Sessions - DPG-Tagungen

Sessions - DPG-Tagungen

Sessions - DPG-Tagungen


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Nuclear Physics Monday<br />

HK 4.9 Mon 18:00 C<br />

Experimental Investigations of Advanced Cold Moderators and<br />

Comparison with MCNPX Simulations — •K. Nuenighoff for<br />

the JESSICA collaboration — Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, 52425<br />

Jülich<br />

The aim of the JESSICA experiment at the Jülich proton accelerator<br />

COSY is the investigation of the characteristics of advanced cold moderators<br />

for spallation neutron sources. In this contribution we will present<br />

the neutron energy spectra for methane hydrate and mesitylene and discuss<br />

the advantages and disadvantages of both materials. We will furhter<br />

show first comparisons of the measured energy spectra of an ice moderator<br />

at different temperatures with Monte-Carlo simulations performed<br />

with MCNPX applying new developed neutron scattering kernels. Further<br />

we will show the wavelength dependent time-of-flight spectra for<br />

selected materials, like ice, methane-hydrate, and mesitylene.<br />

HK 4.10 Mon 18:15 C<br />

Determination of RBE of low-energy X-rays at ELBE — •Anna<br />

Panteleeva 1 , Wolfgang Enghardt 1 , Elisabeth Lessmann 1 ,<br />

Jörg Pawelke 1 , Wolfgang Wagner 1 , and Wolfgang Dörr 2 —<br />

1 Forschungszentrum Rossendorf — 2 Technical University of Dresden<br />

The precise determination of the relative biological effectiveness (RBE)<br />

of low-energy X-rays is important because of their wide application in diagnostic<br />

radiology (particularly mammography) and radiotherapy (e. g.<br />

brachytherapy). The RBE of both 10 kV and 25 kV X-rays relative to 200<br />

kV X-rays by X-ray tube irradiation was found to be in the range from 1.0<br />

to 1.4, depending on the used radiation quality, cell line and the biological<br />

endpoint. In order to study in detail the RBE dependence on photon<br />

energy, the investigations will be continued at a monochromatic X-ray<br />

source. The installation of an intensive, tunable, quasi-monochromatic<br />

source in the energy range 10 - 100 keV is currently under progress at<br />

HK 5 Theory I<br />

the ELBE accelerator at Forschungszentrum Rossendorf. X-rays are produced<br />

by channeling of a relativistic electron beam in a diamond crystal.<br />

The status of the commissioning of the radiation source will be presented,<br />

such as the experimental verification of the theoretical calculation of the<br />

spatial energy and intensity distribution. Furthermore, a monochromator,<br />

designed to minimize the contribution of the background radiation<br />

to the dose in the cell target, will be presented.<br />

HK 4.11 Mon 18:30 C<br />

Upgrade of the 30 ◦ forward cone of the Crystal-Barrel-Detector<br />

— •Christian Funke for the CBELSA collaboration — Helmholtz-<br />

Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik der RFWU Bonn, 53115 Bonn<br />

The Crystal-Barrel experiment at ELSA is used to investigate the<br />

structure of hadrons by electromagnetic probes. The 4π-geometry of this<br />

electromagnetic calorimeter especially predestines this experiment for the<br />

research on multi-photon final states. Due to it’s setup as a ”fixed target”<br />

experiment an efficient trigger for particles (photons and protons<br />

in our case) and their energy determination under small forward angles<br />

is a subject of great importance. The TAPS detector covering the 30 ◦<br />

forward angle provided this functionality until December 2003. To maintain<br />

this ability a new forward-detector based on the 90 CsI-(Tl) crystals<br />

of the original Crystal-Barrel configuration is under development. The<br />

existing photodiode based readout is replaced by fast photomultipliers<br />

and matching back-end electronics. Additionally the front of the crystals<br />

facing the reaction target will be outfitted with 2 additional layers of<br />

plastic-scintillators which allow to trigger on and separate charged particles.<br />

In order to provide (pre-)trigger signals for the data acquisition<br />

system a fast SRAM-based cluster-finder-logic is being developed. This<br />

talk summarizes the current status and capabilities of this new forwarddetector.<br />

This project is supported by the DFG.<br />

Time: Monday 15:45–18:45 Room: D<br />

Group Report HK 5.1 Mon 15:45 D<br />

Novel approach to nuclear forces from effective field theory —<br />

•Ulf-G. Meißner 1,2 , Evgeny Epelbaum 3 , and Walter Glöckle 4<br />

— 1 HISKP (Th), Universität Bonn, Bonn, Germany — 2 IKP (Th), FZ<br />

Jülich, Jülich, Germany — 3 Jefferson Lab, TH Div, Newport News, USA<br />

— 4 RUB, TP II, Bochum, Germany<br />

We report on a new formulation to calculate the forces between two,<br />

three, . . . nucleon from chiral effective field theory. We have developed<br />

a cut-off scheme for pion loop integrals, in particular the two-pion exchange,<br />

based on spectral function regularization [1]. This scheme allows<br />

for a consistent implementation of the constraints from pion-nucleon scattering.<br />

