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Sessions - DPG-Tagungen

Sessions - DPG-Tagungen


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Nuclear Physics Tuesday<br />

HK 15 Poster Session: Nuclear and Particle Astrophysics<br />

Time: Tuesday 13:30–15:30 Room: Foyer<br />

HK 15.1 Tue 13:30 Foyer<br />

Tritium related components of the KATRIN Experiment —<br />

•Frank Eichelhardt for the KATRIN collaboration — Universität<br />

Karlsruhe, Institut für exp. Kernphysik<br />

The KArlsruhe TRItium Neutrino experiment investigates spectroscopically<br />

the electron spectrum from tritium β decay 3 H → 3 He+e − +¯νe<br />

near its kinematical endpoint of 18.6keV. With a strong windowless<br />

molecular gaseous Tritium source (WGTS) and a high resolution electrostatic<br />

filter of unprecedented energy resolution, KATRIN will allow<br />

a model-independent measurement of neutrino masses with an expected<br />

sensitivity of 0.2eV (90% CL).<br />

The T2 injection rate into the WGTS is up to 0.4mbarls −1<br />

while the maximum allowed flow rate into the pre-spectrometer is<br />

2.5·10 −11 mbarls −1 . The necessary suppression of at least 10 10 has to be<br />

provided by differential pumping sections (DPS) and cryogenic pumping<br />

systems (CPS), which are located between source and spectrometer.<br />

This report focuses on the present status of the design of tritium related<br />

parts of KATRIN including the WGTS, DPS and CPS as well as on<br />

ongoing prototype measurements.<br />

Funded in part by the German BMBF Förderschwerpunkt Astroteilchenphysik<br />

under 05CK1VK1/7 and 05CK1UM1/5.<br />

HK 15.2 Tue 13:30 Foyer<br />

Investigations of trapping conditions in-between the MAC-E-<br />

Filters of the KATRIN experiment. — •Kathrin Essig for the<br />

KATRIN collaboration — Helmholtz-Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik,<br />

Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, D-53115 Bonn<br />

The KArlsruhe TRItium Neutrino experiment KATRIN[1] aims to determine<br />

the absolute mass of the electron antineutrino by measuring the<br />

endpoint region of the tritium-β-spectrum with sub-eV sensitivity. The<br />

KATRIN setup consists of two MAC-E-Filter (Magnetic Adiabatic Collimation<br />

followed by Electrostatic Filter) spectrometers, one low resolution<br />

pre-spectrometer followed by a high resolution main-spectrometer.<br />

The electric and magnetic field configurations of this lined up spectrometers<br />

yield to penning trap conditions for electrons. These trapped<br />

electrons are thought of as a major source of background events, hence<br />

their number has to be minimized. The aim of this talk is to discuss<br />

the trapping conditions of electrons based on computer simulations and<br />

to present methods to remove them or to minimize their storage time.<br />

Therefore cooling processes like synchrotron radiation and residual gas<br />

interactions due to elastic and inelastic scattering or ionization have been<br />

studied. Besides cooling there is still the option of an active removal of<br />

stored particles by the pre-spectrometer’s electric dipole fields.<br />

Supported by the BMBF under contract 05CK2PD1/5.<br />

[1] A. Osipowicz et al. (KATRIN coll.), hep-ex/0109033<br />

HK 15.3 Tue 13:30 Foyer<br />

Background measurements with the Mainz Neutrinomassexperiment<br />

— •Björn Flatt for the KATRIN collaboration — Johannes<br />

Gutenberg Universität, 55099 Mainz<br />

After the completion of the tritium runs with the Mainz Neutrinomassexperiment<br />

