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the sound a bit more synthetic, but that'sno biggie. Franta's sore screams havedropped in pitch and <strong>for</strong>ce (he's got to bein his <strong>for</strong>ties by now), but are as rancorousas ever. The songs, all similar inshape and sound, independent and linedup (unlike Jilemnice Occultist's narrativeshape or Slagrý's unsettling dynamics),retain the core of the immediately distinguishableMASTER'S HAMMER sound.Most songs are based on clear, enchantingmelodies and themes, played on guitarsand organs (Hammond and church); Ithink of them as small roads windingthrough verdant central European valleysand hills - you can see w<strong>here</strong> they aregoing, without many un<strong>for</strong>eseen surprises,but it is still a great pleasure to followtheir twists and turns. Harsh and beautiful,but without the <strong>for</strong>cedly histrionicdrama and shallow romanticism you normallyfind in symphonic metal. As MAS-TER'S HAMMER have always been.For a Black <strong>Metal</strong> band (as they still claimthey are), t<strong>here</strong> is not much traditionalBlack <strong>Metal</strong>lery <strong>here</strong> to be found; MHsomehow manage to negate the past 18years of Norwegian influence upon thegenre. The riffs are heavy and bludgeoning,but relate more to ordinary rock musicthan Death <strong>Metal</strong> (but do <strong>for</strong> the Devil'ssake not think of any recent BM/rockcrossover). Mantras is not modern, nor isit old school. Again, I think of central European<strong>for</strong>ests and fields - like them,MASTER'S HAMMER are timeless.A couple of tracks stand out from thecrowd, like big rocks raised centuries agoin a beech <strong>for</strong>est (can't seem to leave thosesimiles behind!). "Bodhi" and "GaneshaMantra" are more electronic than metal;the <strong>for</strong>mer swathed in sequenced guitarand synthesizer melodies on a loopeddrum rhythm - the synthesizers soundmore like Welle:Erdball than anythingmetallic. The latter of the two is even fartherout, it's basically a seriously cooltechno song with metal guitars, heavy onthe Indian influences in percussion andvocalisation. "Propesko" on the other handis a bluesy ballad, <strong>com</strong>plete with organs,hoarse almost-out-of-tune singing, andechoing guitar licks. But it still soundslike MASTER'S HAMMER - like the mentionedrocks, they <strong>for</strong>m natural parts ofthe whole landscape.With Mantras, MASTER'S HAMMER efficientlyshow that you don't have to try toprove anything, be it how dark and evil,weird and experimental or profound andpoetic you are. They have gone manymiles beyond having to prove anything.For MASTER'S HAMMER, it is about doingwhat you want, what you feel like. Enjoylife, or whatever. It's your problem, ultimately.A very liberating attitude nowadayswhen Extreme <strong>Metal</strong> has be<strong>com</strong>emore pretentious than ever. MASTER'SHAMMER is about something else. Aboutgoing fishing perhaps, or spending qualitytime with your friends. And you hear that.Note: If you want to buy this album, Isuggest you try the label link above to buyit directly from the band.aVoidMARS ON EARTHMars On EarthRelease: 2001Label: Red Stream RecordsAvantgenre: Industrial Darkwave Black <strong>Metal</strong>Duration: 22:37Origin: MarsOfficialsite: http://www.myspace.<strong>com</strong>/marsonearthmuzik................................................................................................................................

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