
illrrrrrrW - Free and Open Source Software

illrrrrrrW - Free and Open Source Software

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situ ated on a PC board (Fig. 4) directly<br />

betw een the ends of the loop (Fig. 5) so<br />

that we do not have the usual separation<br />

between active element and tank circ uit .<br />

This, too, enhances stability and sensitivity.<br />

The inside diameter of the nearly complete<br />

circle of copper tubing is 12 in.<br />

Approximately 2 in. of space is allowed<br />

between the ends. This space is occupied<br />

by th e PC board containing the remaining<br />

parts of the loop oscillator.<br />

The use of a high-b eta tran sistor and<br />

Mylar capacito rs results in a sure-fire and<br />

stable oscillator in th e 4 50 kHz region,<br />

despite the extremely low impeda nce of<br />

th e single-turn ta nk circuit. The tubing<br />

sho uld be pro tecte d by some type of<br />

sleeving ( vspaghett!" or heat-shrinkable<br />

tubing).<br />

Fig. 4. Loop oscilletor (circu it side).<br />

'-----f<br />

_ 2 3 / 8 in.- -<br />

J<br />

Fig. 5. Mounting block, showing associat ion with<br />

loop oscilla tor an d handle.<br />

R eference oscillator - in sid e vie w with cover<br />

plat e removed,<br />

12<br />

Oscill ator<br />

The referen ce oscillator utilizes transistor<br />

Q2 in a Colpitts circuit similar to<br />

tha t of the loop oscillator. A quality air<br />

variable capacitor is provid ed for frequen cy<br />

adjustment. Su ch a capacitor is greatly<br />

superior in mechanical and electrical stability<br />

to the mo vable-core indu ctors commonly<br />

used in metal loc ators. Howe ver ,<br />

relatively small tuning-range results from<br />

its use. This is actually de sirable fro m the<br />

standpoin t of stability. Because the lar ge<br />

tu nin g range associated with a movable-slug<br />

inductor is not obtained, it is mandatory<br />

that the prescribed components, or their<br />

equivalents, be selected both for the reference<br />

osc illato r and the loop oscillator. On<br />

th e other hand, the re producibility of the<br />

loop oscillator renders it unn ecessary to<br />

incorporate a wide tuning range for the<br />

reference oscillator. The refe rence oscillator<br />

cir cuit board (Fig. 6) is situated on<br />

th e handle, adja cent to the transistor radio.<br />

A single 9V battery po wers both oscillat<br />

ors. As wit h the lo op oscillator, it is very<br />

imp ortant that all components be securely<br />


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