in 2001 the spectrometer was devoted to background<br />

studies in perspective of the successor experiment KATRIN (KArlsruhe<br />

TRItium Neutrino experiment). These studies include the modifications<br />

of the electrode systems and measurements with artificial background<br />

sources, e.g. X-rays induced and decay of 83 Kr in the spectrometer and<br />

aim to understand the background of MAC-E-Filters (Magnetic Adiabatic<br />

Collimation and Electrostatic Filter) by stored particles and by<br />

electrons from the electrodes and the walls induced by cosmic rays or<br />

radioactive impurities.<br />

In the talk the results of the measurements and the implications for<br />

KATRIN will be shown.<br />

Supported by BMBF Förderschwerpunkt Astroteilchenphysik under<br />

Nr. 05CK1VK1/7 and 05CK1UM1/5.<br />

HK 15.4 Tue 13:30 Foyer<br />

Beam induced background at the LUNA 400 kV underground<br />

accelerator facility — •Daniel Bemmerer for the LUNA collaboration<br />

— Institut für Atomare Physik und Fachdidaktik, Technische<br />

Universität Berlin, Germany<br />

At the LUNA 400 kV accelerator facility [1] at Laboratori Nazionali<br />

del Gran Sasso, Italy, the background due to cosmic ray induced muons<br />

is reduced by six orders of magnitude due to the rock overburden. In order<br />

to study radiative-capture cross sections at astrophysically relevant<br />

energies, also the background induced by the ion beam itself has to be<br />

reduced. Currently, the 14 N(p,γ) 15 O reaction is being investigated by the<br />

LUNA collaboration using a windowless gas target system [2]. In preparation<br />

for these studies, background from the 2 D(p,γ) 3 He, 13 C(p,γ) 14 N<br />

and other reactions has been identified, localized and significantly reduced.<br />

[1] A. Formicola et al., Nucl. Inst. Meth. A 507 (2003) 609-616.<br />

[2] C. Casella et al., Nucl. Inst. Meth. A 489 (2002), 160-169.<br />

HK 15.5 Tue 13:30 Foyer<br />

GENIUS Test Facility Started in GRAN SASSO. — •Irina<br />

Krivosheina, Hans Volker Klapdor-Kleingrothaus, Oleg<br />

Chkvorets, Claudia Tomei, and Herbert Strecker —<br />

Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik, Saupfercheckweg 1, D-69117<br />


The first four naked high purity Germanium detectors were installed<br />

successfully in liquid nitrogen in the GENIUS-Test-Facility (GENIUS-<br />

TF) in the GRAN SASSO Underground Laboratory on May 5, 2003.<br />

This is the first time ever that this novel technique aiming at extreme<br />

background reduction in search for rare decays is going to be tested underground.<br />

First operational parameters are presented.<br />

HK 15.6 Tue 13:30 Foyer<br />

Metal loaded liquid scintillators — •Christian Buck, F.X. Hartmann,<br />

D. Motta, S. Schönert, and U. Schwan — Max Planck<br />

Institut für Kernphysik, Saupfercheckweg 1, 69117 Heidelberg<br />

The development of metal based liquid scintillator systems is important<br />

towards the next generation low energy solar neutrino, reactor antineutrino<br />

and double-beta decay experiments. One approach to develop<br />

stable scintillator systems containing In (solar neutrinos), Gd (reactor<br />

neutrinos) or Nd (neutrinoless double-beta decay) is the use of metal<br />

beta-diketonate complexes.<br />

The optical properties of these metal loaded scintillators will be reported.<br />

Furthermore the energy transfer between the various components<br />

in a liquid scintillator will be discussed. The In-system was investigated<br />

in most detail. Results of a highly loaded In-scintillator used in a prototype<br />

detector at the underground laboratory in Gran Sasso, Italy will be<br />

presented.<br />

HK 15.7 Tue 13:30 Foyer<br />

A Prediction of Cosmic Rays from Nearby Black Holes’ Activity<br />

— •Oana Tascau, Peter Biermann, and Ralf Ulrich —<br />

MPIFR<br />

The Falcke Biermann model of a jet disk which explain the radio to<br />

infrared spectrum of the black hole camdidate was apply for many relativistic<br />

jet systems and in this pariculary case for the radio emission at<br />

the base of the jet of the black holes candidates within 50 Mpcs. The<br />

data from AGASA and HiRes were fitted showing a possible difference<br />

in spectrum between north and south.

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