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Sessions - DPG-Tagungen


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Nuclear Physics Tuesday<br />

larger than that of the best existing source at the high-flux reactor of<br />

Institut Laue Langevin, Grenoble. Test measurements at the TRIGA-<br />

Mainz reactor, in collaboration with the University of Mainz, are planned<br />

for January 2004.<br />

Supported by the Maier-Leibnitz Laboratory (MLL) of LMU and TUM<br />

at Garching and by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.<br />

HK 12.17 Tue 13:30 Foyer<br />

IH-RFQ for the MAFF project at FRM-II — •Matteo Pasini 1 ,<br />

Oliver Kester 1 , Michael Schumann 1 , Dieter Habs 1 , Thomas<br />

Sieber 1 , and Alwin Schempp 2 — 1 Sektion Physik, LMU, München,<br />

Germany — 2 Institute für Angewandte Physik, Universität Frankfurt,<br />

Frankfurt, Germany<br />

For the LINAC of the Munich accelerator for fission fragments (MAFF)<br />

an IH-RFQ resonator is under construction. This resonator will operate<br />

at a resonance frequency of 101.28 MHz, which is the upper frequency<br />

limit for those structures and with a maximum duty cycle of 10%. The<br />

MAFF IH-RFQ will accelerate ions with A/q < 6.5 from 3 keV/u injection<br />

energy to about 300 keV/u. Intensive simulations with MWS and<br />

PARMTEQ have been performed to reach a final design for the resonator.<br />

A short model has been built and low level r.f. measurements are in<br />

progress to test the calculations. The mechanical design has been confirmed<br />

and the full power cavity will soon be ordered. The injection<br />

scheme for MAFF has been modified to allow the installation of a low<br />

frequency multi-harmonics buncher allowing thus more time separation<br />

between main bunches. A new layout of the accelerator facility will be<br />

presented.<br />

HK 12.18 Tue 13:30 Foyer<br />

Magnetic field stabilization by a Helmholtz-like coil configuration<br />

— •Henneck R., S. Czekaj, M. Daum, P. Fierlinger, Z.<br />

Hochman, M. Kasprzak, K. Kohlik, K. Kirch, M. Kuzniak, G.<br />

Kuehne, D. George, A. Pichlmaier, A. Siodmok, A. Szelc, and<br />

L. Tanner — PSI<br />

For highly sensitive measurements of the neutron electric dipole moment<br />

(EDM) the magnetic field has to be stable on a level below picoTesla.<br />

One of several measures we employ to achieve this (apart from<br />

passive mu-metal shielding with shaking, resonance frequency stabilization,<br />

internal field stabilization, multi-chamber system) is to use an external<br />

field coil system which can stabilize the ambient external field at<br />

a predefined value. Here we report on the construction and characterization<br />

of such a system in the magnetic test facility at PSI. The system<br />

actively stabilizes the field along the axis of the EDM experiment by<br />

means of 4 coils in a Helmholtz-like configuration. Additional coils serve<br />

to compensate for transverse ambient field components. Due to the 4coil<br />

geometry large magnetic suppression factors are expected. Because<br />

of the long integration times in the EDM experiment (about 100 s or<br />

more) only slow disturbances have to be corrected for. The performance<br />

of the system has been measured using static as well as moving magnetic<br />

sources and suppression factors in excess of 200 have been observed.<br />

HK 12.19 Tue 13:30 Foyer<br />

Proton detection in aSPECT — •Gerd Petzoldt 1 , Stefan<br />

Baeßler 2 , Jim Byrne 3 , Ferenc Glück 2 , Joachim Hartmann 1 ,<br />

Werner Heil 2 , Raquel Muñoz Horta 2 , Igor Konorov 1 , Marius<br />

Orlowski 2 , Yuri Sobolev 2 , Maurits van der Grinten 3 , and<br />

Oliver Zimmer 1 — 1 Physik Department E18, Technische Universität<br />

München — 2 Institut für Physik, Universität Mainz — 3 University of<br />

Sussex, Falmer, Brighton, UK<br />

Present neutron decay data indicates that unitarity tests of the<br />

Cabbibo-Kobayashi-Maskara matrix fail by about 3σ. With the retardation<br />

spectrometer aSPECT, we will measure the electron-antineutrino<br />

correlation coefficient in neutron decay a by determinig the shape of the<br />

proton recoil spectrum, which is sensitive to a. We hope to increase<br />

the precision of the measurement by at least one order of magnitude,<br />

compared to older experiments. Determinig the upper left element Vud<br />

from a will allow an independent test of CKM unitarity.<br />

The measurement requires a very sensitive detection system. We will<br />

use segmented Si-PIN diodes, which allows us to supress correlated electron<br />

background by applying an E×B drift in front of the detector. The<br />

structure also reduces capacitive noise of the detector. For the readout<br />

of the detector, a fast, low-noise electronics has been developped.<br />

The detection system and calculations on the systematic effects on a<br />

to be expected from the detector properties, will be presented in this<br />

poster.<br />

This work is supported by the MLL Garching and the BMBF.<br />

HK 12.20 Tue 13:30 Foyer<br />

Design of the new Crystal-Barrel forward cone — •Philipp<br />

Hoffmeister and Christoph Wendel for the CBELSA collaboration<br />

— Helmholtz-Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik der RFWU Bonn,<br />

