BizBahrain April 2016

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Health && Wellness Wellness<br />

your brain enough time to recieve the<br />

"i'm full" signal, which can arrive too<br />

late after you have already eaten too<br />

much too fast. So take your time and<br />

enjoy your meal slowly.<br />

You should also focus on what you<br />

are eating and remember what and<br />

when you ate it, this will give you better<br />

control on your diet, for example if you<br />

are eating a snack infront of the tv,<br />

you will not realise how much you are<br />

eating maybe untill you have finished<br />

the whole bag of chips because you are<br />

not paying attention to what's going<br />

into your mouth.<br />

Reasons why you are not<br />

Losing Weight<br />

by Dr. Rehab kotb<br />

You think you are doing it all right<br />

and yet you are not losing weight?<br />

Then this article is for you.<br />

To lose weight you should basically<br />

eat less, burn more, and keep moving.<br />

Sounds simple but it's a little bit more<br />

complicated than that.<br />

Sometimes you cut back on the<br />

calories, and workout whenever you<br />

can but you struggle so hard to lose<br />

weight without success, so let's focus<br />

on bad daily habits that ruin diet, if<br />

you don't have breakfast thinking that<br />

it's a good way to take less calories, or<br />

you just don't have time for it, let me<br />

tell you you are wrong, having a good<br />

breakfast will inhance metabolism, you<br />

will not get so hungry during the day,<br />

and best of all you will have plenty of<br />

time to burn most of the calories you<br />

had for breakfast, and no, juice is not a<br />

good idea for a breakfast, actually it will<br />

make you feel more hungry later.<br />

Skipping breakfast or any other<br />

meal will cause you to consume more<br />

calories throughout the day, and will<br />

lead your body to store fats in order<br />

to compensate for the periods where<br />

you don't eat, so you should at least<br />

eat three proper meals every day, just<br />

make sure the timing and calory count<br />

is right.<br />

You are having too little or too<br />

much protein? Some people think that<br />

proteins are good to make them feel<br />

while consuming less calories, this<br />

is not true. They are important but<br />

having too much will cause the excess<br />

prootein to be stored as fat!. But still,<br />

they are very important so you should<br />

get your daily needs, and don't ditch<br />

protein completely.<br />

Another big mistake is to eat<br />

without chewing your food well, slow<br />

chewing will make you feel fuller with<br />

less food portions because it will give<br />

Don't fool yourself into thinking<br />

that workout has burnet enough<br />

calories for you, so that you can reward<br />

yourself with an unhealthy snack. This<br />

way you are losing the benefits from<br />

your excercise, and you might consume<br />

more calories than what you have lost.<br />

If your job requires setting on a<br />

disck long time, try moving around<br />

every hour.<br />

If you think your diet or your<br />

workout is boring, don't hesitate to<br />

change them, you can't commit to<br />

something you hate.<br />

And i can't stress enough the<br />

ipmortance of getting enough sleep,<br />

drinking enough water, and eating alot<br />

of vegetables.<br />

So don't pressure your self with<br />

a failing diet, make these little<br />

adjustments and you will see better<br />

results, just be patient because being<br />

healthy is totally worth it.<br />

Dr. Rehab kotb<br />

Write to me at<br />

rehab.bizbahrain@gmail.com<br />

80 May <strong>2016</strong>

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