Sessions - DPG-Tagungen

Sessions - DPG-Tagungen

Sessions - DPG-Tagungen


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Nuclear Physics Tuesday<br />

HK 11.13 Tue 13:30 Foyer<br />

Study of the Bremsstrahlung radiation in the quasi-free np → np<br />

γ reaction — •Joanna Przerwa for the COSY-11 collaboration —<br />

Institute of Physics, Jagellonian University, Cracow, PL-30-059 Poland<br />

Using a deuteron beam and a proton target the quasi-free np → np<br />

γ reaction has been studied at the COSY-11 facility, an internal magnetic<br />

spectrometer system at the cooler synchrotron COSY in Jülich.<br />

Data have been taken at a beam momentum of 3.165 GeV/c close to the<br />

threshold of the dp → dp η process. Events corresponding to the dp → p<br />

n γ ps reaction have been identified by measuring the outgoing charged<br />

as well as neutron ejectiles. The fast protons are detected by means of<br />

drift chambers and scintillator hodoscopes and the slow spectator protons<br />

are measured in a Si-pad arrangement close to the target. Neutrons<br />

and photons are registered in a scintillator/lead sandwich detector. The<br />

momentum vectors of the protons are reconstructed by tracking back<br />

the trajectories to the target point and the momentum of the neutron<br />

is calculated from the time-of-flight between target and neutron detector.<br />

For the calibration of the neutron detector the produced photons<br />

are used. The efficiency is determined by Monte Carlo studies supported<br />

by calibration measurements performed simultaneously to other reaction<br />

studies by selecting special reaction channels relevant for the neutron<br />

detector.<br />

Results of the data analysis and the experimental techniques will be<br />

presented and discussed.<br />

Supported by Forschungszentrum Jülich.<br />

HK 11.14 Tue 13:30 Foyer<br />

Study of the d−η interaction via dp → dpη reaction — •C. Piskor-<br />

Ignatowicz for the COSY-11 collaboration — Institute of Physics, Jagellonian<br />

University, Cracow, PL-30-059 Poland<br />

Recently the deuteron-η interaction was intensively studied on theoretical<br />

ground. This topic is of special interest due to the possible existence<br />

of η-nucleus bound or quasibound states. The COSY-11 collaboration<br />

preformed measurements of the near-threshold η meson production in<br />

the dp → dpη reaction. The aim of the experiment was the investigation<br />

of the d−η interaction by studying the energy dependence of the total reaction<br />

cross section as well as Dalitz plot distributions for the final state<br />

particles. Measurements were preformed for four excess energies in the<br />

range from 0.2 MeV to 9.6 MeV. The momenta of the outgoing protons<br />

and deuterons were registered with the COSY-11 detection system and<br />

the η-mesons were identified via the missing mass method. Preliminary<br />

results of these measurements will be presented.<br />

Supported by Forschungszentrum Jülich.<br />

HK 11.15 Tue 13:30 Foyer<br />

Threshold Production of Σ + at COSY-11 — •T. Ro˙zek for the<br />

COSY-11 collaboration — Institue of physics, Silesian University Katowice,<br />

IKP Forschungszentrum Jülich<br />

At the cooler synchrotron COSY the threshold production of hyperons<br />

has been studied via the pp → pK + Λ(Σ 0 ) reaction [1] resulting in a<br />

cross section ratio R = σ(Λ)/σ(Σ 0 ) of about 28 which exceeds the ratio<br />

at high energies by an order of magnitude. Possible explanations within<br />

different models are proposed [2] but a definite conclusion is up to now<br />

not possible. Further studies in other isospin channels like the Σ + production<br />

will help in the clarification of the relevant dominant reaction<br />

mechanisms.<br />

The Σ + production was measured at the COSY-11 installation via the<br />

pp → nK + Σ + reaction at Q = 13 MeV and Q = 60 MeV. COSY-11 is<br />

an internal magnetic spectrometer experiment at the COoler SYnchroton<br />

and storage ring COSY in Jülich. It is equipped with scintillator<br />

hodoscopes and drift chambers for charged particle detection and a scintillator/lead<br />

sandwich detector for neutrons.<br />

The status of the current analysis will be presented and discussed.<br />

[1] J.T.Balewski et al.,PLB420(1998) 211, S. Sewerin et al.,PRL 83 (1999)<br />

682., P. Kowina, PhD thesis 2002.<br />

[2] A. Gasparian et al., PLB 480 (2000) 273, NPA684:397,2001, R. Shyam<br />

et al., PRC63 (2001) 022202, A. Sibirtsev et al. NPA646 (1999) 427, nuclth/0004022<br />

