CEC October 2018[1]
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<strong>CEC</strong> News<br />
Oct <strong>2018</strong><br />
Insight into the happening at Countryside Equestrian Centre
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Introduction p 04<br />
Welcome p 07<br />
Birthdays p 08<br />
Article p 09<br />
Horse-pital p 10<br />
Neighs-Flash p 13<br />
Note to Lesson and<br />
Stabling Clients p 15<br />
Final Neigh p 18<br />
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The promise of rain has us all<br />
excited for the month ahead!<br />
Angus Bachman will also be<br />
visiting the area on 27 <strong>October</strong><br />
<strong>2018</strong> for a mass prayer effort<br />
during his ‘IT’S TIME’ campaign.<br />
Please note that our monthly<br />
newsletter is also available to<br />
read by means of a link on our<br />
whattsapp group for the stables.<br />
If you have not been added<br />
yet – please contact Melindi @<br />
084 760 8450 or Ulrike @ 071<br />
101 0033 to have your number<br />
added.<br />
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Welcome<br />
Luna Venter and Adrienne Cameron-Ellis<br />
started their riding careers during the month<br />
of September <strong>2018</strong> at <strong>CEC</strong>.<br />
A new face has arrived at the yard. The Grey<br />
TB gelding ‘Jamal’ AKA ‘Mr. Grey’ Can be<br />
visited at his stable, number 21 as well as the<br />
paddock where Foal Rover and his mother<br />
Arizona used to stay.<br />
We always have a variety of horses and<br />
ponies for sale and have recently updated<br />
our website again. For more info on all our<br />
available horses and ponies, please CLICK<br />
HERE.<br />
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Happy<br />
Birthday<br />
PLEASE EMAIL US countrysideEC@gmail.com)<br />
Rider Name:<br />
Jaden Barnard<br />
Bianca Botha<br />
Mia Erasmus<br />
Lewis Wadi (<strong>CEC</strong> Groom)<br />
Uwe Hermann<br />
Nkwenkwe Msha (<strong>CEC</strong> Groom)<br />
Ferdi Liddle<br />
Nita Botes<br />
Gratia-Mari Joubert<br />
Birthday:<br />
11-Oct<br />
13-Oct<br />
15-Oct<br />
16-Oct<br />
18-Oct<br />
22-Oct<br />
23-Oct<br />
25-Oct<br />
25-Oct<br />
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Article<br />
We encourage all our clients to read the following<br />
article.<br />
Please click here.<br />
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• All horses and ponies<br />
will be dewormed on<br />
Tuesday 23 <strong>October</strong> <strong>2018</strong>.<br />
exactly a month to decide if<br />
surgery will be needed at all.<br />
This is extremely good news!!<br />
• The vaccination of AHS 2 will take<br />
place on SATURDAY 27 <strong>October</strong><br />
<strong>2018</strong> due to our training show<br />
date which had to be moved.<br />
• Tracy had an infection in her<br />
udder which was resolved<br />
when an abscess formed<br />
and was drained by us.<br />
• River was taken to Onderstepoort<br />
on 1 <strong>October</strong> for his Hernia<br />
Repair and after the Surgeon<br />
on call examined him, he was<br />
very impressed by the progress<br />
that had been made. The<br />
hernia itself is smaller and the<br />
abdominal wall has thickened.<br />
He was Discharged the same<br />
day with instructions to keep<br />
his hernia belt on and be readmitted<br />
to Onderstepoort in<br />
• Mr Grey arrived with a ‘bang’.<br />
Due to being in a hurry to get out<br />
of the horsebox which he was<br />
travelling in from the previous<br />
owners, he slipped and fell and<br />
with his effort to get up, managed<br />
to smash his head through the<br />
side-window of the horsebox.<br />
Luckily no major injuries were<br />
sustained and Mr. Grey was<br />
treated for minor scratches and<br />
bruises.<br />
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Horse-pital<br />
• A lot of horses have been getting<br />
mange with the days getting<br />
warmer. We have been treating<br />
the horses with mange. If clients<br />
or mange without the following:<br />
Tick Grease, Iceman/deep<br />
ice/arnica ice, Wound aerosol<br />
(Purple spray), Wound ointment<br />
do not have the needed shampoo<br />
(dermavet/agrisulph),<br />
hoof<br />
in their horses’ box, we will treat<br />
your horse with our <strong>CEC</strong> product<br />
and an amount of R150 will be<br />
and sole hardener, Stockholm<br />
tar, milking cream, shampoo<br />
treatment for mange (F10).<br />
charged to your stabling invoice.<br />
you have the following items<br />
CLEARLY marked with your<br />
horse’s name in your horses’ box<br />
at their stable or paddock as we<br />
will not be able to properly treat<br />
minor wounds, tick infestations<br />
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Neighs-Flash<br />
Photos of our recent photoshoot are available on the Facebook<br />
page of Countryside Equestrian Centre which recently got to<br />
1000 LIKES. Thank you for the support guys!<br />
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• Manure is available for sale at<br />
R10 per bag. Horse manure<br />
mixed with shavings make<br />
a nice compost for gardens.<br />
Contact Melindi @ 084 760<br />
8450 to arrange for purchase.<br />
• Our venue is available<br />
for photoshoots and<br />
Birthday parties. Feel free<br />
to contact us for a quote.<br />
• PLEASE be considerate on our<br />
<strong>CEC</strong> chat group on Whattsapp.<br />
Only horse-related and <strong>CEC</strong><br />
related posts to be made on<br />
