Viva Lewes Issue #140 May 2018

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Facial<br />

rejuvenation<br />

Thousands of men and women receive wrinkle<br />

reduction injections every year and it’s the UK's most<br />

popular cosmetic treatment for the removal of<br />

wrinkles. Combining a quick procedure with<br />

undeniable results that relaxes the muscles of facial<br />

expression, wrinkles are made less visible, resulting in<br />

a more natural and rejuvenated look.<br />

Steven Kell and Fay Jones have attended Professor<br />

Bob Khanna's advanced course and are now bringing<br />

his techniques to <strong>Lewes</strong> and Sussex. Fay also provides<br />

Dermal Fillers.<br />

It is very important to discuss your goals and<br />

expectations before making a decision, and we want<br />

you to be fully and properly prepared.<br />

Our consultations are held at <strong>Lewes</strong> High Street<br />

Dental Practice. Consultations are totally confidential,<br />

and there is absolutely no obligation to proceed.<br />

60 High Street <strong>Lewes</strong> East Sussex<br />

01273 478240 | info@lewesdental.co.uk<br />

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