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illrrrrrrW - Free and Open Source Software

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esults. The transmitter adj ustme nts may<br />

affect the qua lity of th e modu lation, so<br />

listen to the signal on a receiver to make sure<br />

everything is to your satisfa ct ion. Now<br />

connect t he flasher circuit. The Beeper<br />

sho uld sta rt to beep off an d on . If it doesn't ,<br />

check the flasher output with a voltmeter ; if<br />

it is okay. chances are that the osc illator is<br />

not breaki ng into oscillat ion. Readjust CIO<br />

if this is the case.<br />

When the Beepe r is connecte d to a 12V<br />

volt power source, there should be enough rf<br />

present to light the 4 7 pilot lamp to half<br />

brilliance. My Beeper will opera te with less<br />

than a volt. Don't be tempted to increase the<br />

voltage to gain more ou tp ut. Th e unit draws<br />

20 rnA when it is no t transmitt ing and about<br />

ISO rnA whi le trans mitting.<br />

Never operat e the Beeper wit hout some<br />

form of load, an d try to provide as good a<br />

mat ch as possible . Th e mo du lation qualit y<br />

seems to be directly relat ed to th e qua lity of<br />

the ante nna used , and a good antenna is also<br />

cheap tra nsist or insur ance. Generally, the<br />

transmitter will not have to be ret uned afte r<br />

th e initial settings are mad e, and th e final<br />

tun ing is quite broa d. A quarter wavelength<br />

of wire will radiate a signal over several miles<br />

of o pen te rrain. I was able to receive th e<br />

signal two miles away fro m t he Beepe r with<br />

a Lafay ette IIA-650 portable transceiver<br />

using the whip antenna supplied with the<br />

HA-650. With the same setup an d using the<br />

Scrncter on th e HA--650 , I was ab le to locat e<br />

the Beeper within a few fee t of where it was<br />

hidden by a friend.<br />

Th e Beeper can be put together in a<br />

few evenings. Most of the par ts used are no t<br />

criti cal, and it should be easy to find subst i­<br />

tutes for most of them. Th e UTC transform<br />

er which I specified for use in the<br />

modulator may be difficult to find. If on e is<br />

not available, almos t any high impedance<br />

int erstage tr ansfor mer will work sati sfactorily<br />

. If yo u desire, t he flasher circuit<br />

and/or the modulator can be elimina ted<br />

from th e Beeper.<br />

The Beeper does its job well, and it can<br />

pro vide its ow ner with many hours of fun .<br />

Why no t build on e and then get t he local six<br />

meter group toget her for an old fashioned<br />

tran smit ter hunt? Happy Beeping!<br />

... K lZJH<br />

FEBRUAR Y 19 71<br />

~ I<br />

Mobile Antenna System<br />

VSWR<br />


of 1.5/1or better<br />

Celebrati ng Our 25t h Year !<br />

Mos ley Electronic s, Inc. takes<br />

pri de in i nt roduc ing an Anniversary<br />

- Spec ial ..• The new " Rode­<br />

Master", featuring a GUARANTEE<br />

of an adj ustable VSWR of 1.5/1<br />

or better at any gi ven fr equency<br />

on each band.<br />

Desi gned for the economy - Minded<br />

Ham. the new " Rode- Master"<br />

offers a choice of 6, 10, 15, 20,<br />

40, 75 &/ 0' 80 meters. The upper<br />

tel escopin g Whip secti on doubl es<br />

as a & meter ante nna complete ly<br />

adjustable for t he entire band.<br />

You select fro m f ive new prec i­<br />

si on wound 400 Watt Coi ls for<br />

10, 15, 20, 40 and 75/80 meter<br />

operation.<br />

Other Speci al Features:<br />

Bumper or trunk mounting option<br />

. . . Guyi ng dev ice for frequency<br />

stabi lity at highway speeds . . .<br />

Break - over (h inge) to lower antenna<br />

. , . Rotate antenna 360 0<br />

in<br />

the break-over posi t ion. A conve<br />

nience for easy co i I in ser ti on,<br />

whip adj ust ments etc. . . . OX<br />

Matching Network: Small, simple<br />

to install and operate. The real<br />

reason why Mosley can Guarantee<br />

an adj ustable VSWR of 1.5/ 1 or<br />

bett er.<br />

Free QSO Index with the purchase<br />

of a complete " Rode - Master" a n­<br />

tenna sy st em, Get all the fact s,<br />

See your Mos ley dealer or write<br />

Dept. 206.<br />

, J#I.,.le'l ~~<br />

46'0 N. L t N OB ERG '"4 B L V O . BR I D G E T ON M O 630 44<br />


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