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HAVOC UNITH.IV+ (Hoarse Industrial Viremia)Release: 2008Label: Vendlus RecordsAvantgenre: Machine Butcher <strong>Metal</strong>Duration: 53:37Origin: FinlandOfficial site: http://www.h-i-v.fi/.............................................................................................................................................…AND OCEANS are dead. Yet, its memberscontinue under the name of HAVOCUNIT. And a change of name is appropriate,<strong>for</strong> what these creative people deliveron "h.IV+” has nothing to do with …ANDOCEANS at all. Who thought that HAVOCUNIT would continue the kind of discoindustrialmetal they celebrated under theold name on "Cypher” is terribly wrong.Gone are the pleasant, danceable melodiesand beats. The first track "Vermicide”jumps right in your face with really uglyindustrial metal - raw, menacing and evil.A cyber-demonized version of ME-SHUGGAH or a slower, but heavier versionof THE AMENTA – that's what <strong>com</strong>esto my mind when listening to HAVOCUNIT these days, with a sound directlyfrom the factories of 21st -century-hell. Asthe tracklist implies, HAVOC UNIT's lyricsdeal with the perversions of the last decadesto batter them relentless back in theface of mankind. And battering is theword that describes their music best – Thescreamed vocals, the machine-gun riffingand the stomping of the machine-beatshurt and is definitely not <strong>for</strong> the faintheartedwho seek beautiful melodies. Forthat matter, even people who seek ANYmelody will be disappointed. "h.IV+” is onebig rhythm-monster with samples, menacingsynths and some slower intermezzi; itis a spirit of wrath; the embodiment of thepits of the human psyche.And <strong>for</strong> that, I love it. It is cold, aggressiveand inhuman; much like DHG's "SupervillainOutcast”. T<strong>here</strong> is only one downside:it is a little bit unvaried. If you'd play me atrack, I could not say which one it is, onlythat it is on "h.IV+”. And I wouldn't listento it the whole day, <strong>for</strong> I am one of thesepeople who like a good melody once in awhile. But then t<strong>here</strong> is "Ignoratio Elenchi[Reversed Genesis]” to make up <strong>for</strong> it,which is, simply put, brilliant. That ismostly due to the voice of SOLEFALD'sCornelius, but not only that, the track hasa dreamy and dark atmosp<strong>here</strong> whichgives you goosebumps. It might be a bitunfair to say that this (and only this) tracksounds like a SOLEFALD-song (and notonly due to Cornelius' voice), but that'sthe way it is… And t<strong>here</strong> also is "Kristallnacht[From Revolution to Reconstruction]”,a soothing piano piece.All in all, I am positively surprised. No,not really surprised, because I didn't knowwhat to excpect from HAVOC UNIT now inthe first place, only that the name changemust have had SOME impact on the music.It is surely interesting to hear HAVOCUNIT explore regions of acoustic brutalityother than speed, <strong>for</strong> brutal it is. A perfectsoundtrack <strong>for</strong> the devil's abbatoir, a mixof rust and blood.Tentakel P.

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