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illrrrrrrW - Free and Open Source Software

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Digital<br />

Frequency Meter<br />

';r ~" IT[] 2<br />

."<br />

III Jcro_z<br />

' ...· 6<br />

• Monitors your " tra nsmitted " signal<br />

• Measu res Khz and Mhz<br />

• Operate s with a ny exc iter-t ransmi tter<br />

11 to 600 watts- up to 30 Mh z)<br />

• Larg e-brig h t " Nix ie" di splay<br />

• 100 Hz Readou t<br />

FM -6 Kit $139.50<br />

Nlicro-Z CO .<br />

Box 2426 Roll ing Hills. Calif. 90274<br />

make sure the boxes containing th e CRT<br />

and PMT are light-tight. Paint the insides<br />

flat black and use feIt or foa m rubber to<br />

fill in any gaps in th e wood joints.<br />

Rem ember tha t in the monitor driven<br />

sweep is employed. Therefo re, it will be<br />

necessary to be receiving an SSTV pict ure<br />

for a raster to be displayed. If a test tape is<br />

needed you can send me or mos t other<br />

hams on SSTV a 3 in. blan k tape with the<br />

speed yo u wish it re corded at (3 and 3/4<br />

ips usually) and I will re cord you som e<br />

pictu res. (Also , if yo u require a tape of the<br />

three audio tones I can recor d that for you,<br />

but please incl ude return postage. ) I would<br />

also like to hear fro m other hams building<br />

SSTV or fast-sca n TV equ ipment. If an y<br />

difficulti es in co ns tructi ng this equipment<br />

are encounte red fee l free to write me.<br />

I hope this art icle will help you get on<br />

SSTV with as lit tle difficulty as possible. I<br />

would like to thank Doug (WB2 UDF) and<br />

Bob Beach (WB2WRX) for their sup port<br />

on the project.<br />

These deflection yokes are essennel/y identical even thou gh their configurations d iffer. The square<br />

yoke is the older ty pe. The roun d one , relatively m ode rn, is manufactured for RCA.<br />

I<br />

F ig.6 . Phot omultiplier position ing and<br />

system lay ou t.<br />

optical<br />

I<br />

References:<br />

1 Sources for CRTs:<br />

Arcturus Electr onic Corp.<br />

Fair Radio Sales Co.<br />

United Radio Co.<br />

2 Rad ar Sy stem Fundam en tals, T\111-46 7.<br />

3 A Co m p act S lo w·Sca n TV Monitor,<br />

MacDonald, QST, March 1964.<br />

4 A S low-Scan Television P icture Gene rator,<br />

Hutt on, 73, October 1967.<br />

. __WB2Z IV ·<br />

50<br />


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