Revenues & EXPENSES
2015 Division I RE report
2015 Division I RE report
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This report represents the 2015 edition of <strong>Revenues</strong> and Expenses of<br />
NCAA Division I Intercollegiate Athletics Programs. Although editions<br />
prior to 1989 were conducted, independently of the NCAA by Professor<br />
Mitch Raiborn of Bradley University, editions subsequent to that date<br />
have been joint efforts of the NCAA research staff and me. This edition<br />
includes data for the fiscal years 2004 through 2014.<br />
Both the format and content of the study continue to evolve. The 2014<br />
reporting consists of four separate segments – one for each of the three<br />
Division I subdivisions and one for all Division I Men’s and Women’s<br />
Basketball. Separate reports for Divisions II and III will be issued later<br />
this year. The feedback we have received from readers of previous editions<br />
indicates that the operating environment and financial aspects in each<br />
division and subdivision are sufficiently different to warrant separate<br />
reports. Starting in 2008 the format for the report is significantly different<br />
from that of previous editions, and the reader is encouraged to read the<br />
Introduction for explanation of these changes. Most data reported for<br />
fiscal years prior to 2004 are not comparable to those of subsequent years.<br />
We believe this report provides valuable insight into the financial state<br />
of affairs in intercollegiate athletics and the changing environment in<br />
which college and university athletics programs operate. As always, reader<br />
comments, inquiries, and/or suggestions are welcome and appreciated, as<br />
we are commencing work on the next edition soon.<br />
It is also relevant to note that in the spring of 2004, the National<br />
Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO)/<br />
NCAA Task Force completed a year-long project aimed at improving<br />
the consistency of reporting and the quality of financial data related to<br />
intercollegiate athletes. This project resulted in numerous changes to<br />
our survey instrument, which were implemented with the fall 2004 data<br />
collection and are reflected in reports subsequent to that date.<br />
I express my sincere appreciation to Kathleen McNeely, Chief Financial<br />
Officer, and Todd Petr, Managing Director of Research for the NCAA, for<br />
providing me the opportunity to conduct this study and the freedom to<br />
carry it out as I saw fit. Their enthusiastic support is not only sincerely<br />
appreciated but is vital to the continuation of this project. Very special<br />
thanks go to Nicole Hollomon, Associate Director of Research, and to<br />
Erin Irick, Research Contractor for their many hours of data compilation,<br />
programming and analysis. Thanks also to my fellow consultant and<br />
colleague Maria DeJulio of the NCAA Research Department. Her energetic<br />
support and assistance, as well as warm collegiality, made completion of<br />
this year’s report possible and enjoyable.<br />
We also thank the representatives of the NCAA member institutions<br />
who responded to the survey at a time when demands upon athletics<br />
administrators for information are sometimes overwhelming.<br />
Confidentiality was assured and will be honored.<br />
We hope readers will find the report interesting and useful. Please direct<br />
comments or questions to me at the address below.<br />
Daniel L. Fulks, Ph.D., CPA<br /><br />
859/583-3037<br />
NCAA® <strong>Revenues</strong> / Expenses Division I Report • 2004 – 2014 3