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Sessions - DPG-Tagungen


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Nuclear Physics Tuesday<br />

HK 19 Nuclear Structure/Spectroscopy III<br />

Time: Tuesday 15:30–18:30 Room: D<br />

Group Report HK 19.1 Tue 15:30 D<br />

Fine Structure of the Isoscalar Giant Quadrupole Resonance<br />

High-Resolution Inelastic Proton Scattering Experiments ∗ —<br />

•A. Shevchenko 1 , J. Carter 2 , R.W. Fearick 3 , S.V. Förtsch 4 ,<br />

Y. Fujita 5 , D. Lacroix 6 , J.J. Lawrie 4 , Y. Kalmykov 1 , P. von<br />

Neumann-Cosel 1 , V.Yu. Ponomarev 1 , A. Richter 1 , F.D. Smit 4 ,<br />

and J. Wambach 1 — 1 Institut für Kernphysik, Technische Universität<br />

Darmstadt, Germany — 2 School of Physics, University of the Witwatersrand,<br />

Johannesburg, South Africa — 3 Physics Department, University<br />

of Cape Town, South Africa — 4 iThemba LABS, Somerset West, South<br />

Africa — 5 Physics Department, University of Osaka, Japan — 6 LPC<br />

Caen, France<br />

Fine structure of giant resonances carries important information on the<br />

coherent motion of nucleons in collective modes of excitations and on the<br />

role of different damping mechanisms of giant resonances. A systematic<br />

study of the fine structure of giant resonances for the example of the IS-<br />

GQR was carried out using high-resolution inelastic proton scattering at<br />

iThemba LABS on a variety of closed-shell and deformed nuclei. The fine<br />

structure is established as a global phenomenon. Novel wavelet analysis<br />

methods have been developed for the extraction of characteristic energy<br />

scales of the fluctuations in the fine structure. New experimental results<br />

will be presented together with an interpretation of their physical nature<br />

based on various microscopic approaches including the coupling to complex<br />

configurations.<br />

∗ Supported by DFG, contracts SFB 634 and 445 SUA-113/6/0-1, and by<br />

the South African FRD.<br />

Group Report HK 19.2 Tue 16:00 D<br />

Dipole strength distributions in neutron-rich nuclei —<br />

•Nadezhda Tsoneva and Horst Lenske — Institut für Theoretische<br />

Physik, Universität Giessen, 35392 Giessen, Germany<br />

Dipole excitations below the neutron threshold in neutron-rich nuclei<br />

are studied microscopically by a method combining self-consistent<br />

mean-field results from Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) theory and the<br />

Quasiparticle-Phonon Model (QPM). Including up to three-phonon components<br />

in the model configuration space, a realistic description of nuclear<br />

spectra and their fragmentation pattern up to the particle threshold is<br />

obtained. Of special interest are the low-lying two-phonon 1 − states and<br />

the Pygmy Dipole Resonance (PDR). The evolution of the PDR strength<br />

in relation to the neutron skin thickness is investigated over the Z=50 isotopic<br />

and N=82 isotonic chains. For Sn isotopes a close correlation of the<br />

PDR excitation energy and transition strength with the neutron excess<br />

was found. The PDR strength increases with the neutron number while<br />

the centroid energy decreases. By comparison to the radii of HFB ground<br />

state densities a correlation with the size of the neutron skin could be<br />

identified. Hence, the PDR strength establishes a clear signature for the<br />

neutron skin size. The good agreement of our results with experiments<br />

confirms the success of such a microscopically inspired description. For<br />

the N=81 isotope 137 Ba with one neutron-hole in the closed N=82 shell<br />

the distribution of the low-lying dipole strength is studied microscopically<br />

within the framework of the QPM including quasiparticle+two-phonon<br />

coupling. The results are compared with recent experimental data from<br />

Darmstadt and Stuttgart. Work supported by DFG.<br />

HK 19.3 Tue 16:30 D<br />

New Insights into the Nuclear Structure of 42,44,46 Ca from g<br />

Factor and B(E2) measurements of 2 + 1 States + — •S. Schielke 1 ,<br />

K.-H. Speidel 1 , O. Kenn 1 , J. Leske 1 , D. Hohn 1 , H. Hodde 1 , J.<br />

Gerber 2 , P. Maier-Komor 3 , O. Zell 4 , Y.Y. Sharon 5 , and L.<br />

Zamick 5 — 1 Helmholtz-Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik, Univ.<br />

Bonn — 2 Institut de Recherches Subatomiques, Strasbourg, France —<br />

3 Physik-Dept. TU München — 4 Institut für Kernphysik, Univ. Köln —<br />

5 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers Univ., USA<br />

The low-level structure of calcium isotopes is generally characterized<br />

by the valence neutrons in the fp shell and a 40 Ca core. The gradual<br />

filling of the f7/2 shell with neutrons for 42,44,46 Ca, between doubly-magic<br />

