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BRISTOL MEYERS SQUIBBEasy Listening AggravationRelease: 1998-2002Label: Self ReleasedAvantgenre: Experimental Techno <strong>Metal</strong>Duration: 32:14Origin: FranceOfficial site: http://www.myspace.<strong>com</strong>/borisdoussy.............................................................................................................................................This is some rocking stuff!! Fast technobeats, aggro-metal, and a distinct moodthat is as influenced by Orbital as it is byScrew. This avoids most clichés native tothe industrial metal genre, by incorporatingelements of world beat as well as jungleto alternately ambient and violent mixof Sonics. I am not kidding when I say thisis some of the most original and invigoratingstuff have heard under the avantgarde metal banner.T<strong>here</strong> is also a pseudo-black metal feel tothe more frantic sections, but again withoutthe clichéd riffing, chord sequences orpatented grim mood. A single song featuresup to six to seven different vocalstyle, and twice as many sample sources,besides the backbone of thrash riffing andtechno drum n bass. I love the care<strong>free</strong>attitude the band projects in their <strong>com</strong>positions,unrestricted by imagery or concernsof uni<strong>for</strong>mity. This is all over themap. You could be sweating in a club tothis, and the next moment stabbingsomeone to the same rhythm (withoutonce <strong>com</strong>ing close to eyeliner or latexweareven once in the proceedings). I wasgoing to use different songs as examplesto dissect, but as the album progressed Igave up on this endeavour as a lost cause.Sometimes you just have to listen andlearn. The only reason I can think its obscurityis the lack of distribution by theconcerned parties and the sheer honestyof the music. As well as sudden bursts ofhyper techno speed. Think hardcore technoas envisioned by a Ministry/Aborymcover band, with a schizophrenic sampler.Lovely!Anyone remotely claiming to be into anykind of AGM needs this NOW! Really, Ihaven't used these many exclamations ina review ever. My only gripe would be the128 kbs sampling rate of the mp3 whichsimply does not do justice to the denseSonics.Suleiman

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