It leads to a much improved description of the partial waves with<br />

l ≥ 2 compared to the calculation utilizing dimensional regularization.<br />

We have also studied the low partial waves and deuteron properties at<br />

next-to-leading order [2] and find an overall good description of the twonucleon<br />

force. We also show that the numerical values of the coupling<br />

constants of the four-nucleon contact operators, that are determined from<br />

a fit to the low partial waves, can be understood in terms of resonance<br />

saturation. This allows for a connection with more conventional boson<br />

exchange phenomenology. At this meeting, we present results for the<br />

partial waves and deuteron properties obtained at N 3 LO [3], which are<br />

of the same precision as one obtains when employing the so–called high<br />

precision potentials.<br />

[1] E. Epelbaum et al., arXiv:nucl-th/0304037, Eur. Phys. J. A, in print<br />

[2] E. Epelbaum et al., arXiv:nucl-th/0308010, Eur. Phys. J. A, in print<br />

[3] E. Epelbaum, W. Glöckle and U.-G. Meißner, in preparation<br />

HK 5.2 Mon 16:15 D<br />

Can the D∗ sJ(2317) be explained as a DK molecule? — •Felix<br />

Sassen — IKP Theorie Forschungzentrum-Jülich, 52425 Jülich<br />

Applying the Blankenbecler Sugar scattering equation in the case of<br />

coupled DK- and D + s<br />

π-channels we find that a dynamically generated<br />

pole arises close to 2317 MeV, when we assume SU(4)-symmetry to relate<br />

the coupling parameters to the well known coupling parameters in<br />

the case of ππ-K ¯ K scattering. Our model relates in a natural way the<br />

contributions of D + s π scattering originating from this pole to the contributions<br />

from the opening iso vector DK-channel, if we assume that<br />

isospin breaking only happens via the mass differences and ρω- as well as<br />

πη-mixing. We use the constrains coming from the BaBar, Cleo and Belle<br />

observations of the D ∗ sJ(2317) to give an estimate for the non molecular<br />

iso scalar contribution to the observed state.<br />

HK 5.3 Mon 16:30 D<br />

Glueball mixing in an effective field theoretical approach —<br />

•Francesco Giacosa, Thomas Gutsche, Valery Lyubovitskij,<br />

and Amand Faessler — Institut fuer Theoretische Physik, Auf der<br />

Morgenstelle 14, Geb. D, 72076 Tuebingen<br />

The search and the identification of the glueball is an open problem<br />

both from experimental and theoretical point of view. It is believed that<br />

the pure glueball mixes with its ”neigbouhrs”, scalar quark-antiquark<br />

states, giving rise to three resonances: f0(1310), f0(1500) and f0(1710);<br />

each of them is formed by gluon-gluon and quark-antiquark. The system<br />

is analyzed within an effective field theoretical approach in order to find<br />

the relation between the masses ”before” the mixing and those ”after”<br />

the mixing (which are the masses of the physicl states); also the composition<br />

of the resonances in terms of their gluon-gluon and quark-antiquark<br />

admixtures is evaluated. The goal is the calculation of the strong and<br />

the radiative deays of the physical resonances.<br />

HK 5.4 Mon 16:45 D<br />

Three-body spin-orbit forces from chiral two-pion exchange —<br />

•Norbert Kaiser — Physik Department T39, Technische Universität<br />

München, D-85747 Garching, Germany<br />

Using chiral perturbation theory, we calculate the density-dependent<br />

spin-orbit coupling generated by the two-pion exchange three-nucleon interaction<br />

involving virtual ∆-isobar excitation. From the corresponding<br />

three-loop Hartree and Fock diagrams we obtain an isoscalar spin-orbit<br />

strength Fso(kf) which amounts at nuclear matter saturation density to<br />

about half of the empirical value of 90 MeVfm 5 . The associated isovector<br />

spin-orbit strength Gso(kf) comes out about a factor of 20 smaller. Interestingly,<br />

this three-body spin-orbit coupling is not a relativistic effect but<br />

independent of the nucleon mass M. Furthermore, we calculate the threebody<br />

spin-orbit coupling generated by two-pion exchange on the basis of<br />

the most general chiral ππNN-contact interaction. We find similar (numerical)<br />

results for the isoscalar and isovector spin-orbit strengths Fso(kf)

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