40 Ca and 48 Ca, causes strong variations in the excitation energies and<br />

B(E2)’s of their 2 + 1 states. If fp shell neutrons are the dominant components<br />

in the nuclear wave functions one expects for these states negative g<br />

factor values (g ≃ −0.4). From recent g factor measurements, employing<br />

projectile Coulomb excitation and the transient field technique, however,<br />

very surprising results were obtained. For 42,44 Ca(2 + 1 ) positive values of<br />

g factors were observed which could only be explained by shell model calculations<br />

including substantial cross-shell configurations from 40 Ca core<br />

excitation [1]. In contrast, a recent first measurement on 46 Ca(2 + 1 ), using<br />

an enriched 46 Ca beam, however, yielded a negative g factor, in complete<br />

disagreement with the positive value prediction. Evidently, in this case<br />

the valence neutrons of the fp shell play the dominant role.<br />

+ supported by the DFG under Sp 190/9-2<br />

[1] S. Schielke et al., Phys. Lett. B 571(2002)29<br />

HK 19.4 Tue 16:45 D<br />

Fragmentation of the E1 two-phonon strengths in odd-mass nuclei<br />

near the N=82 shell closure — •M. Scheck 1 , H. von Garrel<br />

1 , P. von Brentano 2 , C. Fransen 2 , G. Friessner 2 , N. Hollmann<br />

2 , J. Jolie 2 , U. Kneissl 1 , C. Kohstall 1 , A. Linnemann 2 , D.<br />

Mücher 2 , N. Pietralla 2 , H.H. Pitz 1 , F. Stedile 1 , C. Stoyanov 3 ,<br />

N. Tsoneva 3,4 , S. Walter 1 , and V. Werner 2 — 1 Inst. für Strahlenphysik,<br />

Universität Stuttgart — 2 Inst. für Kernphysik, Universität zu<br />

Köln — 3 INRNE, Sofia — 4 Inst. für Theor. Physik, Universität Giessen<br />

Quadrupole-octupole coupled two-phonon E1 excitations (2 + ⊗3 − ) represent<br />

the dominant low-lying E1 excitations in spherical even-even nuclei<br />

near shell closures [1]. In the present studies the fragmentation of the<br />

dipole strength in odd-mass nuclei near the N=82 shell closure was investigated.<br />

The recent photon scattering experiments on 135,137 Ba, 139 La,<br />

and 141 Pr extend systematically our previous measurements on 143 Nd [2].<br />

All experiments were performed at the photon scattering facility of the<br />

4.3 MV Stuttgart Dynamitron using bremsstrahlung beams of 4 MeV<br />

end point energy. The fragmentation and partially observed reduction of<br />

the dipole strengths as compared to those in the neighboring even-even<br />

N=82 isotones [3] arediscussed and compared with our similar results for<br />

nuclei near the Z=50 shell closure (see [4]).<br />

[1] W. Andrejtscheff et al., Phys. Lett. B 506, 239 (2001).<br />

[2] A. Zilges et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 2880 (1993).<br />

[3] R.-D. Herzberg et al., Nucl. Phys. A 592, 211 (1995).<br />

[4] J. Bryssinck et al., Phys. Rev. C 65, 024313 (2002).<br />

Supported by DFG under contracts Kn 154/31 and Pi 393/1-2<br />

HK 19.5 Tue 17:00 D<br />

E1 strength distribution in N=82 nuclei ∗ — •S. Volz, M. Babilon,<br />

W. Bayer, D. Galaviz, T. Hartmann, A. Kretschmer,<br />

K. Lindenberg, S. Müller, D. Savran, K. Sonnabend, K. Vogt,<br />

and A. Zilges — Institut für Kernphysik, Technische Universität Darmstadt,<br />

Germany<br />

Recently much effort in theory and experiment has been spent to get<br />

a deeper insight into low lying electric dipole excitations between about<br />

5 and 10 MeV. This strength is usually denoted as Pygmy Dipole Resonance.<br />

A well suited experimental technique to determine the electric<br />

dipole strength distribution is Nuclear Resonance Fluorescence (NRF)<br />

[1]. With this method it was possible to determine the absolute transition<br />

strengths of excitations in the N=82 isotones 138 Ba, 140 Ce, and<br />

144 Sm [2]. In a recent experiment at the injector of the S-DALINAC at<br />

TU Darmstadt the nucleus 142 Nd has been measured and it is now possible<br />

to discuss a systematic trend of the mode. In addition calculations<br />

in the Quasi Particle Phonon Model will be presented [3,4].<br />

∗ supported by the DFG (SFB 634 and Zi510/2-2)<br />

[1] U. Kneissl et al., Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 37, 349 (1996)<br />

[2] A. Zilges et al., Phys. Lett. B 542, 43 (2002)<br />

[3] V.Yu. Ponomarev, private communication<br />

[4] N. Tsoneva, private communication<br />

HK 19.6 Tue 17:15 D<br />

Spectral Statistics of the Fine Structure of the Electric Pygmy<br />

Dipole Resonance in N = 82 Nuclei ∗ — •A. Heine 1 , J. Enders<br />

1 , T. Guhr 2 , P. von Neumann-Cosel 1 , V.Yu. Ponomarev 1 ,<br />

A. Richter 1 , S. Volz 1 , and J. Wambach 1 — 1 Institut für Kernphysik,<br />

Technische Universität Darmstadt, 64289 Darmstadt, Germany<br />

— 2 Matematisk Fysik, LTH, Lunds Universitet, SE-22100 Lund, Sweden<br />

We present the first statistical analysis of the fine structure of the<br />

electric pygmy dipole resonance. To this extent we analyzed a data<br />

set composed of 184 E1 transitions (levels and strengths) measured in<br />

the semimagic N = 82 isotones 138 Ba, 140 Ce, 142 Nd, and 144 Sm [1]. Mi-

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