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Sessions - DPG-Tagungen


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Nuclear Physics Tuesday<br />

excited 2 + state, but deviations are found to be large within the IBM.<br />

In a second approximation an inclusion of the B(E2) strengths of the<br />

2 + γ (in a vibrator the two-phonon 2 + ) state lead to an accuracy of the<br />

approximation within a few percent in the IBM. That means fitting a two<br />

parameter Hamiltonian to data, the value of K approx<br />

3 corresponds to the<br />

value of K3 with an accuracy of a few percent. K3 and the corresponding<br />

effective γ-deformation parameter are given for a collection of nuclei.<br />

[1] V. Werner et al., Phys. Lett. B 521 (2001) 146.<br />

∗ supported by the DFG under contract Br799/11-1<br />

HK 16.7 Tue 17:30 A<br />

First observation of the scissors mode decay to the γ-band in a<br />

well-deformed nucleus ∗ — •V. Werner 1 , N. Pietralla 2 , M.W.<br />

Ahmed 3 , P. von Brentano 1 , C. Fransen 1 , H. von Garrel 4 , U.<br />

Kneissl 4 , C. Kohstall 4 , A. Linnemann 1 , S. Müller 5 , H.H. Pitz 4 ,<br />

D. Savran 5 , M. Scheck 4 , F. Stedile 4 , A. Tonchev 3 , S. Walter 4 ,<br />

H.R. Weller 3 , and Y. Wu 3 — 1 Institut für Kernphysik, Universität<br />

zu Köln — 2 SUNY, Stony Brook, NY — 3 FELL, Dept. of Physics,<br />

Duke University, Durham, NC — 4 Institut für Strahlenphysik, Universität<br />

Stuttgart — 5 Institut für Kernphysik, TU Darmstadt<br />

Various experiments on 164 Dy in the 80’s and 90’s left ambiguities<br />

in the placement of some γ-transitions. Todays improved NRF setup<br />

in Stuttgart allowed a reinvestigation with increased sensitivity. γ-rays<br />

were observed in an experiment above the energy threshold of about 3<br />

MeV of the scissors mode, while the corresponding lines were missing<br />

when tuning the maximum energy of the incident photons just below<br />

that energy. Another experiment was performed at the new NRF setup<br />

[1] at the FELL at Duke University using an almost monochromatic and<br />

totally polarized photon beam. The polarization allowed firm parity assignments,<br />

and the well-defined energy ensured that one of the mentioned<br />

γ-rays stems from a so far only presumed level at 3.1 MeV. While the<br />

ground state decay of that level is unexpectedly weak, the observation<br />

backs a placement of so far unobserved decays of the scissors mode to the<br />

γ-band. Transition strengths are in agreement with IBM predictions.<br />

[1] N. Pietralla et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 (2002) 012502.<br />

∗ supported by the DFG under Br799/11-1, Kn153/31-2, and Pi 393/1-2.<br />

HK 16.8 Tue 17:45 A<br />

Investigation of Shape Coexistence in 106 Cd — •A. Linnemann,<br />

C. Fransen, J. Jolie, D. Mücher, and V. Werner — Institut für<br />

Kernphysik, Universität zu Köln<br />

Excellent examples of quasi-complete structures representing shape coexistence<br />

have been observed during the last decade in the Cd-isotopes<br />

e.g. ref[1]. These isotopes form a great test of shape coexistence as here<br />

the intruder states have their lowest excitation energy (at mid shell) exactly<br />

at the line of stability. This allows the unique possibility to study<br />

the six even-even Cd isotopes in an complete way as possible. We have<br />

studied recently the lightest stable of those, 106 Cd, using the reactions<br />

104 Pd(α, 2n) 106 Cd, 105 Pd( 3 He, 2n) 106 Cd and the β-decay 106 Cd(p, n) 106 In<br />

with the HORUS-Spectrometer at the Cologne FN-Tandem accelerator.<br />

First results of the analysis will be presented.<br />

[1] M. Kadi, N. Warr, P. E. Garrett, J. Jolie, S. W. Yates, Phys. Rev.<br />

C68 (2003) 031306<br />

HK 16.9 Tue 18:00 A<br />

Search for Hyperdeformation in 126 Ba ∗ — •A.K. Singh 1 , A. Al-<br />

Khatib 1 , A. Bürger 1 , P. Bringel 1 , H. Hübel 1 , A. Neußer 1 ,<br />

G.B. Hagemann 2 , B. Herskind 2 , C.R. Hansen 2 , G. Sletten 2 , D.<br />

Curien 3 , A. Maj 4 , A. Lopez-Martens 5 , A. Bracco 6 , P. Fallon 7 ,<br />

and B.M. Nyakó 8 for the EUROBALL collaboration — 1 HISKP, Univ.<br />

Bonn, Germany — 2 NBI, Copenhagen, Denmark — 3 IReS, Strasbourg,<br />

France — 4 IFJ, Krakow, Poland — 5 CSNSM, Orsay, France — 6 Univ.<br />

Milano, Italy — 7 LBNL, Berkely, USA — 8 ATOMIKI, Debrecen, Hungary<br />

A previous search for hyperdeformation in 126 Ba using the GAMMA-<br />

SPHERE array at Berkeley led to the observation of a narrow ridge<br />

structure in the γ-ray continuum corresponding to rotational bands with<br />

a large moment of inertia. This motivated us to search for hyperdeformation<br />

