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fROM 13s fMlIHRARY<br />


Con t ains t hose rare copies,---- - - - ---,<br />

o f t he Bulletin that nobody<br />

seem s ab le to fi nd<br />

any more. F rom t he fi rst<br />

issue o f F M Bullet in to F eb<br />

19 68 1 Pr inted in c hrono ­<br />

lo gical sequence as edi t ed<br />

by Mike V on Den Branden<br />

(WA8UTBI. 8 % x 1 1 in.<br />

F MBl $ 3<br />

Con ta ins articles f rom t he<br />

mod ern ized F M Jo ur nal.<br />

I neludes those " great:'<br />

never-bef ore -reprint ed articles.<br />

co m ple te with photos.<br />

An impressive and valuabl e<br />

collection of FM d ata .<br />

Edit ed by Ken Sessio ns<br />

( K GMV H ) , 6 x 9 in. Covers<br />

peri od from M ar 19 68 t o<br />

J une 19 69 .<br />

FM J2 . . . _. ... . $ 4. 9 5<br />


Co m p lete , up-to -date listing<br />

o f al l repe aters cu r­<br />

rent tv operat ing in t he U .S,<br />

and Canad a. Hund reds o f<br />

usef u l facts o n access in fo .<br />

N early a hundred maps<br />

showing repe at er locati o ns<br />

and repe at er co verage area s. Plenty of repeater<br />

p hotos, too. Prepared b y Ke n W. Sessio ns, Jr ..<br />

K6M VH.<br />

RA 1 . $ 1.50<br />


b y K en W . Sessions, Jr . 96<br />

pages of informa tion, inc1ud<br />

in g current stand ar ds<br />

of devia t ion, tone f req<br />

uencies, and o pera ti ng<br />

chan nels. Incru d es an upd<br />

ated F M repeater direct<br />

o ry , a catalo g sectio n o f<br />

AL L F M M A NUFAC·<br />

T U R E RS and dealers. Plus:<br />

A complet e b ibliog raphy li st ing all ar t icles<br />

pub lished sin ce 1968 in F M A ntho log ies tvors. I<br />

and Ill, 7 3. H R, QS T, and CO .<br />

I F M _ $ 1.50<br />

W het her y ou're a new comer o r an o ld t imer,<br />

y ou'll f ind " The Ra dio Amateu r 's F M Hand ­<br />

book" to be the most v aluabl e repe at er aid you<br />

can get .<br />


th e Ha nd b o o k te lls ...<br />

e hOw to defe a t d ese ns iti zat ion<br />

e how to calc u la te atte nu a t io n a cc o rd ing to frequency<br />

spaci ng. antenna separati on<br />

e ho w to b u ild so phistic ated cont ro l sv stem s. u sing<br />

l e s, tlm!!rs, r!!la v s, 5Ie ppers, o r Touchtone<br />

e hOw ,t o b u ild au t o m a t ic log g ing and identific a t ion<br />

devIces _ .<br />

e h ow to bUI ld au t o"",ti c p ho ne p atches<br />


t he Hllndb o o k t e lls .. .<br />

e h ow to p re pa re fo r a re pea ter<br />

e h ow to gel a re a ee te r site<br />

e ho w t o b u ild a re p eate r<br />

. h ow to keep a .epeMer on th e ai'<br />

e h ow to d e te.mina a prospec t i" e re p ea te r 's range<br />

. hOw to get you r . epe lOte. lic e n se<br />

T he H andboo k co ntains 208 pages o f useful,<br />

hard -t o -co m e-b y inf ormation, and it ' s w r itten<br />

in an inter est ing, pe rso nal view by K en W.<br />

Sessio ns. Jr. (K6M V H ) f ormer ed ito r o f F M<br />

Journal , now managing ed itor of 7 3 .<br />

Order from:<br />

73, Inc.<br />

Peterborough NH 03458

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