53115 Bonn<br />

The main purpose of the Crystal-Barrel detector at ELSA is to investigate<br />

the structure of hadrons. A barrel-shaped setup of CsI-Crystals is<br />

used, allowing the investigation of multi-photon final states. Since the<br />

Crystal-Barrel is a ”fixed target” experiment, the forward direction demands<br />

special attention. Until the end of 2003, the TAPS detector was<br />

used to cover the inner 30 ◦ of the forward direction. The loss of the TAPS<br />

detector made it necessary to construct a new forward calorimeter with<br />

fast trigger capabilities for photons and charged particles. Therefore the<br />

pre-TAPS Crystal-Barrel setup is modified by replacing the photodiode<br />

readout with fast photomultipliers and a redesigned electronic backend,<br />

providing a trigger fast enough to cope with the high photon flux used<br />

in the experiment. Additionally two thin layers of szintillating material<br />

with fibre readout are placed in front of the crystals, providing a fast<br />

trigger for charged particles.<br />

This poster will describe in detail these modifications and the design of<br />

the new Forward Plug.<br />

HK 12.21 Tue 13:30 Foyer<br />

The Frankfurt Funneling Experiment — •Jan Thibus, Ulrich<br />

Bartz, Norbert Müller, Alwin Schempp, and Holger Zimmermann<br />

— Institut für Angewandte Physik, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-<br />

Universität, Robert-Mayer-Str. 2-4, D-60054 Frankfurt am Main, Germany<br />

Funneling is a procedure to multiply beam currents at low energies<br />

which is required for the proposed new high current accelerator facilities<br />

like HIDIF or ESS. Funneling can be done using several stages in which<br />

multiple beams are merged to a common beam axis. Thus very high<br />

energies and beam currents can be achieved. The main goal is to keep<br />

the emittance nearly unchanged. The Frankfurt Funneling Experiment<br />

consists of two ion sources, a Two-Beam RFQ accelerator, two different<br />

funneling deflectors and a beam diagnostic equipment system. The<br />

whole set-up is scaled in He + instead of Bi + of the first funneling stage<br />

of a HIIF driver. The progress of our experiment and the results of the<br />

simulations will be presented.<br />

HK 12.22 Tue 13:30 Foyer<br />


FOR GSI — •Benjamin Hofmann, Lutz Brendel, Kai-Uwe<br />

Kuehnel, and Alwin Schempp — IAP Frankfurt<br />

Part of the future project of GSI is a p- linac for the production of<br />

anti-protons. The first component of this linac is a 4- Rod-RFQ operating<br />

at 350 MHz. Design studies have been made using the Parmteq- and<br />

Microwave Studio code to optimize the field distribution and symmetry.<br />

A short copper model has been built for field measurements. Results of<br />

the design studies will will be presented.<br />

HK 12.23 Tue 13:30 Foyer<br />

Measurements on a focusing drift tube cavity — •Kai-Uwe<br />

Kuehnel 1 , Carsten Peter Welsch 2 , and Alwin Schempp 1 —<br />

1 IAP Frankfurt — 2 MPI-K Heidelberg<br />

The efficiency of RFQs decreases at higher particle energies. The DTL<br />

structures used in this energy regions have a defocusing influence on<br />

the beam. To achieve a focusing effect, fingers with quadrupole symmetry<br />

were added to the drift tubes. Driven by the same power supply<br />

as the drift tubes, the fingers do not need an additional power source or<br />

feedthrough. The beam dynamics have been calculated with PARMTEQ<br />

and the rf properties have been examined using Microwave Studio. A<br />

compact spiral loaded cavity with four accelerating gaps has been built<br />

for light ions with an energy of 2 MeV/u. The overall length of the cavity<br />

is 0.36 m with a cell length of 61 mm. The design frequency is 160 MHz.<br />

The results of the low level measurements as well as bead pertubation<br />

measurements are shown.<br />

HK 12.24 Tue 13:30 Foyer<br />

LORD of the Rings — •Carsten Welsch 1 , Joachim Ullrich 1 ,<br />

Kai-Uwe Kühnel 2 , Christian Gläßner 2 , Alwin Schempp 2 , and<br />

Horst Schmidt-Böcking 3 — 1 Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik,<br />

Heidelberg — 2 Institut fuer Angewandte Physik, Frankfurt — 3 Institut<br />

fuer Kernphysik, Frankfurt

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