with the EUROBALL spectrometer at IReS, Strasbourg. Two<br />

experiments were performed using the 64 Ni + 64 Ni reaction at beam<br />

energy of 255 and 261 MeV. The first experiment was performed with<br />

EUROBALL in combination with the large volume BaF2 detector array<br />

HECTOR to measure GDR transitions between the highly deformed<br />

states. The second experiment was done in combination with the charged<br />

particle detector DIAMANT for a better selection of reaction channels.<br />

The search for hyperdeformed structures both in the continuum and in<br />

the discrete γ-ray spectrum is going on. So far no convincing discreteline<br />

bands with appropriate statistical significance have been found. ∗<br />

Supported by BMBF (06 BN 907), (Hu 325/10) and EU<br />

HK 16.10 Tue 18:15 A<br />

Microsecond Isomers in the Heavy Indium Isotopes — •A.<br />

Scherillo 1,2 , J. Pinston 3 , J. Genevey 3 , G.S. Simpson 2 , H.<br />

Faust 2 , and J. Jolie 1 — 1 Insitut für Kernphysik, Universität zu Köln,<br />

Köln, Germany — 2 ILL, Grenoble, France — 3 LPSC, Grenoble, France<br />

To extend our knowledge on the structure of the heavy Indium isotopes,<br />

which is very scarse, their microsecond isomers were investigated.<br />

These nuclei were produced by thermal-neutron-induced fission of 239 Pu<br />

and 241 Pu, and separeted using the LOHENGRIN spectrometer at ILL<br />

(Grenoble). The detection system was based on the time correlation<br />

between the incoming fission fragment and the γ-rays or conversion electrons<br />

emitted by the isomer. The decay schemes of the new yrast isomers<br />

in 129,128,127,125,123 In are presented. The experimental results were found<br />

to be in good agreement with a semi-empirical shell model calculation. A<br />

truncated configuration space was used, including only the orbitals πg9/2<br />

for the protons and νs1/2, νd3/2 and νh11/2 for the neutrons. The twobody<br />

matrix elements of the residual interaction were extracted, wherever<br />

possible, from experimental data.<br />

This work was supported by ILL and by the BMBF under research<br />

grant 06K-167/TP2.<br />

HK 17 Electromagnetic and Hadronic Probes II<br />

Time: Tuesday 15:30–18:30 Room: B<br />

Group Report HK 17.1 Tue 15:30 B<br />

New opportunities for hadron physics with the planned PANDA<br />

detector — •james ritman for the panda collaboration — II Phys.<br />

Inst. Univ. Giessen<br />

One of the main components of the approved GSI Future Facility is a<br />

high energy storage ring (HESR) that provides antiproton beams with<br />

unprecedented intensity and momentum definition for beam momenta<br />

between 1.0 and 15 GeV/c. Experiments with internal hydrogen and<br />

nuclear targets will be performed with the PANDA (Pbar ANnihilation<br />

experiemnt at DArmstadt) detector. The questions addressed include<br />

the search for exotic QCD states (glueballs and hybrids), precision spectroscopy<br />

of charmonium states, the properties of charm hadrons in nuclear<br />

matter, and high resolution spectroscopy of (double) hypernuclei.<br />

This talk will provide an overview of the design parameters and simulation<br />

results of the detector facility envisioned to pursue the experimental<br />

program.<br />

Group Report HK 17.2 Tue 16:00 B<br />

First measurements of transverse spin asymmetries at<br />

COMPASS — •Richard Webb 1 , Jens Bisplinghoff 2 , Franco<br />

Bradamante 3 , Wolfgang Eyrich 1 , Horst Fischer 4,5 , Rainer<br />

Joosten 2 , Anna Martin 3 , and Paolo Pagano 3 for the COMPASS<br />

collaboration — 1 Physikalisches Institut, Friedrich-Alexander-<br />

Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg — 2 Helmholtz-Institut für Strahl- und<br />

Kernphysik, Universität Bonn — 3 Università degli Studi and INFN,<br />

Trieste — 4 Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg — 5 CERN, Geneva<br />

COMPASS is a fixed target experiment on the SPS M2 beamline at<br />

CERN. Its 6 LiD target can be polarised both longitudinally and transversally<br />

with respect to the polarised 160GeV µ + beam. Approximately 20%<br />

of the beam-time in 2002 and 2003 was spent in the transverse configuration.<br />

The analysis of semi-inclusive deep inelastic events in transverse<br />

mode opens up a number of channels to investigate the transverse quark<br />

distribution function ∆Tq(x) and its associated structure function h1.<br />

One of these is the azimuthal asymmetry in single pion production, the<br />

so-called Collins effect. During the 2002 beam time COMPASS collected<br />

approximately 1.2 · 10 7 tranversely polarised SIDIS events, enabling a

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