Вінніпеґ Український № 8 (20) (October 2016)

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Ukraine. Україна<br />

aged 25 years and older with a bachelor’s degree or higher<br />

also is constantly growing. In 1940, only 5% of the population<br />

aged 25 and older had a bachelor’s or higher degree.<br />

By <strong>20</strong>09, this percentage has increased more than fivefold<br />

to 30% . So, before determining the conceptual content<br />

of education, the fundamental question should be solved:<br />

whom do we educate? Is it an independent person or a citizen<br />

of the state? As these two approaches are essentially<br />

oppositely-directed, trying to comply with both of them<br />

in the future may have the opposite effect .<br />

Charles Bourdieu believed that “cultural capital [consists<br />

of] forms of knowledge, skills, education and the<br />

benefits that a person has and which enable [him or her]<br />

a higher status in a society. By sharing with their children<br />

knowledge and traditions that are needed in the current<br />

educational system to succeed, parents provide them with<br />

cultural capital”.<br />

After many years of research and observation M. Hrondona<br />

elaborated the theory of economic development,<br />

which is a form of the cultural characteristics’ typology,<br />

that make it possible to compare cultures, encouraging the<br />

economic development (high level of cultural capital) and<br />

cultures that oppose it (low cultural capital). He believes<br />

that two ideal value systems can be constructed: one includes<br />

only the values that promote economic development,<br />

and the second – only those which oppose it.<br />

The country is modern if it has many values from the<br />

first system; it is as much traditional as it is close to the<br />

second set. Neither one nor the other value system really<br />

exists in its pure form, and no country fits completely<br />

into either category. However, some countries are close<br />

to having all the values that favor economic development,<br />

while others are close to the opposite extreme point. The<br />

actual value system is not only mixed, it also changes. If<br />

it moves toward the pole of favorable value scale, chances<br />

that the country will develop increase. If on the contrarily<br />

it shifts in the opposite direction, chances for the country’s<br />

economic development accordingly reduce” . This<br />

typology according to Harrison is based on the answer to<br />

one fundamental question: does the culture encourage the<br />

belief that people can influence on their own destiny, or<br />

does it support the “golden rule” ?<br />

If people believe that can change their destiny, they are<br />

likely to focus their attention on the future and see the<br />

world as a game with positive sum. They will give the high<br />

level of priority to education, follow work ethic, make<br />

savings, and show entrepreneurship skills and so on. At<br />

the same time they have to follow a fairly strict code of<br />

ethics, honor virtues, obey the laws, identify themselves<br />

with society, form social capital etc. However, if the vast<br />

majority in a society does not share these views, the chances<br />

of progress and evolution substantially reduce. A society<br />

that is not oriented to the future is not innovative<br />

in its core. Also, if moral standards are selective, so that<br />

people act according to the principle: for friends – everything,<br />

and for all the others – there is a law, there are no<br />

doubts about the degradation of legal system in the long<br />

term.<br />

Changes in culture, as well as democracy or market<br />

economy, cannot be imposed from outside. Progress turns<br />

out to be stable only when it is fueled from within a society.<br />

An important factor is the openness of a country and<br />

its people to ideological, political, technological and institutional<br />

changes that have made other societies successful.<br />

Till public awareness and such a society through education<br />

have not reached a certain critical level, till there is<br />

no sufficient accumulation of new knowledge and moral<br />

values, any external pressure will cause only increased<br />

resistance. According to the Canadian researcher Daniel<br />

Latouch, “it is impossible to achieve change in culture<br />

until the majority beliefs that there is “something wrong”<br />

with the culture and till there is a systematic discussion in<br />

society of how to change the situation. In order for culture<br />

to matter, first we must realize that it needs to change” .<br />

The recent events in Ukraine, in our opinion, are a good<br />

illustration of this thesis.<br />

However, let us note that changes in culture and “development”<br />

as it is now understood are inextricably<br />

linked . For the changes to happen it is necessary to develop<br />

and implement a well-coordinated program, which<br />

primarily would include good parenting, education and its<br />

modernization, media, real participation of the citizens in<br />

local government, religion and its reform, changes in business<br />

culture and political leadership, conscious support of<br />

democracy and market economy.<br />

The traditional models of education are passed from<br />

generation to generation, and this is mainly because the<br />

new generation of parents in educational approaches<br />

mainly relies on their own partly forgotten experience,<br />

on how their parents educated themselves. Actually, the<br />

traditional parenting is often the source, from which the<br />

child learns values, gets directions and adopts beliefs,<br />

which often interfere with the development and progress<br />

of the individual and society. According to researchers,<br />

parents can teach their children values that would lead<br />

them to democracy, social justice and prosperity.<br />

To educate children in the spirit of democratic ethics,<br />

it is necessary for the family to show that person himself<br />

is responsible for his future and can change his course<br />

of life. In order to do this, children should have feeling<br />

that they also have the right and opportunity to affect the<br />

family. Therefore, to raise children that can effectively<br />

control their destiny, it is important to consult with them,<br />

find out their opinion, listen to their advice or consider<br />

their preferences. It is no accident that psychologists call<br />

the parents who use such a model of upbringing, authoritative-democratic.<br />

However, according to researchers, it is important to<br />

help children understand that all the members of society<br />

should have equal powers to influence their own future.<br />

This is actually much more difficult task, because children<br />

need to understand the difference between profit<br />

and status symbols, on the one hand, and political priv-<br />

- ЖОВТЕНЬ <strong>20</strong>16 - <strong>Український</strong> <strong>Вінніпеґ</strong><br />


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