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PROF. M. M. NINAN<br />

monks<br />

Eusebius, Domnus, and Leo's legates are not present.<br />

Ibas, Irenaeus, Theodoret, and Domnus are all deposed<br />

Cyril's XII Anathematisms are solemnly ratified.<br />

September While a Synod is sitting on other matters in Rome, letters are received from<br />

Theodoret and Eusebius protesting against the Ephesian decisions, and Hilary brings<br />

his account of the Council.<br />

October In the name of the Roman Synod, Leo writes to Theodosius and Pulcheria protesting<br />

against the proceedings at Ephesus. He also writes to various Eastern bishops,<br />

bidding them stand fast.<br />

The Eutychians Anatolius and Maximus hold the sees of Constantinople and Antioch.<br />

450. February The Western Court visits Rome, and Leo persuades Valentinian III, his mother, Galla<br />

Placidia, and his wife, Eudoxia, to write to their Eastern kinsfolk, but it is all in vain.<br />

Theodosius confirms all that was done at Ephesus, and informs the West that all is<br />

well in the East.<br />

July<br />

Leo offers to recognize Anatolius if he will accept Cyril Ad Nest. II and his own Tome.<br />

There is no response.<br />

Theodosius dies from a fall from his horse<br />

He is succeeded by his sister, Pulcheria, who puts Chrysaphius to death and marries<br />

the senator Marcian. |xxviii<br />

Eutyches is put under restraint, and Flavian's body buried with honour in<br />

Constantinople.<br />

Theodoret and others are recalled from exile, and many of the bishops who supported<br />

Dioscorus at Ephesus explain that they did so under compulsion.<br />

November to<br />

June 451<br />

Correspondence between Pulcheria, Marcian, Anatolius, and Leo. Leo says the<br />

trouble is due to Dioscorus and Juvenal of Jerusalem, and can easily be settled<br />

without a Council, which would be difficult to arrange owing to the invasion of the<br />

Huns. Nevertheless, Pulcheria and Marcian summon a Council to meet at Nicaea in<br />

September.<br />

Leo appoints legates. Bishops assemble at Nicaea.<br />

Eutyches excommunicates Leo.<br />

Marcian cannot go so far as Nicaea for fear of Huns in Illyricum, and orders the<br />

bishops to move to Chalcedon.<br />

Strong measures are taken to exclude monks and laymen, and to keep order.<br />

451. October 8 Session I. Dioscorus is treated as defendant and accused by Eusebius of Dorylaeum.<br />

Theodoret is admitted as a bishop.<br />

The Minutes of the Latrocinium and of the Synod of Constantinople are read.<br />

Flavian's memory is vindicated, Dioscorus and his supporters are deposed, and the<br />

assembly bursts into singing the Trisagion----the first occasion on which it is known to<br />

have been used<br />

October 10 Session II---- mainly occupied with the discussion of Leo's Tome.<br />

October 13 Session III. Dioscorus is formally deprived of his episcopal dignity<br />

October 17 Session IV. The Council accepts 'The Rule of Faith as contained in the Creed of<br />

Nicaea, confirmed by the Council of Constantinople, expounded at Ephesus under<br />

Cyril, and set forth in the Letter of Pope Leo when he condemned the heresy of<br />

<strong>Nestorius</strong> and Eutyches'.<br />

October 22 Session V. The Definition of Chalcedon, under Roman and Imperial pressure, is<br />

amended so as definitely to exclude Eutychianism, and as adopted includes the<br />

following words: 'Following therefore the holy Fathers, we all teach, with one accord,<br />

one and the same Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, . . . who for us men and for our<br />

salvation, according to the manhood, was born of the Virgin Mary the God-bearer, 26<br />


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