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illrrrrrrW - Free and Open Source Software

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1. T he amp lifier is adjusted to operating<br />

conditions such as bias or voltage levels<br />

which are outside the range anticipa te d by<br />

th e desig ner.<br />

2. In put signals are app lied at levels<br />

either lower or higher tha n th e range<br />

intende d by th e designer.<br />

3. More output is at tempted than the<br />

designer intended the circ uit to produce.<br />

Let's see ho w these three mistakes<br />

affect several t ypical amplifier cir cuits. For<br />

starters, let 's see what hap pens when a class<br />

A amplifier inte nded for low-distortion<br />

amp lific ation of an audio signal is misused.<br />

Such an amp lifier might be in the speechamplifier<br />

chain c f any phone rig, or in a<br />

receiver.<br />

If the amp lifier 's bias can be adjuste d,<br />

and is set to a value higher t han the<br />

designe r intended , the sta ge will draw less<br />

current than it was designed for, and so<br />

cannot develop it s rated po wer out pu t (o r<br />

voltage output, if it's a voltage am plifier).<br />

Simil arly, if th e bias is set too low, a<br />

"normal" input signal may overcome the<br />

bias and change the operati on co ndt ion<br />

fro m class A to class AB. The effect of bia s<br />

adjust ment, th en, is to reduce ' the allowable<br />

input and out pu t signals - ,and if the<br />

value is very far from the in tended level,<br />

excessive distortion may be introduced<br />

in to all signals (Fig. 7).<br />

.<br />

/\<br />

Fig. 7. Shown here are the effects of overbias and<br />

underbias on a class A amplifier, with a triangular<br />

input signal of maximum rate d level which could<br />

be reproduced linearly were th e bias proper as<br />

indicated by the "X" in the center of each<br />

amplifier transfer line . Over bias causes the negative-going<br />

peaks of the signal to " bottom " against<br />

the cutoff point, which is actually class AB<br />

operation, while underbias causes amplifer to<br />

saturate and flat-top the signal.<br />


KIT 1 P.C. Boards onl y (2 req .lea.<br />

KIT 2 P.C. Boar ds {Both] & a ll parts<br />

(u nwired )<br />

KIT 3 P.C. Boar ds Wired & tested<br />

Power Supply Kit - No chassis<br />

Complete Monitor - I n handsome<br />

cab inet<br />

Now for the<br />

f rst ti me an<br />

5.5. monitor<br />

designed for<br />

your own custom<br />

installation.<br />

Available<br />

in 3 economy<br />

kits.<br />

All kits tube type with in stru ctions.<br />

CRTs. Power Suoolies . and cabinets not included.<br />


Box 15, Stock ho lm NJ 07460<br />

$9 .95<br />

$90.00<br />

$125.00<br />

$54.95<br />

$298.00<br />


PRE-AMPS<br />

t o 175 M Hz. $21.95 ppd.<br />

to 300 M Hz. $25.95 ppd.<br />

• A vailable from 5 MH z. to 3 00 MHz. Bandwidth is approximate<br />

ly 3% of f requ e n c y.<br />

• Voltage ga in 30 t o 40 DB depending o n f requen c y.<br />

• Two Dual G a te MOSFET amplif ier stages with each having<br />

a tuned in p ut and tuned output. Each Daul Gate MOSFET<br />

is actually an integrated cascade ctrcutr thus g iving you 2<br />

cascade ci rc u its equivalent to 4 t r iOd es.<br />

• Exceptionally lo w noise (2.5 DB at 175 M Hz .) . gr eatly<br />

redu Ced crOss modulation and 10 times t h e dy nam ic range<br />

(s igna l hand lin g capability) of the best b i·polar transistors.<br />

Also supe ri or to preamps u sing junction FETs and S ingl e<br />

Gate MOSFETs.<br />

• Pane l mounted m a n u al gai n c o nt ro l.<br />

• Type BNC ,nput and output recep t acl e s for minimu m loss<br />

at U H F . S t andard I m p ed an ce is 5 0-75 o hms.<br />

• Carefully tuned at o u r lab orat o ry wi th sw eep generator and<br />

oscilloscope for the best bandpass characteristlc.<br />

• F lJll w ave UHF d iodes protect inplJttrans'stor.<br />

• Operates On 6 to 16 vo lts DC, 5 to 1 5 Ma .<br />

New Y ork City an d S tat e residents add local sal es ta x .<br />


Dept. H<br />

196·23 Jamaica Ave., Hollis, NY 11423<br />

FEB R UARY 19 71 73

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