v2 (2000).<br />

Supported by Forschungszentrum Jülich.<br />

HK 11.16 Tue 13:30 Foyer<br />

The ANKE Silicon Tracking Telescopes as a tool for Polarimetry<br />

and Luminosity Determination — •A. Mussgiller for the<br />

ANKE collaboration — Institut für Kernphysik, Forschungszentrum<br />

Jülich, Germany<br />

The first two ANKE Silicon Spectator Tracking Telescopes have been<br />

installed several centimeter close to the COSY beam inside the accelerator<br />

vacuum. Their design is optimized for identification and tracking of<br />

low energy spectator protons emitted from an internal deuterium target.<br />

In addition, the large acceptance at large scattering angles, allows to extend<br />

the ANKE capabilities to study pp- and pd-elastic reactions and<br />

to cross-check the obtained data, detecting both particles. The pp-free<br />

and quasi-free reaction is an appropriate tool to determine the luminosity<br />

over the complete COSY energy range. Moreover, it seems to be<br />

well-suited as a beam-polarimeter. This technique is exploited together<br />

with the possibilities offered by the acceleration of polarized deuterons<br />

at COSY, to measure the � dp → (pp)1 S0 n charge–exchange reaction near<br />

the forward direction.<br />

This work is supported by the FZJ.<br />

HK 11.17 Tue 13:30 Foyer<br />

Strangeness production in proton - nucleus interactions at<br />

ANKE/COSY — •Y. Valdau for the ANKE collaboration —<br />

Forschungszentrum Jülich, 52425 Jülich<br />

ANKE is a magnetic spectrometer and detection system at an internal<br />

target position of COSY-Jülich. The device permits to momentum<br />

analyze ejectiles from hadronic interactions with forward emission angles<br />

around 0 ◦ . A major goal of the experimental program at ANKE<br />

is the investigation of proton-induced strangeness production in the nuclear<br />

medium. In a recent measurements the production of K + -mesons<br />

accompanied by protons or deuteron has been investigated at different<br />

beam energies Tp = 1.0, 2.0, 2.3 GeV. These data may shed light on the<br />

reaction mechanism leading to kaon production in nuclei. Particularly,<br />

they supply direct evidence for the two-step reaction mechanism, with<br />

formation of intermediate pions, leading to kaon production. In addition,<br />

measurements with a deuterium target suggest that production cross section<br />

on neutron exceeds that on proton, and the corresponding ratio is<br />

close to 4. Supported by FZJ, WTZ, DFG.<br />

HK 11.18 Tue 13:30 Foyer<br />

Investigation of the Scalar Resonance a + 0 (980) at ANKE ∗ — •V.<br />

Kleber for the ANKE collaboration — Institut für Kernphysik, Universität<br />

zu Köln, 50937 Köln / Forschungszentrum Jülich, 52425 Jülich<br />

The scalar resonances a0/f0(980) have been observed in many experiments.<br />

However, their nature is not yet understood and they are interpreted,<br />

e.g., as genuine mesons (and thus members of the scalar nonet),<br />

K ¯K molecules or compact qq–¯q¯q states. At COSY–Jülich an experimental<br />

program has been started, using the ANKE spectrometer, which aims<br />

at exclusive data on a0/f0 production from pp, pn, pd and dd interactions<br />

close to the K ¯ K threshold. The final goal will be the extraction<br />

of the charge-symmetry breaking a0/f0 mixing amplitude to shed light<br />

on the nature of the light scalar resonances. Here, we report about<br />

the first exclusive study of the reactions pp→dK + ¯ K 0 and pp→dπ + η.<br />

The measurements were performed at beam energies of Tp=2.65 and<br />

2.83GeV, corresponding to excess energies of 46 and 103MeV above the<br />

K ¯ K threshold. From the measurement at the lower energy the total cross<br />

section of the reaction pp→dK + ¯ K 0 as well as differential distributions<br />

have been extracted. The main contribution to this reaction is interpreted<br />

as a0→K + ¯ K 0 decays. The large background contribution from<br />

multiple-pion production to the reaction pp→dπ + η makes the analysis<br />

more complex than in the case of kaon production. The data at the<br />

higher energies are still under analysis, and the current status will be<br />

presented. ∗ supported by FZJ, BMBF and <strong>DPG</strong>

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