musical duties, states apretty bold mission objective - to fuse extrememetal's eerie darkness, the strangetonal systems of modern art music (serialism,atonal and tone scales et c) and psy-

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