this group as many people<br />
leave groups that are too<br />
active with unrelated posts.<br />
• Please remember that there is<br />
ALWAYS a rider on horseback<br />
when entering the main gate<br />
which gives access to the<br />
premises of <strong>CEC</strong>. Please stick<br />
to the speed limit of 40 km/h<br />
and please be on the lookout for<br />
riders on horseback who might<br />
be riding around on the farm as<br />
well as our famous ‘bokkies’. We<br />
appreciate your consideration.<br />
• We always appreciate it when our<br />
clients have questions, concerns<br />
and comments about the stable<br />
yard. Please feel free to contact<br />
Melindi 084 760 8450,<br />
Nicolene 082 782 5830,<br />
Corinne 071 6755 496 or<br />
Ulrike 071 101 0033. Please<br />
Respect our business hours<br />
as we stop taking calls and<br />
responding to text / whattsapp<br />
messages from 6:30 pm. In<br />
the event of an emergency<br />
after hours eg. a Sick horse,<br />
the owner of said horse will be<br />
contacted in order to arrange<br />
veterinary or hospital care.<br />
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Note to Stabling<br />
& Lesson Clients<br />
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• Kim Dyson (the horses’<br />
chiropractor) will be visiting our<br />
horses again during the 3rd<br />
week of <strong>October</strong> <strong>2018</strong>. If you<br />
want to have your horse seen to,<br />
please inform Melindi or Ulrike.<br />
• We are trying to make<br />
arrangements for Andy Taylor<br />
(Saddle fitter) to visit <strong>CEC</strong> to<br />
have the saddles fitted again.<br />
Please send Melindi (084 760<br />
8450) a private whattsapp<br />
message if you would like<br />
your horses’ saddle fitted.<br />
• All the instructors have started<br />
catching up December riding<br />
lessons that will be missed<br />
when the riding school is closed<br />
from Monday 10 December –<br />
Sunday 6 January 2019. Each<br />
rider who rides once a week will<br />
have 4 lessons to be caught up<br />
in advance as our instructors<br />
work on a commission basis.<br />
• Ulrike will be attending<br />
Module 3 SANEF course<br />
(Stable management)<br />
from 15-18 <strong>October</strong> <strong>2018</strong>.<br />
• The SECOND vaccination<br />
for AHS will take place on<br />
SATURDAY 27 <strong>October</strong> <strong>2018</strong>.<br />
• <strong>CEC</strong> club shirts available at the<br />
office @ R450 per shirt.<br />
• Please keep our stable yard<br />
clean! There are dustbins set<br />
up strategically at different<br />
areas of the stable yard for this<br />
purpose. Smokers, also please<br />
remember to throw away<br />
cigarette butts as we have some<br />
of our old ponies grazing around<br />
the stable yard area and don’t<br />
want them to consume these.<br />
• NO rider is allowed to jump<br />
fences in the cross country area<br />
without an instructor present<br />
and the rider wearing a body<br />
protector. Remember guys<br />
that these jumps are SOLID,<br />
and should only be attempted<br />
under the watchful eye of one<br />
of our instructors. If you want to<br />
book a cross country jumping<br />
lesson, come chat to us at the<br />
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office so we can book you in.<br />
a late payment penalty of<br />
R150 will take effect and be<br />
billed with your next invoice.<br />
• If you are unable to make<br />
your payment by the 3rd<br />
day of the new month after<br />
receiving your invoice, PLEASE<br />
contact Melindi @ 084 760<br />
8450 in order to arrange<br />
payment procedure BEFORE<br />
the 3rd of each new month.<br />
• Please remember that NO<br />
RIDER is allowed on horseback<br />
at <strong>CEC</strong> WITHOUT wearing a<br />
RIDING HELMET! Please guys,<br />
this is for your own safety and<br />
most horse-related injuries<br />
are head injuries. Always<br />
better to be safe than sorry.<br />
• Riders having Lessons at<br />
Countryside Equestrian Centre<br />
– Please remember that we<br />
work on a 24 hour notice period<br />
for Cancellation of Lessons.<br />
It has happened a few times<br />
where riders don’t show up for<br />
their scheduled riding lesson<br />
where the horse / pony has been<br />
saddled up and is ready to work.<br />
In these events our instructors<br />
WILL NOT catch up the riding<br />
lesson missed unless in the<br />
event of an EMERGENCY. Our<br />
24 hour notice period enables<br />
the instructor to then book in<br />
another student who might<br />
have missed a lesson and<br />
thus the instructors’ time is not<br />
wasted as ALL our instructors<br />
work on a commission basis<br />
with regards to lessons given.<br />
• Clients: Please remember if<br />
you would like to discontinue<br />
riding lessons or stabling at<br />
<strong>CEC</strong> we need to receive one<br />
CALENDER months’ notice /<br />
payment in advance.<br />
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Final Neigh:<br />
Smile more, love more deeply<br />
and be kind always”<br />
~ Unknown<br />
Lovely <strong>CEC</strong> family, we would love your<br />
ideas and some inspiration for our <strong>CEC</strong><br />
year end function of 2019. Please feel free<br />
to send us your suggestions so we can<br />
make this a fun-filled event for everyone.<br />
Best Regards,<br />
The <strong>CEC</strong> team<br />
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Goodbye.<br />
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